Page 13 of Ghost of a Chance

"That's the thing about love, Emory. It's not a question that demands a reply back. When you really love somebody you don't do it because they do - you do it because it's the truth and you have no choice but to love that person."

"Wow!" he gives me a long look up and down like he might be reconsidering his actions before he opens his mouth and completely disabuses me of that theory. "You really are stupid aren't you."

He takes aim at me one more time causing my heart to drag to a standstill.

"You think Sterling cares about anything other than money? You think he gives a damn about a silly woman who fell in love with...what? His fucking painting? He’s never going to even think about you again once I shoot you and all of is behind him. No one will remember you!"

Well, damn. His words suck because of how true they are. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the pain to hit but all that comes to me is the sound of a loud scuffle taking place. I seriously doubt Emory is 'fighting' with his actions so what the hell is going on? I crack my eye open just a little and see two men scuffling on the ground close to me.

It takes me a full second to realize Sterling is on the ground wrestling with his brother for the gun he had pointed at me. Before I can try to help him or even move from where I am rooted to the floor I hear the gun go off and I scream as more people flood into the room. Another shot goes off as everything explodes in a cacophony of sound and motion before I am hustled out of the room and outside into a waiting ambulance.

Chapter Thirteen



Police are questioning her in an ambulance where she's getting checked out while my brother is being taken away on a stretcher and loaded into yet another ambulance. The one Makenzie is in was the same one I was taken to when they found out I had been grazed by the first shot fired.

I was stitched up and bandaged before they started asking me questions. Another team is working in the house to make sure Talia is alright. Kane is with her now making sure she is taken care of the way she needs to be.

"Thank you, Ma'am. If we need anything else we'll contact you or your fiancé."

She looks startled and starts to mutter to the attendant. "I don't...I, um...," The cop is already gone, leaving her sitting wrapped in the blanket with lights flashing across her face.

"I guess I should thank you." She jumps when I speak to her.

"Thank me?"

"For taking care of my house for me while I was...asleep." I've had to think fast but I have a plan now.

"I'm pretty sure it's me that should be thankful. You did stop...your, um, brother from hurting me." She winces a little when she talks about my brother. I'm sure she's thinking about not hurting my feelings over the fact one of my family apparently went batshit crazy. But she has no need to worry about that. It's been a long time since I thought of my brother as someone who is close to me and when someone tries to kill you more than once it really drives a wedge between the two of you.

I heard the conversation she had with him right before he tried to shoot her. The whole love thing. It was one of the driving forces for me to take Emory down. And one of the reasons I need a plan.

"What are you going to do tonight?" We both turn to look at the busted door covered in caution tape. "You guys can't stay here."

"I...," she starts gnawing at her lip, "I guess me and Talia will have to go to a hotel room for the night."

I take her by the arm and lead her away from the lights and noise. "I'm sorry, I think Kane took Talia back to the house so she could be checked out by our medical professionals."

I can guess that is where he plans to take Talia eventually but I'm not sure if he's left with her yet. "We can go back to the house so you can find her," she looks shocked that I would suggest something like that.

"I don't think..."

"You're clothes are there too. I'm sure you'll want to put something on other than," I run my eyes up and down her body, "a flimsy nightshirt"

The oversized shirt hangs to the middle of her thighs and off one shoulder. She must have borrowed something from Talia because this isn't the typical nightgown she would be, how did I know that. I know it the same way I know I don't wear anything to bed. If she was in the things I somehow know she wears I would not be okay with her standing here. As it is, I'm not happy about the fact they wanted to question us separately. Thus my telling them she was my fiancée.

I can see her start to waiver and hold my breath, hoping Kane doesn't pop out with Talia now. During this entire time I've been walking her backwards towards the car I took to get here. "I'm sure Talia will be glad you came to pick her up."

"Um...okay. I guess I do need something else to wear." She allows me to bundle her into the car, going so far as to buckle her seatbelt for her.

When I get in, I see that I have a text from Kane telling me he’s taking Talia to the condo we have in the city so they will be closer to the hospital if she needs it but I clear it; I can't focus on that right now. I have to stay focused on the little doll sitting in the passenger seat beside me. I speed to the house in no time and have her inside and up the stairs before she can figure out what I'm doing.

"You left the house so fast you didn't pack any of your stuff."

She drags her hand along the footboard of the bed with a sad look on her face. "Yeah, I thought, um...maybe I could hire movers to come to get my stuff know, after everything settled down."