He’s talking about humans. People. I swallow thickly without responding, hoping this is worth it. I follow the dimly lit hallway of cells—all empty—to another hallway. A nudge at the small of my back startles a little yelp from me as he steers me to the second door.
A near-silent chuckle escapes his lips, amused by my alarm.
I push the door open. Thankfully, the locker room appears empty—though that could have granted me a chance to ask someone for help. On second thought, that might not have been fruitful at all. If a person is here, is it of their freewill or not?
‘Do you abduct people, or do they come to you?’ I’m all too aware that Callen has followed me inside. I can only hope he won’t watch me strip and shower. I glance back at him.
‘You’re a curious one, aren’t you?’
I offer him what I hope is a sweet smile.
He chuckles, as though highly amused by my effort. He shrugs. ‘A little of both.’
I turn away so he can’t see the horror that shifts my features. I find a shower stall. ‘Would you… get me a change of clothes? Please?’
Callen’s eyes narrow, as though he is very tempted to be my audience, then shrugs. ‘Fine. Don’t take too long.’
My chest heaves with relief as I watch him leave, the door opening. Then he pauses on the threshold, glaring at me with those wicked eyes. ‘I like talking with you. When you’re cleaned up, we’re going to play a little game, you and I.’ He smiles at my reaction. ‘I’ll leave your clothes here.’ He nods to a bench by the door.
I can’t help but turn away before the door even shuts, hurrying behind the curtain and blasting the water to wash away my interaction with him. Though, to my surprise, I realise his only touch was the nudge on my back. Has Drusilla ordered them not to harm me, despite his clear desire to taste me? I stick my tongue out as I gag.
I peel my clothes off while the water heats, steam brushing over my clammy skin. To my surprise, there’s soap, shampoo and conditioner. I wash off days’ worth of blood, grime and sweat gratefully. When I emerge, I’ve never felt cleaner, and towel-dry myself, then brush my teeth with the provided supplies, stick packaged.
Just as he promised, there’s a pile of clothes waiting for me on the bench, the locker room still empty save for me. I pick up the dress with a sigh. It’s a little short, clearly he chose this to tease me. Though I’m surprised that the bra and underwear are my size.
I change, staring at myself in the mirror. It’s been maybe a day and a half, perhaps two, since I was brought here. This locker room is what I might expect a women’s bathroom in a prison to look like.
No windows. Everything a dreary grey. The shower curtains are nearly sheer, leaving little privacy to the occupants. Another reason I’m glad I’m alone in here. The mirrors are rusty around the edges, the corners smudged with grime.
I step closer. The dress, too, is grey, a simple t-shirt cut, the hem skimming my thighs. I wonder if this is what all the subjugates wear. Then immediately cringe that I’m dressed as they might be. Nope. Not vampire food. I shudder, half wishing I was still in the clothes I’d tossed in the bin. They were really gross, though.
My face is a little paler, though that might be the harsh, white lights. My cheeks might be slightly sharper. I’ve eaten perhaps three times here.
A loud bang on the door. ‘Hurry up, would you?’ Callen calls. ‘Women,’ he mutters.
I sigh with a final glance at my reflection. I start trying to detangle my hair with my fingers when a pulsing headache bursts through me, my temples throbbing. I gasp, grasping my head. What the?
Zenna? Can you hear me?
I gasp, turning. ‘Mordecai?’ I whisper. The locker room is still and silent. It’s just like my dream, his voice—
Zenna, it’s me. Divina cast a spell to let me talk to you through the bond.His voice ebbs and flows in volume and strength, a radio whining in and out of service.
Shock ripples through me. I close my eyes, focusing. Mordecai? It’s really you?
A pause. Yeah, it’s me. Are you okay? Real concern weighs his voice.
Another bang on the door. ‘Zenna, I am not a patient man,’ Callen warns. ‘You have thirty seconds before I come in and haul your ass out here.’
I gulp. That would not be pleasant. I’m alive. Vampire took me. I’m underground somewhere—My head burns with pain. The connection—it hurts—
Mordecai’s worry pulses through the bond. Zenna, where underground? Why did they take you?
I glance at the door, panic surging in my chest. If you come here, they’ll kill you. Tears stream down my eyes as the pain intensifies. I can’t maintain this in front of Callen. He’ll know I’m doing something.
No, Zenna. I won’t leave you again—
‘Time is up.’ Callen bangs the door open, glaring at me. ‘The hell are you doing in here?’ He growls. And I’d thought he was terrifying before.