Page 5 of Ghost of a Chance

"Tell me what it feels like. Tell me what I do to you."

Chapter Six



"Tell me what it feels like when I touch you?"

Oh wow! How do you describe something so profound you don't have words for it? I close my eyes and try to come up with the right words, "It feels like electricity running through me. Having you touch me is like grabbing onto a hot wire but in the best way. Heat surges through me and trails from wherever you touch me until my whole body feels charged."

He chuckles as he moves closer behind me. "Maybe that's why. Maybe it’s the electric feelings that pass between us that give me the energy to do this." He sounds like he is half speaking to himself.

"I don't care what causes it as long as it keeps happening." Our mouths meld back together and his touch lowers until he's cupping my sex, spreading me open with his fingers and finding my clit so he can play. His fingers glide along the slippery channel of my pussy as he kisses up and down my neck and puts pressure on the bundle of nerves at the top. My legs turn to jello and I nearly fall forward but arms that aren't really there hold me up.

Then I'm being laid back. His mouth moves everywhere at once or maybe it's his fingers I can't tell. I was so close when he was playing with me that it would only take a heavy breath to send me over the edge. My legs are parted just like last night but instead of his mouth on me, something rubs the rim of a place nothing has ever gone before. I gasp out at the same time I reach for the pillows so I can sink my fingernails into them.

I'm completely ready to give him whatever he wants. If that's my innocence then he can have it. It belongs to him after all.

"Don't move, little doll." I stiffen at his command which seems like it's coming from all around the room. The barest tip of something is pushed just inside before lips find my clit. I cry out his name. It's the only thing I can think of, the only thing I remember. He is all I can remember.

His finger tilts up inside of me and touches a spot that seems to be throbbing for him. Every beat of my heart can be felt where his finger is pressing and gently rubbing back and forth. My body arches as he wraps his mouth around the button of nerves at the same time his finger strokes harder and I'm flying. Sensations take me over until that is all I am. It makes me feel like I am the closest to Sterling I have ever been.

"Oh God, Sterling!"

The muscles all around my center start contracting and it's like I can really feel him there. Like it’s not just the ghost of him but the real man. For a second, if I keep my eyes closed tight I can pretend it's him, that he's with me...alive and healthy. But I can't spend my life with my eyes shut. No matter how much I want to.

I can tell his body moves up mine after he gives me one last gentle kiss and removes his finger. I roll so he can't see my face. Even though I love this time with him sadness hangs in my heart like a weighted anchor. My face is turned and I can tell he sees my tears but nothing is said. Just arms that circle me and offer me what comfort they can. If this is all we can ever is more than enough.


Two days later my best friend has someone I don't know in tow when she comes over to help. I hold the door so both women can come through before I hold my hand out to introduce myself. I hear a loud huff right next to my ear but try to ignore it. The last thing I need is for someone in town to think I'm completely nuts.

"Mac, this is Celeste Dafoe."

"Hello." I take in the woman standing in front of me, trying to figure out if I really want to invite her in. There is something about her that...throws me off.

"She's the town medium - if you believe in that nonsense."

Celeste's eyebrow arches as she looks not at me but beside me. I think both of us gasp at the same time.

" can see him, can't you?"

I open my mouth to say something but end up shutting it. Isn't that supposed to be my question to her? In the end, I just wind up giving her a nod.


"Celeste has something to say that I think you need to hear."

We move into the kitchen and around the round table in the middle of the room and take another look at the woman who has knocked me a little speechless. She can't be any older than forty or forty-five. Her hair is up in a knot with whisps of curl coming down on either side of her face. She's wearing a dark purple and green skirt that reminds me of something a Romani would wear if they were dressing the part of the fortune teller.

"Celeste lives at the bottom of the hill."

She shakes her head at the information Sterling is giving me. "Yes, I've lived here all my life and can remember when Sterling was born. I knew his father and mother. And his brother."

At the mention of his brother the air grows colder and a chill skates down my spine. What is that about?

"Celeste tell her what you told me." Talia prompts her.