‘I know,’ I say, resigned. ‘But I still get to hold you and be happy when you are.’
For a moment, she stares at me. I’m in a losing battle. Then, a slight dip of her chin. Answer accepted. Hell yeah. I carry her back to the camp site. I mean, I want to find a private corner and fuck her, to be inside her, but I can feel her impatience to get going. To find the Origin.
A near-silent whisper passes down the bond. Thank you, she says.
For respecting her wishes. What’s important to her. Yeah. I got this.
Jana raises a judgemental brow when she sees us—Zenna in my arms. I’m tempted to flip her off. She really seems to fan Zenna’s fire when she’s annoyed with me, and I don’t appreciate it. But Zenna might not appreciate the gesture to her friend.
I set my mate down. ‘I hope you’re all ready because we’re going.’
Vale approaches. ‘I’m sorry, about what I said earlier.’
Zenna waves him down. ‘Fine.’ She gathers her backpack.
I’m glad to see the tents packed up, fire stoked. Even Reagan is bouncing and ready to go.
Divina gives me a slow, agreeable nod. I turn and follow my mate. Trusting her to know what she’s doing.
Chapter Fifteen
I want to hold Cai’s hand as we walk, but I feel the need to march ahead quickly. Goddess knows what Callen is doing. I can only hope he freed my friends from Drusilla as quickly as possible. I wonder if he witnessed the vampire queen conducting any world-domination plans he’d be willing to share. Offering my blood in exchange will never not be super cringy, but it’s all I really have to offer a narcissistic vampire.
Whatever Drusilla is planning, it’s about time we had an ally. Aldrich is our best chance for that right now. Gaia, probably, too. One step at a time.
Leaves crunch under my bare feet. I half-listen to the rest of the group quietly chatting as they keep pace with my determined strides. I don’t want this trip to take too long, yet I have no idea how close we are to that tree-cabin. Hours? Days? My heart sinks at the thought it may even be longer. I can’t imagine how vast these mountainous woods are.
Cai keeps pace with me easily. He hovers at my side. Every now and then, a gentle stroke down the bond, like a caress. It makes me smile that he’s trying to understand better. That he’s giving me a little space to storm ahead.
I don’t know how Aldrich contacted me through that dream, but I was kind of hoping for more last night. Maybe why he wants me to come to him. Even a little reassurance that there’ll be no trouble… something would have been helpful. Even an ETA on his place.
But no. Nothing at all.
I try to keep my breathing even as I walk, my legs already burning slightly. I know we’ll need to take breaks throughout the day, but I don’t want them to slow us down too much. We have to cover as much ground as we can.
I try to make use of the time by practicing summoning my vines. Cai keeps his distance. They snake over my forearms. I’ve since lost the need hide them with glamour spells. I’m now ashamed I ever did, even though I had my reasons at the time. I’m past blaming Cai for that, too. I’m a hybrid, and I’m proud of that. Vines and all.
‘Uh, Zen, you have an admirer,’ Cai says with a hint of amusement.
I turn to see Reagan staring at me, his mouth slightly open. His eyes flash yellow. Part of me thinks he looks ready to pounce.
He’s just excited, Cai tells me.
Reagan reaches out for one of my vines.
‘Don’t do that,’ I warn him quickly. ‘They’re sharp, little wolf.’
Reagan withdraws his hand. ‘That’s so cool.’
I smile a little, then glance at Cai. ‘I wish everyone thought so.’
Cai just shakes his head. ‘Screw what everyone else thinks.’
A chuckle escapes my lips. ‘My, my. Haven’t we come far?’
Despite my vines, Cai wraps an arm around my waist. ‘Farther each day.’ He plants a kiss on my cheek, then returns to a safer distance.