Page 91 of Heiress Billionaire

“I know, I just can’t lose—“



“Adrik Mikhailov, in love?”

“I’m—“ I shove a hand through my hair and turn to the other corner of the shower. “I’m notin love…”

“Hm. Sounds to me like a rescue mission for one of the Sicilians…”

“Well, it’s not.”

“Whatever you say, kid.” He chuckles.

“So, you’ll help?”

“I’ll get my guys on it, but you’ll need to meet them at the San Giovanni’s. I won’t be looking like I just sent hell on your father without being forced to by you.”

“He won’t even know you were involved.”

“I’ll take that as you agreeing to be there.”

“Well, not exactly. I can’t leave… he’s got me cornered.”

“Never stopped you before.” I bite my lip that's still healing from Olive’s punch, pressing the back of my index finger to my mouth as I think. “Look, kid, if you can’t be there, I can’t send my men. Simple as that. They’ll follow you from The Magdalin discreetly, and I assume you’ll be able to take it from there?”

I inhale deeply and exhale with a hearty, “Ah, fuck it.”


“So, yes. Let’s do this. Have them meet me in fifteen minutes.”


“Thanks, Arty.”

“No problem, kid.” I’m about to hang up when he continues. “Oh, and Adrik?”


“Be careful.”

“I will.” I hang up and shove my phone back in my pocket, unlocking the bathroom door and sprinting to my closet. I pull out the case from the back— the one I never use. Kias got me this when I had just turned sixteen. My first weaponry set. I’ve never touched it, and told him it was too important to mess up. He laughed and told me that’s what weapons are for, but I didn’t listen.

I’m glad I didn’t because now I have unaccounted weapons at my disposal. Maybe Kias is helping me from the beyond, like he knew I’d need them at this time or something. It’s stupid, I know, but I need to believe someone other than Arty is on my side.

I pull out three different blades and shove them into the blade pockets of my jacket. Next I grab two hand guns, my favorite— .22’s with gold embellishment and wood handles. Glorious little things. I pack away some bullet rounds in my boots and load each gun full, sliding them both under the waist of my black skinny jeans and recovering them with my black t-shirt.

I don’t need to check the time to know that I’m running out of it, and the earlier I can get to Espie, the better. So, I head back out of my room, feeling heavy and ready to take down anything in my way. The boys are still playing video games downstairs, and it’s pitch black in the suite except for the blaring tv.

I cross to the elevator and am about to go down it before I realize that might be a little too obvious. Instead, I take the emergency stairs and sprint down every flight like my life depends on it because in a way it does. To know I caused Espie and her family's death, is basically a death sentence for me. I couldn’t live with myself if that happened and I don’t know why, nor do I have the time to think about it.

Feelings will only slow me down. The only thing I need is adrenalin and the willpower to kill my father if I need to. That’s it, that’s all I can do now. The second I hit the bottom level, I remember the contract. It’s torn and still inOtetsoffice, but it’s worth grabbing. With a heavy breath I shove my legs into action, back up the stairs and to the floor where his office is.

Beforeopening the door, I peek my head around the corner to see what I'm working with and it looks like everyone is migrating down the main stairs so I quietly slip into the hall and trot down the hallway with light feet. WhenI get to the office door, I knock lightly and it creaks open. Through the crack, I inspect the room. It looks empty, so I push open the door and slide inside, closing the door behind me.

I run right to the desk, but it’s clear, so I dig through a couple draws to no avail. Just before I’m about to give up because I’m wasting time, I see it in the trash and I pull it out, doing a quick stitchup job with some scotch tape and stuffing it into my pants before making my way back to the emergency stairs and to the back of the Magdalin. Sweat drips down me, washing away with the rain beginning to pick up outside, I rush over to one of the cars in the back.