Page 5 of Captive Hybrid

Godric doesn’t move. Doesn’t flinch nor blink at my sudden outburst. His gaze grazes over me lazily. ‘Do you feel it, little fae? Or is it little witch?’ His voice is taunting. ‘The iron under your cell? You can dig and dig. You will hit iron. I know it burns you. And I will not touch you so you can get your visions from me. Drusilla knows all.’ His mouth lifts in a half-smirk.

Hopelessness pushes me away from the cells, onto the bed. I let my eyes droop.

A thousand more questions flit through my mind, but they fall away before reaching my tongue. Instead, only one bubbles out. ‘How long will I be here for?’

‘That depends what Lady decides to do with you. She’s probably tossing up between drinking you for fun—you do smell delightful—or using you for revenge. If your pack wasn’t blown to pieces, perhaps she will use you to lure them here, to their deaths. Who knows with her.’ He shrugs, entirely unconcerned. ‘You’re here because, at the very least, you intrigue her with your special nature.’

I swallow. ‘Why was she resurrected? I know she was dead, all four of the Origins, but they were brought back.’

Godric sighs, as though speaking to me is an unpleasant task. ‘It was bound to happen sooner or later. When you live eternally, little hybrid, you see that certain things are inevitable.’

‘Like what?’ I rasp.

Godric looses a deep, hearty chuckle. ‘Like your death. The death of your fated mate. Those you love. But, while you’re here, you should be smart. Play nice.’

I stare at him with wide eyes, disbelief shuddering through me. No. They can’t do this. ‘I’m of the bloodlines that helped kill the Origins. So is my mate. Is that why I’m here?’

‘Partly, yes. I am not privy to Lady’s plans. But I will tell you one thing she covets more than anything.’

I’m not sure if I want to know this, but I nod.

‘Blood and power.’

‘How will she get that?’

Godric folds his arms over his chest, leans his head back against the wall and closes his eyes, as though completely at rest. ‘Just like everyone else. War.’