On Noah’s other side is a shorter woman with the same auburn hair, cut roughly to her jawline. She’s much younger, maybe late-twenties, with a feral look about her which makes me think she’s about to shift and bite someone. Noah’s Second? At their backs is the rest of their pack. My eyes do a quick scan and guess maybe a dozen.
Cai nods his thanks as his mother, Sarah, steps up and greets them. Noah takes Sarah’s hand in his and lowers his head in a bow. ‘You have my sympathies.’ The other alpha’s voice is low, sharp. He releases his grip on Sarah without hesitation.
Sarah stands beside me and nods to her son.
‘This is Zenna,’ Cai says.
The could-be beta woman’s eyes shine, locked on the vines on my arms. ‘You’re fae.’
A low growl rips through Noah’s throat, sending the rest of the pack bristling.
I take a hurried step back, behind Sarah. Sarah grasps my hand tightly. ‘She—she’s our hybrid, Noah. Lexie, you remember. I told you about her when… when the kids were younger. This is Cai’s mate.’
Noah stiffens. ‘I thought that was a story, Sarah.’ His voice is heavy with reprimand. His eyes graze over me—what he can see of me behind Sarah—like razors. ‘A fae is no mate for a wolf.’ He looks to Mordecai. ‘No wonder you rejected her.’
A knife to my chest. That familiar wound.
Vale steps up to Cai’s side. ‘He’s accepted her.’
I glance around. The Triple Moon Coven and Pack have gathered behind us, including Jana. Odette stands with Divina, close behind me, as though protective, and I’m grateful.
Noah’s eyes flash. ‘You cannot be serious. Mordecai, your father raised you better than that.’
Lexie sets a hand on her husband’s arm. ‘You know they do things differently, Noah.’ Her voice is soft. ‘Mordecai is a strong wolf. They could have strong pups.’ Her eyes travel to me, searching. She waves me forward. ‘Come here, little one. Let us see you.’
I grip Sarah’s hand. No, thank you.
Sarah meets Noah’s gaze. After a moment, he nods. ‘Fine. Come forward… hybrid.’
I squeeze Sarah’s hand just as Jana tugs me back, fearful.
Divina shakes her head at Jana, but Jana’s gaze in on Vale. He nods.
I move forward, dragging my feet, wishing I had a jumper on to cover my tattoos. Hell, I should have glamoured them. It’s been a while since I felt the need to. The dirt caresses my bare feet, a welcome connection to my powers while surrounded by strangers.
Am I to be subjected to this prejudice everywhere I go? Forever?
I meet Noah’s eyes, hoping he won’t take it as a challenge.
The alpha and his beta close the distance, eyes flashing in the sunlight, and before I can flinch, they’re both in my face. Inhaling. They’re smelling me. What the hell?
Easy, comes Cai’s voice down the bond. They’re just familiarising themselves with you. It’s okay.
I glance at him over my shoulder. That’s weird.
A light chuckle comes down the bond.
As they step back, a fraction of the tension has eased. Lexie goes so far as to smile at me. ‘She smells fine,’ she tells her husband.
‘Thank you?’ I ask.
Lexie has a soft laugh which almost makes up for her husband’s glower. He nods at the younger woman.
‘This is Lexie’s sister, Savannah, my Second in Command. Go ahead, Sav.’
The slim, short-haired woman slinks up to me with all the deadly grace of a predator. Her eyes are like molten fire, glowing as she stalks up to me. Well, that’s sinister. Instead of standing in front of me with her nose turned up, the Second circles me, sending the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck on edge.
Vale takes a step closer to me. Not Cai. Not a threat. Just protection from my alpha’s Second. Savannah growls, at me or Vale, I can’t tell. Until she grabs my forearm. ‘What makes you worthy of a wolf, half-breed?’