Page 102 of Heiress Billionaire

All is beyond perfect between us, but instead of a,happily ever after,closing the chapter at the end of our book, we get to live out this fairytale for the rest of our blissful lives.


It’s one of those mornings where it’s raining outside, and I would rather not get up. The past few weeks, especially, I’ve felt ill waking up. Adrik thinks it’s from the rainfall that we get in this area. Something I’ve actually grown to love because Adrik is all the sun I need.

He’s been taking care of me every day, reading books to me, cooking amazing meals that make my mouth water to think about, and watching the sunrise from the back porch most mornings. That’s when it’s not raining, of course. We’ve only been married for a month, but it feels like forever and also a blink of an eye.

“Your breakfast is served.” Adrik’s grin can be heard in his smooth voice as he slides into bed next to me with a wood tray. It’s coffee and a breakfast sandwich with a fruit parfait. I have it most mornings, but for some reason this morning, the smell of it makes me want to hurl. I slide out of bed, thumping across the floor as Adrik calls after me.

Glasses clink just as I make it to the bathroom, hurling out whatever is left in my stomach from dinner last night. I’ll spare you the details of that, bit. Mostly because looking at it makes me heave. I close the toilet and flush it just as Adrik runs into the bathroom.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” He’s inspecting me, hands on my knees, as he waits for a response. I shake my head, it feels light and a little dizzy.

“I can’t explain it. I just…” I shake my head, and he raises his to mine, kissing my forehead gently.

“I’ll run a bath and grab the thermometer. We’ll get you better in no time.” He assures me, waiting util I nod to acknowledge him. With a soft smile, he jogs out of the bathroom and I shut the door behind me, looking at myself in the mirror. I feel and look frail, eyes sunken in just a bit, skin paler than usual. Surely, I’m just coming down with something and this is the last leg of it. Or…

I look down at the cabinet where I left a box that I thought I wouldn’t be using for a long time. It was a just in case purchase more than anything else. It wouldn’t hurt to get it out. Just to calm my nerves a bit, so I rest easy.

I fish through the bottom shelf and pull out a pink box with a pregnancy test printed on the outside. Quietly I pull one out, open it up and lock the door behind me.

The instructions say not to chug water, but that's the only way I’m peeing on this stick before Adrik comes back, so I fill a cup up with sink-water and chug. Soon enough I’m able to go, and I lay the test flat down on the sink when I’m done, setting the timer for three minutes.

Adrik knocks on the door just as the time goes off.

“Just a minute.” I call and pick up the test, eyes immediately wide with shock when I see the positive sign.

“A minute? I’ve seen you in every way imaginable, I don’t think we have much to hide between…“ He opens the door, looks at the box on the counter and the test in my hand, and drops the thermometer to the floor. The case breaks open, and he stands expressionless, eyes looking between the test and me.


“I’m…” I look back down at it in disbelief before saying just above a whisper, “Pregnant.” He’s silent for a moment, and I say it again. “I’m pregnant.” I look up just as his arms wrap around me, and I don’t know how to take this rollercoaster of emotions.

“You’re pregnant.” He whispers, grabbing my face in his hands before I show him the test.

“It’s a plus sign.” He nods and I nod back.

“Are you mad?”

He cocks his head back before laughing. “Does it look like I’m mad?”

“Uh, no but—“

“No. This is great news. This is… we have talked about having kids one day—“

“Yes, one day. Not when we’ve only been married for a month and,” I gasp. “I don’t even have a garden ready.” He furrows his brows, trying to figure out where my brain is going, but I think it’s already left my head. I’ve got as good a guess as him as to why everything insignificant seems very significant now.

He smiles at me after a second before taking my hand.

“Let me show you something.” He pulls me out of the bathroom and into the hallway, leading me up the second floor then down to the end of the hall. The door at the end of it has a stain-glass window in the upper portion, and I don’t remember seeing it a few weeks ago when we were up here. They’ve been finishing the top level still— the group of construction guys that Adrik hired to make a few additions to the home. I haven’t been allowed, nor felt up to, to look at the progress since we first arrived. Still, the beautiful door is a shock.

“Go ahead, open it.” Adrik lifts his chin to the handle and I reach for it, turning the golden globe knob and losing my breath at the sight of the incredible room before us.

It’s like this glorious combination of a garden and a library. Its two levels are separated by a metal spiraling staircase with plants draping around the railing and from the ceiling and next to the towering arch window with sunlike detailing at the top. Bookshelves span from floor to ceiling of the rich brown wood, and cozy fur rugs are tossed throughout among Moroccan print rugs.

Little lanterns with colored glass shards like miniature stained glass, hang from the ceiling at different heights, and I think I smell a fireplace somewhere around the corner.

There’s eclectic looking couches of all different types that somehow work with the cozy space. And I’m having trouble knowing where to look when all of it is so stunningly dreamy.