Page 83 of Heiress Billionaire

Chapter Twenty Nine:Adrik

The momentI hear a thud outside my door, I get paranoid. More paranoid than I already am by saying the things I have. While they should be true— and were, at some point or another— part of me cannot shake the pain I feel to speak them aloud. Is it because saying it to people and thinking it in my head is so much worse than I anticipated?

Or is there another reason why saying I feel nothing for Espie and fucked her as part of a plan to leave her, has affected me this much?

“What’s that?” Barth turns towards the door and swings it open just as Olive pushes past him.

“Move.” She grunts and surprisingly Barth looks like he actually did get shoved pretty hard. Olive stomps over to me, red-faced, about to lay in to me for something stupid, I’m sure. Probably for waking her up before noon.

I raise my brows at the group of boys for them to leave, but they’ve barely filed out when Olive throws the first punch.

“Oh shit.” One of the boys mumbles under his breath as I catch her fist before it hits my nose. She whips her hand away and is gunning for another as I plan to block it and Barth grabs her from behind. She grunts, teeth baring, eyes fiery and determined to get out of his clutches, but he is stronger than she is. Her movements are swift, and he wasn’t prepared earlier, but he is now. And he isn’t going to let her go until she calms the fuck down.

“Olive.” He whispers to her, and I feel like I should leave the room. “Calm.” I flick my brows up at her and cross my arms over my chest as she takes a few deep breaths, and he lets her go.

She flies at me the second he does, and before I have a chance to react, her fist successfully collides with the right side of my face. My bottom lip and cheek burn instantly with the stinging pain of a strangely powerful punch for someone of her stature.

“What the fuck?” I growl, tasting the metallic heat of blood flooding my mouth from an unknown source. She winds up for another, and I know I’m in the Bratva and all, but I won’t hit a girl. No way, especially not Espie’s sister.

I hold in my fury and take a step back, clutching my face as Barth locks her in place again.

“You can talk to him, but I’m not letting go of you.” He grunts as she fights him for a bit before relenting, eyes welling with tears.

“How could you do that to her?”

“What?” My heart instantly drops to the floor, and her words stomp on it before she’s even specified what she means. Because I know full-well what she is asking, know the connotation, and I know she’s heard my conversation with the boys.

“You fucking bastard! You really are fucking useless, aren’t you?”

“Where is she?” I growl back.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Yeah, dipshit, I fucking would! That’s why I fucking asked.”

“You’ve been doing a lot of fucking, then?”

“Shut the hell up, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t get it, Adrik! You’re nothing. You’re done.”

“What does that even mean?” I spit back, looking behind her to see if I can spot Espie in the crack of her open doorway.

“Don’t you go to her!” She threatens, and I sickly laugh, mostly to keep from screaming for them both to get out. God, the fucking feeling of my shouts, tensing my jaw and hitting the backs of my teeth as they come out, is all I need right now. Then I remember, I haven’t fucking smoked in days. That’s a new record for me.

I don’t say anything as I turn around, ignoring this entire shit fest transpiring and digging through my draws until I find a packet.

“Sir…” Barth has his diplomatic voice on, and I won’t have it. “It would be best to talk this out— all of us.”

“Are you shitting me?” Olive growls, and I cop a fake smirk that hurts me worse than I’ve already hurt myself by making such a fucking catastrophe of everything. I crouch over to my fireplace and light it, cross back to Olive with it in my mouth.

“I need to talk to Espie.”

“She never wants to see you again.”

“You told her?”

“No, daft dickwad, you did.”