‘She’s right,’ Mum says. ‘We have to make it to Noah’s pack. We can regroup there.’
I shake my head. ‘It will take days. I have to find Zenna now.’
Sympathy shines in my mother’s eyes. ‘I want to find her too, but we can’t move like this. Every wolf has scoured the woods and there’s no trace of her, just the cold. Even the wolves need rest. We’ll be safest with our cousin pack, Cai. As alpha, you know you must put their good first.’
A heavy silence weighs between us.
The wolves are helping the more vulnerable witches, resetting wounds and broken bones. Bandaging lacerations and abrasions. Offering soothing comfort. Well, as soothing as werewolves tend to be.
I glance at Vale, my Second. His jaw is clenched, eyes sad. I know what he would say. As much as he wants to find Zenna, I cannot abandon my people. Not here. Not like this. We live out here, in the middle of nowhere, to keep us safe and isolated. It’s not always a good idea to mix packs who might rile each other up, but Noah’s pack are cousins. The blood runs strong.
I have to get my family to them. Then I will find my mate. This time, I will not leave her alone. I turn to Divina. ‘You can help me find her?’
Divina tilts her dark head, considering. ‘In a way. I think I can help boost your communication. Through the bond, hopefully, you’ll be able to talk to each other. It’s a process.’
Odette sighs. ‘Good thing we have time. But how will we get there? The cars—’
Indeed, most of the vehicles are still smoking. It’s a miracle none of them exploded.
‘I think I can help with that,’ Detective Jaken says, eyeing Jana.
She nods. ‘There’s a witch we know in the French Quarter. Quite resourceful. I think she can send help.’