“We can’t be apart.”
“We can’t ever end this contract.”
He’s silent for a second, and I’m not confident why. I glance up just as he answers. “Were we thinking that was an option before…?”
“I’m sorry.” I sniff. “I’m not trying to be confusing.”
“You’re confusing me. Did you have a bad dream?” I don’t have a good answer for him, so I just nod, and he tilts his chin up like he’s cracked the code, pulling me closer to him and rubbing circles in my back. I love his hands on me, I always forget myself when they’re tracing my skin or holding me intently.
“Just try to sleep, okay?” He whispers before kissing the top of my head and I nod, burying my head further in his chest, now covered by a sweatshirt he must have put on to go fetch our things.
Before I realize it, the smell of his woody soft shirt and the feeling of his safe hold on me, lulls me to sleep. My dreams are littered with images I haven’t thought of nor seen since I was a child. Beauty and the Beast, the cartoon… It's like I’m stuck in a loop of watching all the parts I hate. The wolves chasing Belle, an arrow going right through the Beast's heart, the curse on a spoiled rich boy with no love in his heart. Over and over and over, they swirl around my head until I wake up feeling so sick I might puke.
The rain is still pouring down the window like it was last night, but it’s clearly morning— early, but still, morning. I twist around in Adrik’s arms, and he groggily groans, pulling my hips back to his.
“I need to go back to my room.” I whisper and he groans back in response. “I’m serious.” I barely get the last words out before he’s kissing down my neck and making me forget everything I need to do. The sickness from my nightmares dissipates almost instantly like he is medicine for my worries and I reach back, grabbing the choppy jet black hair at the back of his tattooed neck.
He grips my hips ever tighter, slipping a cool hand down to my heat, still warm from being wrapped under the blankets with him.
“You should’ve slept in your room last night.” He mumbles into my skin, sending chills over my entire body until I feel his arm between my legs. He kisses down my nape, grabbing the bottom of the sweater he gave me and pulling it up. I shimmy my arms out of it as he pulls it off my head, kissing down my back and squeezing my breasts with his hand as the other one tosses the sweater to the floor.
He stops kissing for a moment, and I tilt my head behind me to watch him pull off his sweater and throw it behind him. He grins at me sleepily, eyelids still heavy, but the piercing blues revealed behind them want me as badly as he’s made me want him. Grabbing my hips again, he brings me close to him and our bare bodies collide under the covers as he kisses my lips, sliding a finger down to my pussy, already wet and aching for his touch.
I reach behind me just as he begins to rub his finger over my clit. His hair twists in my fingers like it wants me there as much as I want to be and his breath is in my ear, my heart rate spikes. My skin pulsates with pleasure that leads me into a blissful explosion, curling my toes and taking my breath away.
Just as I begin to let out a moan, he covers my mouth with his hand and I know I have to be quiet, now more than ever. We’re a few feet from Olive, and though she will be sound asleep, that does not mean she’s impervious to curious noises coming from Adrik’s room.
I take deep, long, steady breaths through my nose as he plunges his length into me from behind. The pleasure is unimaginably immense. There is no trace of pain like there was last night. He’s hitting every spot I need him to as he thrusts in me like, body colliding with mine over and over as he kisses down my neck.
We’re both close now, though I can tell he’s trying not to make noise, he’s moaning a little in my ear and I grin, arching against him as he breathes faster, moves faster. He feels so good inside of me, better than I could have ever imagined, and I want more. The press of him against my back, the way it feels as he pushes me forward, one hand on my ass as he speeds up, his thick cock pounding into me in a way that feels so blissful, I never want it to end.
So this is what Olive has been going on about all this time.
We come together at the same time, our bodies clinging to one another in perfect rhythm as his heat releases inside of me. Our friction is even more blissful than the last time as he slows down, pulling out and releasing my lips from his grasp. My chest rises and falls with his as he holds me close to him. Our naked bodies never feeling quite as vulnerable as they do now— in the stormy light of day, in his room, after entering one another’s depths, the only way he truly could.
“You’re not leaving now.” Adrik whispers groggily.
I breathe a laugh. “I’ll leave the second you fall asleep.”
“Noooo.” He draws out in a sleepy whine as his long arms double up around my waist.
“I cannot get caught leaving here, Adrik.” He nuzzles his head into my back and I shake my grin, imagining his sleepy pouty lips and blinking thick lashes pretending to be sad. After a while, our breathing settles and his body goes soft and relaxed. I pry myself out of his arms and slide out of bed, glancing over at him as I pick up his sweater off the floor and pull it over my head.
He really is the hottest human I’ve ever laid eyes on. His strong jaw, clenched, his lips puffed, perfect nose sloping up to his thick lashes and furrowed brows. The look of his jet black hair sticking to his starkly pale forehead sends a smirk rippling across my lips, and his tattoos covering his body that I’ve mostly memorized, make my heart leap.
I walk over to his dresser after forcing my eyes away from him, so as not to get back into bed and fall asleep next to him again. In the top drawer I find a pair of sweats, and I slide into them before quietly exiting the room and crossing over to mine. Thankfully, when I open the door, Olive is sprawled out in the center of the bed, mouth parted, short brown hair all over the place as she lightly snores.
I breathe a sigh of relief as I shut the door behind me with absolute caution to make sure it doesn’t make a sound, and then I cross to the closet. There I pull out my Miu Miu Cotton Striped Cardigan in navy and red with brown buttons down the entirety of the cropped, ribbed material and a dark navy collar. Next, I grab my Prada cream corduroy overalls and some navy socks.
After stripping out of Adrik’s clothes still hanging off my frame, I toss them into the laundry shoot and head straight for the bathroom to take a shower.
While I’m washing away the memory of Adrik still fresh all over my skin, I think I should have gone to the gym. Perhaps it would have served as a means to an end— the end being, my feeble attempt to forget my fated relationship with Adrik.
It’s not that I don’t have the most fun I have with anyone when I’m alone with him. If he’s in a good mood, we are in this perfect synchronization that’s so unstoppable it’s almost scary. But when he shifts and something ticks him off, or he mysteriously puts up a wall, it’s like we’ve taken twenty steps back. It wouldn’t be so addicting if every step forward didn’t feel so pert and monumental. Like the stars align every time we look at each other and breathing the same air isn’t suffocating, it’s magical and mesmerizing.
I step out of the shower, no less confused about what to do, and even more distraught over what I’ve done. It’s weird that I feel so secure with him, yet so unsteady at the same time. And I wonder if the unsteadiness is from the root of this all— the inevitable.