Page 59 of Unveiled

“Drive but don’t go to the restaurant.” Joseph ordered. He then slid out his phone once again and began to text on it at a rapid pace.

“Should we tell Laura to leave?” Even though I had no idea what was going on, I knew it was nothing good.

“I’m texting her now and Valen…I mean Mr. Gr—” He sighed. “Fuck it right now. I’m texting Valentino.”

“Who’s behind us?” Calm was something I was trying hard to be, however I could not help but worry Felipe might be tailing us.

“Isabelle.” Joseph turned to me for the first time.

“What?” I snapped my neck toward him.

“When I tell you to, please get down.”

“What about my seatbelt.”

Joseph turned his eyes toward the front. “Morrison.”

“Yes?” The driver peeked back in the mirror.

“She’s pregnant, and I need you to get her out of this alive and without jolting her around too much. We’re ready.”

“Got it.” Morrison gripped the steering wheel tighter.

“Wait, me?! What about us?!”

Joseph blinked his signature hazel eyes to my frightened stare. He took both of my hands in his. “Isabelle, I really need you to trust me.”

It pained me to think what he might be up to. Nothing in me wanted him to ever get hurt again for me. Joseph was tough. One of the toughest people I had ever met, but he was still human. And of course, I trusted him. I trusted him with everything in me. “I think you’ve more than earned that, J.”

“Good.” He offered a single nod as he reached over, unbuckling my seat belt within a split second. “Now!” Gently, he shoved me into the floorboard.

Morrison pressed his foot on the accelerator, weaving between what I assumed to be the traffic. I was beginning to feel nauseated as I hunched over, but I was determined to keep it together. I observed Joseph in case he had another order for me. He cocked his gun and his eyes lowered to me.

I took a deep breath as I said a prayer to myself.Oh no!Joseph gave me a look I knew all too well. It was the same look he gave me in London before he ran after Tanya. I shook my head.No. Don’t. Please. I mouthed then closed my eyes fighting back tears. When I opened them, he was staring out the back window.

He turned back to the front. A worried expression was on his face. He made a cross over his chest while he exhaled a heavy, silent breath. “On my signal, then get her home and lock down the estate until I say otherwise.

“Wait!” I panicked.


Our SUV jerked to the side and came to a slow crawl. Joseph pushed his door open and trundled out. I shrieked in horror as I saw him hit the ground and roll off to the side. The door was swinging back and forth.

“Hang on, Miss Ayala. Stay down until it’s safe.”

“Morr—” I tried to speak but was scared to move. “I’ll fall out.”

“Miss Ayala, hang on. Don’t worry.” He swerved a few more times then pulled off to the side of the road.

Paxton hopped out of the car and got in the back with me. Morrison stepped on the accelerator and peeled back out onto the road.

Paxton touched his earpiece.Thank you. He turned to me, bowing his head. “Miss Ayala, you’re good now.” He stretched out for my hand.

With his help, I sat up in my seat and buckled in.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded as I tucked my har behind my ears. “Physically, yes.”