Page 15 of Ghost of a Chance


He butts against my barrier before he thrusts through it. It takes my breath and yet somehow I'm cumming again. Warmth flows into me at the same time my body tightens and contracts. My back arches off the bed as he punches through the last of my resistance and bottoms out inside of me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm still cumming. Fifteen years worth. Pent up seed, waiting for you, for the moment I could deposit it in you."

In the mirror, his ass is flexed tight and he's just as tense as I am. Oh my God, I think he came inside me. I think...that was the warmth. "Wh...what's happening?"

He isn't pulling out but rocking back and forth, pressing hard, and then rocking again. I'm still cumming. His lips brush against my cheek as he talks to me. "You're cumming hard, baby doll. Now that you have something real between your legs you're cumming so hard for me."

"Sterling!" It's the only word I can get out before I explode, stars bursting behind my eyelids and for seconds I stop breathing, it's so big. I'm being lifted and moved before I really have time to come back down. He's turning us so that both of us are in front of the mirror. Up against Sterling's bigger body, I look really...small. He pulled out for only a second before pushing back in me again and his fingers are playing at my clit.

My body is climaxing before my mind can catch up with what’s happening. He grunts as he repositions my legs so they are spread further apart. The move pushes me down on his cock even more and hits something deep inside of me. His big hands come up to cup my breasts as he works his hips so that he's pistoning up inside of me. His fingers pluck at the hard peaks of my nipples causing sensations to course throughout my body. He squeezes just hard enough to make my hips jerk in tandem with his, making the thrill even more delicious because of how deeply felt the movement is. It's going beyond just sex. I might be new to all of this but surely this isn't normal - this soul-deep connection that seems to be entwining me and Sterling together.

This time when I cum it's with every fiber of my being. I cum so hard my toes curl, my back bows and were it not for Sterling holding me I would be face first on the bed because all of my energy is gone. Not only do the muscles around my pussy contract, it feels like everything is convulsing. The only thing I can relate it to is being electrocuted.

I slump in Sterling's arms, my head lolling back on his chest but he doesn't stop, even though I felt him cum when I did. If I look close enough in the mirror I can see him leaking down the insides of my thighs and out around where we are connected.

"No more."

"What?" I'm not shocked he can't hear me. I spoke so softly.

"I can't take any more." This time I say it louder for him.

"Yes you can and you will. I've waited a long time for you." He's moving us again, using his arms to brush things off the dresser so he can lay me over it. My feet don't touch the ground like this but I'm at the perfect height for him to really pound into me. This time I can do nothing but just lay there as my body convulses around him, continually milking him dry.

The next time I come to I'm in the shower lying on the tiles while he's soaping my breasts up and cleaning my body for me. He's still inside of me though, occasionally rutting his hips so that my body shivers and gives him what he wants. I can tell I'm close to another release when he lowers one of his hands down to my nub and jostles it back and forth until I arch my hips up off the floor and hug and milk his cock with my pussy. He grunts and closes his eyes before warmth is spreading within me again. How many times has he cum in me? How long have we been going at it? It can't be good for him to empty himself in me that many times since I'm not on anything...right? But damned if I have the energy to fuss or try to carry on a conversation about what should be done instead of what is happening.

When I wake up the next time, Sterling is gone. The bed is empty and for the first time since moving into the house, I feel alone. Everything aches, muscles I never knew I had in my body are tender and tight and my bones are like jelly. I can tell I have been good and truly fucked.

But why? Why did he...spend the night...doing what he did to me? Was it just because he was celebrating the fact he was alive -fully alive and no longer in a coma? Was it a holdover so he could get me out of his system and put all of this behind him? Is he a player and I'm just convenient? I have so many questions but all of them start with 'why'?

A light bounces off the ceiling and shines in my eyes causing me to pay better attention to where it might be coming from. That's when I see the ring on my finger. It’s the same ring I woke up with when I was in the hospital but there are no officials here for him to have to lie to. The ring casts a rainbow of light around the round room making it impossible to ignore.

I sit up and wince but hold my hand up anyway so I can see every detail of the ring hugging the third finger on my left hand. Commotion downstairs has me jumping from the bed and looking around for clothes. Thankfully my clothes are still in the dresser where I put them when I thought I would live here.

The fact that the house I fell in love with is no longer mine takes me by surprise and sadness envelopes me. All of the noise downstairs has me pushing that away so I can focus on the now. Maybe Sterling hired movers for me and that's what all the sound is. When I step off the last step I am greeted by a whole house full of people coming and going.

I follow where everyone is either going or leaving. It's the back room, the one with Sterling's painting in it. There are a couple of men in suits that reek of being a lawyer who are standing close to the desk where Sterling himself is seated.

"Sir, I know you've been through a lot but...,"

Sterling whips his head around and gives the man a look that could freeze water, "Get it done or I'll find someone who can! And you'll never work anywhere else again."

"Yes sir."

The beautiful woman from yesterday realizes I am standing by the door and makes a beeline for me. I brace myself for a confrontation, especially if she knows I was with Sterling. "Wonderful, you're finally awake. We have so much to do if we want to make the deadline."

"D...deadline?" I try to look around her for Sterling but she's really tall.

"There are several things we need to confirm: color schemes, music, any special requests you might have or want to do during the ceremony."


She gets a look on her face that clearly tells me she is exasperated and irritated but not at me. She takes me by the arm to pull me out of the office. "He didn't tell you did he? Did he even ask or...?"

"Amber!" Sterling's voice cracks out like a whip but this woman doesn't even flinch. In fact, she rolls her eyes. "Whether I have or haven't asked is none of your concern."

He steps around her and comes to stand near me while the beautiful woman squares her shoulders and presses her mouth. "Really? Really, Sterling? You don't think I'm going to let you just steamroll over this poor girl without asking her to marry you the proper way?"