Page 20 of Beta Hybrid

Not my own.

My eyes snap open.

Vines, roots and ragged branches embrace the Dark Witch, digging into her skin the way they had to Evelyn. The ground moves beneath her, shaking, trembling like an earthquake. Her eyes grow wide. ‘Zenna,’ she whispers. In fear. Awe. Surprise, I don’t know. She can’t tilt her head to look down, but when the ground opens up, even I feel the heat blow me back.

Divina is tethered to the spot by my vines and the rest of the nature wrapping its limbs around her. Or she would have plunged into the chasm I created. A crater in the ground. Slowly, I step forward, eyes wide, to get a better view.

‘Enough.’ Divina’s hands curl, black smoke drifting around her.

I gasp as my vines are cut. Snapped. ‘Ow!’ I shout as that black smoke unfurls my grasp on her. My grasp. Those vines are part of me. ‘Stop that.’ Anger surges through me. How dare she snap my vines?

Divina’s dark eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun. Her brows narrow. ‘Zenna, let go now.’

But in that a moment, I don’t want to. I finally have control. Power.

In this fight, I’m not landing on my ass. I’m winning.

‘Zenna,’ she calls again. ‘I know you think you’re in control, but I need you to let go. This power is consuming you. If I break out, I’ll hurt you. Let me go.’

Before I can move, something rips me to my feet. Rough hands shake my shoulders until my teeth clatter. Someone presses me to them. His naked body. Familiar scent. Shh, Zenna, stop. Be calm. Call them home. You’re hurting her.

Reality slams home.

Cai hugs me, just a little too tight, stealing my breath.

I blink. Once. Twice. Then stare around. I pat his arm, and he releases me, but keeps his hands firmly on my shoulders. That surge of power was… overwhelming. My vines snake home.

Divina strides over to me. Her hand is on her shoulder. Something sticky running between her fingers. She removes her hand to reveal a hole straight through her shoulder, bleeding heavily. ‘You did this. With your fae magic.’ Her voice is low, cold. Angry.

‘You kind of look like you want to hit me.’

Cai steps between us. ‘That’s not going to happen.’

My eyes catch on his naked ass for a moment, then I peer around him. ‘I’m sorry,’ I offer.

Divina exhales, then waves a hand over the wound. Black smoke forms on the wound, turning into something slick, like tar. She winces, rolling her shoulder. ‘You’re lucky I’m a forgiving woman.’

I remember back to our conversation at her kitchen table. The one about someone not accepting her for who she was. And that it didn’t go well for them. ‘I didn’t think you were.’

A crooked smile cracks her cool mask. ‘I’m not. But that was really impressive.’

Cai looks between us. ‘Why didn’t you come when I called for you?’

Any happiness I felt at seeing him evaporates. ‘Because I’m not your maid!’

‘She was busy!’ Divina snaps. ‘Actually learning how to fight. With me. You’re a poor teacher, Mordecai. And you should not summon your mate like that. She’s her own person.’

He looks between us and throws up his hands. ‘Women. One minute you’re trying to kill each other, the next minute, you’re best friends. I don’t get it.’

Despite myself, I smile at Divina.

She smiles right back.

Chapter Nine


I say nothing as Cai leads me out into the woods. To talk. Alone. Where we’re unlikely to be overheard by a mountain full of wolves with supernaturally good hearing.