Page 19 of Captive Hybrid

Godric taps the metal bars between us, making sure it’s locked. ‘In that case, I’ll be right back.’

I didn’t expect the opportunity. I hurry over to the bed, laying down with my eyes closed, opening up the bond in my mind. Mordecai?

I feel a surge of relief pour down the bond. Bloody hell, woman. What took you—

No time. Is everyone okay from the blast?

Oh. Yes, sorry. Everyone’s alive. We’re headed to Noah’s pack, then I’m coming for you.

Damn it, no. I told you. You can’t—

Zen, I won’t be alone, now shut up. Divina told me she can help you use your fae power since you’re underground.

I strain my ears for a moment, wondering if I’d be able to discern Godric’s footfalls if he were trying to sneak up on me. The headache sets in, searing like last time. I wonder if Mordecai gets them, too.

How?I ask quickly.

Just a second. I’m in my room. I’m on my way to her now.

Mordecai, I don’t have time for this—

Make time, he snaps in mind.

Asshole. And he’s not even here.

Divina says you have to focus on the vines on your arms. If you use them right, they will lead you to the bloodhungry veins.

What? What does that mean?I remember what Deirdre said about my fae power.

‘This is more than you realise. You must be careful. Faerie magic is wicked and wild. It doesn’t come from our Goddess. It comes from the old earth that wanted blood. You will face a war within yourself when you unlock your potential.’

I don’t know,Mordecai says. There’s a pause, and I wonder if Divina is trying to explain it to him again.

I cry out as something shifts in my mind.

Zenna, be silent, it’s me, Divina.

Of course she can wiretap a mate bond with those freaky dark powers of hers.

Yes, I can. Now listen to me very closely. We will come for you, but if you find you must get out before we can, do so, your life will depend on what I’m about to tell you.