I hide a smile. ‘Really? How so?’
Reagan grins up at me. ‘Said I should keep an eye on you.’ He winks. ‘You have to take me with you! I want to meet an Origin.’
Cai looks at him. ‘No,’ he says flatly.
Reagan’s eyes grow round as saucers. ‘But—’
I crouch a little lower, backpack teetering. ‘He can come, Cai.’ I turn to the pup. ‘As long as he promises to stay with the group, and never venture out alone.’ I hold my hand out to the little wolf. ‘Deal?’
Zenna, Cai growls down the bond.
Do you really want to piss of Noah’s kid? And how can you say no to that face? I turn my wide eyes on Cai, silently pleading.
Oh, for Goddess’ sake, Cai huffs.
Reagan grabs my hand. ‘Deal!’ He shakes enthusiastically. ‘Can we go now?’
‘Where’s your backpack?’ Vale asks the little wolf. ‘We could be gone for days.’
The group starts walking, all four of them trusting me to lead the way.
‘I can hunt as I go!’ Reagan gives a little growl.
‘It’s barely dawn, little wolf,’ I say to him. ‘Have you had breakfast?’
Regan deflates. ‘Y—no. I didn’t want you to leave without me.’ He worries at his lip, knowing he hasn’t exactly come prepared.
I hand over an apple. Sarah and Odette both worked quickly with Lexie to whip up our supply packs. They should last us up to a week. Perhaps a little less if we all shared with Reagan.
The little wolf smiles and munches into the apple. His hair is auburn and wild, his clothes dirty, as though he spends most of his time on the ground, or rolling around. He probably does, I think. Trying to master his shifting. He turns to look up at me. ‘So, how far is it?’
Vale murmurs, ‘Is he already asking if we’re there yet?’
I glance back at the others. Divina walks to my left, her black hair shimmering in the early sunlight. She’s wearing a white dress today, making her skin look pale as marble. It adds to her creepy Dark Witch vibe.
Jana and Vale are in the middle, trying not to brush elbows, though they walk close together.
Cai is on my right, behind Reagan, peering down at him suspiciously.
‘I was just asking.’ Reagan looks up at me. ‘How do you know where to go?’
‘I just do.’
‘That’s kind of like how I find my way home, even if I can’t remember just where I am. I just know.’ Reagan nods, apparently satisfied with my answer.
At least someone is. I glance back at Cai. He’ll be fine, don’t worry. Aldrich invited me.
The woods slowly come to life. A soft breeze whispers through the tops of the trees, rustling leaves. Birds begin their morning songs, the melodies pouring down to greet us. As the sun rises, the horizon blooms with pink and orange hues.
I just hope he wants peace, Cai says.
I glance over at him, remembering the bliss of last night. How close we’d been. I know I do. I haven’t had a chance to think about being his beta. It would mean I understand the Mating Ritual more, I guess. But that’s not why he wants it for me. Just out of curiosity, what would the mating ritual, accepting me as beta, entail exactly?
Cai’s cheeks flush dark red, and he tries to hide a choked cough.
Reagan’s wide eyes meet his. ‘Are you okay?’
Cai doesn’t meet his gaze. ‘Yep.’ He shoots me an embarrassed glare. Why would you ask me that here?