‘If I’d have known, I would have—’
Evelyn sets a hand on my arm with a nod. ‘We must focus.’
I stare ahead. We’ve made our way slowly down the mountain. Noah and Lexie were not pleased to leave their children behind, but could not turn away from a threat who would tear through them to decimate their kids anyway.
So, we have them with us.
I glance behind me. Noah is driving a much harder to see truck of earth-green, Lexie in the bed of the ute with her sister, Savannah. The wolf who grabbed me. But they’re fighting with us, I remind myself.
Or, with Cai, at least.
Lexie offers me a grim smile, her gaze landing on my left hand, the ring. Her smile broadens. I know that she and Sarah will welcome me into their family, even if Noah and Savannah don’t.
I inhale, fighting the anxiety squeezing my organs. I don’t want to be here, in this battle.
No, that’s not it. I don’t want this battle to be happening. I don’t want all these lives at risk. My gaze still on Lexie, I wonder what it must be like, to walk away from her three little boys, praying to the Goddess that she and her husband aren’t about to orphan them.
Could I do that?
If I were protecting them, I would think so. Maybe.
I stare down at my ring again, wondering if Cai has thought about having babies. The thought makes me happy, even if I know I’m not quite ready yet. I could ask him down the bond, but I don’t want to risk his safety by distracting him. He’s on the frontline, after all.
My life up until this moment is playing in the back of my mind, like a movie on in the background. My birth parents having me, leaving me with a safe coven-pack, where I would be protected. Someday I will ask them why they named me Zenna, or if Deirdre did.
I look forward to showing my mother and father the ring. I don’t know them well, but I expect their eyes will light up.
I think about my time, growing up in Wolf Grove, feeling somewhat displaced as the only hybrid. Cai’s father, Walcott, looking down on me. Sarah giving me books to keep me feeling safe. One day, after this battle, I would like to read more.
Cai sends a brief message down the bond. One day, when we settle down, I will build you a library, my love, and help you fill it with books. Love pours from him down to me, making my heart swell.
I think about growing up, and being rejected. That part doesn’t cause me much pain anymore. It all happened the way it happened. Everything led me here.
If not for that, I wouldn’t have Jana, my best friend. My saviour. The woman who kept me sane and helped me build myself back up over those years I spent in the Quarter.
The murders the Origins committed, attacking the bloodlines of those who killed them. Now that I think about it, I don’t believe anyone but Drusilla was behind that. Alaric was sequestered in that forest, as were the other two, in their own homes. Drusilla was behind each of the murders, sending out her own cronies to butcher innocents.
A flare of anger ignites in my chest. She had my poor cousin killed.
I shake my head, making sure I don’t lose focus of my surroundings. I have grown accustomed to walking around barefoot, but today Cai insisted I wear comfortable boots, and though I initially fought him, I’m glad I succumbed. The mountain slopes downhill, and though my calloused skin wouldn’t mind the branches or rough earth, the sharp rocks protruding from the ground like knives have grazed under my boots several times. They would have sliced up my bare feet something terrible.
I wish I could enjoy the hike down the mountain. The moon is shining overhead, peeking between the clouds, casting shards of light from the rocks embedded in the ground. I can smell the rain coming, the dampness in the air. I raise my head, tilting my hair back. It feels like a good time to send a prayer to the Goddess that we all make it through this.
The next hour passes by slowly, much the same as since we left. A murmur runs through the convoy not to let our guards drop as the night deepens and our pace remains steady. Any minute we could be under attack.
From anywhere.
Any moment.
Each minute that passes, I can’t help but glue my gaze to my mate’s blue truck. We decided to travel separately. If we’re together, Cai can’t focus on the looming attack, only me. I get that.
My vines snake up and down my forearms, ready to lash out at our enemies. The wolves patrolling fight the urge to run off and hunt the animals whose scents they catch.
What if we end up walking all night? I risk the message down the bond. Do we camp somewhere? Risk being attacked as we sleep?
We push on until midnight. If all’s still clear, we’ll take a break, and have guard rotations. We’ll have to take turns sleeping.
I inhale, trying to keep calm. Which is nearly impossible when you’re expecting to be attacked at any moment for an extended period of time.