As if reading my thoughts, Zen sets a hand on my side. Something like reassurance floats down the bond. I give a slight smile. She’s trying to keep me calm, and I appreciate it. I should be calm.
Zenna behind me, yet still beside me, I approach Noah, Vale on my left. ‘I want to start by apologising, Noah. What happened in the woods earlier, it was an accident.’
Night has long since fallen, the stars shining bright overhead. A campfire sets the encampment in angry shades of red and orange. Noah’s pack is behind him, close to his family.
Mine is behind me. Wolves, then witches. I catch Divina’s dark eye. She inclines her head. She’ll back me. I know she will. I focus on one thought, hoping she’s looking in my mind, ready to catch it. If anything goes wrong, protect Zenna at all costs. She nods.
I turn back to Noah, unwilling to leave my guard open. He hasn’t answered me. His gaze is on my mate. I reach a hand across her body. ‘She didn’t mean to.’
Zenna’s body slightly presses against my forearm, trying to move forward, but I won’t let her. A hiss of annoyance down the bond, but I don’t care. I won’t put her in further danger. ‘I am, truly, truly sorry, Noah,’ Zenna says, her voice soft, sweet. Her gaze moves to the other beta. ‘Lexie, really, please believe I would never put your children in danger—’
The tallest pup breaks free of his mother’s grasp. Reagan offers Zenna a tentative smile, looking her up and down. ‘You’re not a wolf, are you?’ He takes a few more steps.
If Lexie is vexed by this, she doesn’t show it. Noah is still there to protect him.
Zenna smiles politely. ‘I… I’m not, no. I, uh, I’m witch-fae.’
Reagan tilts his head. ‘Is that how you did that whoosh that split the trees? Your powers?’
Zenna nods. ‘Yes. I had no idea you were out there. I’m sorry, I must have scared you.’ She tilts her head, looking at the smaller two pups. They slowly emerge from behind Lexie. ‘And your brothers.’
Reagan glances over his shoulder at them, then back to Zenna.
Noah watches the whole thing unfold without interrupting his eldest.
‘Well, yeah,’ Reagan admits, half-shrugging. ‘But it was really cool! When we were out of the way, and I knew my brothers were okay, we checked out the ruins. Then we saw that Dark Witch flying!’ A smile breaks over his little face. He looks up to his dad. ‘Their pack is so much more than wolves!’ His eyes are wide. He’s probably never heard of these kinds of magics, let alone seen them.
Zenna bends to better look Reagan in the eye. ‘I am sorry. Do you forgive me?’
A small growl spills over Noah’s lips, but he doesn’t move.
Reagan looks to his father, but the alpha is silent. It’s up to him. Reagan holds up a finger. ‘One moment, please.’ He gathers his two little brothers, together forming a little circle, each of their heads bent together. There are whispers and murmurs, then Reagan raises his head. ‘It wasn’t just me, so I talk to them, too,’ he informs us. I smile a little at that. He returns to Zenna, but remains slightly behind his father. ‘We all forgive you, Zenna.’
Zenna, Vale and I let out a collective exhale. Before I can address Noah or Lexie, Reagan steps forward, right on the invisible line between me and his father. He reaches tentatively for my mate.
‘What are these?’ He gently touches her forearms.
Noah reaches out for him, but I hold up a hand. ‘He’s okay.’
Zenna smiles, crouching down to show him. ‘These are my vines.’ She tucks her long, pale hair behind her ears. ‘I have funny ears, too.’
Reagan’s face lights up. ‘Can I touch?’
I smile. Good kid for asking this time.
Zenna nods, leaning down a little more. ‘Do you think they look strange?’
Regan touches the points, always gently. ‘A little. But in a cool way. Does it change the way you hear?’
Lexie and the boys inch a little closer, the tension slowly easing. The beta looks a little more relaxed, but her eyes never leave her eldest, touching a stranger and her unpredictable powers.
‘No,’ Zenna says. ‘I bet you have better hearing that I do, little wolf.’
Reagan smiles, withdrawing his hand. He looks between me and Zen. ‘You’re… mates, then. Right? That’s what mama says.’
Zenna blushes a little.
‘We are, yes,’ I say.