Page 21 of Beta Hybrid

Instead of being mad, Cai sits calmly on a large rock. He’s naked, but he holds himself so he’s, you know, covered. As though trying not to distract me. Or we’re about to have a serious conversation. Probably both.

‘Zenna,’ he starts, voice breathy. ‘Are you okay?’

That wasn’t what I’d expected.

I stare around at the new little area of woods. It just keeps on going and going. This rocky mountain woods is a gorgeous, vast place. I reach out and brush a low-hanging leaf with my fingertip. ‘I don’t know what happened. It’s like my power just… took control.’

‘We need to talk.’ Cai’s voice is soft, open, not laced with anger or disapproval like before. ‘I… since you’ve started training with Divina, those fae powers of yours have been, like awakened or something. You’ve been… on edge, Zen.’

My brows draw together. I turn to him. ‘I’ve been on edge? You’ve been practically ignoring me all week.’

Cai tilts his head. Even covered modestly, he’s a vision. Sun washing over his already-tanned skin, soaking in his inky-black hair, it highlights every bumpy muscle of his body, silver eyes bright on me. ‘I… I certainly didn’t mean to.’ He holds his hands out for me. ‘Please, come sit with me.’

I rip the leaf from its stem and shred it between my nails. ‘No.’

‘Can you tell me what’s bothering you?’

‘You are.’

I hear him inhale, the slightest sound of hurt. He climbs off the rock and comes to me. He slides his hands gently around my waist, turning me to face him. ‘Zenna, we have history. We have… mixed feelings about some things. And I know you’re still angry with me. I earned every bit of that.’ He leans his forehead against mine. ‘Please. Please, just talk to me.’

I lower my gaze. Only to remember he’s naked. ‘Would you put some clothes on?’

Cai barks a laugh. ‘I don’t have any. Sorry.’

I half-turn from him. ‘Using my power like that… I felt… in control for the first time. The only time in my life. When I wasn’t rejected, unwanted. I was… standing up, all on my own.’

‘Zen.’ Cai’s voice is soft. ‘I, um, I undid that… my rejection of you.’ He holds out his hand again. Trying to reach me. ‘I know it’s not the same, and I’m really sorry. But I have accepted you. You’re… you are your own person with me.’

I cut a glance at him. ‘Maybe. But you… I still feel the way you try to train me, just by beating me down. You were so angry at me earlier. An accident—’

Shame blooms in Cai’s eyes. He shakes his head, causing a lock of black hair to dip into his eyes. He looks… haunted. ‘I train you hard so that you will do your best.’ He runs a hand through his hair and winces. ‘I was angry because I was afraid for you… that kind of power, uncontrolled…’ He shakes his head again. This time, he’s sitting on the grass, silver eyes wide. ‘I’m sorry. I’m still so new at this. I want to do right by you, and clearly, I’m not.’ Instead of holding a hand out to me, he frowns up at the sky, watching the path of the sun as the glowing orb begins to tilt down, as though the great ball of heat were headed right for earth.

Cai looks smaller like this. The way he’s sitting, knees up, eyes wide. I lower myself to sit opposite him. I don’t know when, or if, I’ll ever stop being mad at him. If I’ll ever trust him completely. But I want to. ‘I’m new at this, too.’

At that, Cai raises his head, the hint of a hopeful smile on his lips. ‘Can… can you talk to me more?’ Despite being able to talk to your mind, I cannot always read it. A hint of amusement trails down the bond.

I can try. I feel like you don’t fully accept who I am. That I’m no wolf.

Cai smirks and crawls over to me. To my surprise, he spins me around and gently thwacks my butt. ‘Do you remember this?’ He rubs my ass. It takes me a moment to remember. The mark. His claiming mark.

‘Yes,’ I say, a little breathlessly.

‘I claimed you, Zenna. For exactly who you are.’ He hauls me into his lap, arms loosely encircling me. He presses his lips to my forehead. ‘I’m really sorry I made you feel unaccepted.’

Heat wafts off his naked body, so hot I have to blink several times, like back at the chasm. ‘What—’

‘Oh.’ A little colour swims in his cheeks. He removes me from his lap. ‘Sorry.’

I frown. ‘What? Did I miss something?’

Cai glances up into the sky. ‘It, um. It’s the first night of the full moon tonight. The first since, we, uh, mated. You know.’

‘Right?’ I blink stupidly at him.

Cai rubs at the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. ‘You’re going to make me spell this out, aren’t you?’ His cheeks are actually red.

A smile plays over my lips. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, but this’—I wave my hand at him—‘is super adorable. What are you embarrassed about?’