Be back soon.
Knowing there were important things to be done after I finished, I ate with no more interruptions. Jean-Pierre strode over, grabbing my dishes.
“Thank you.”
He bowed his head. “My pleasure, sir.”
Another several vibrations in a row came from my pocket. I took my phone out, checking. It was Joseph once again.
By the way, I took the laptop and all the files from Lindsay’s room and asked Helen to clean everything else in there.
I asked her to put it all in a box for now in case we need it for anything.
I’ll store it in the office where I put the laptop and files.
They’re on your desk so we can all go through it more extensively.
Not wanting to take up too much of his time or mine, I offered a quick reply as I sauntered toward my office.Thank you. We can worry about that tonight.
When I entered the foyer, I instantly halted in my tracks. A horrific scene was unfolding right before my eyes that shook me to my core. Noah’s arms were wrapped around my sister’s waist and hers were tightly around his neck. Their faces were pressed together as they kissed way too passionately for me to handle. Although, any amount of him touching her was too much for me to handle.
“What the fuck are you guys doing?!”
They both jumped, backing away from one another, then turned to me with huge eyes. I buried my head in my hands and groaned before I glared at Noah. “Why the hell is your tongue down my sister’s throat?”
Before he could speak, Laura stepped forward, holding her hands out. She knew I would strike him at any moment. I did not mind my sister dating. She was an adult. What I did mind was her and Isabelle’s personal security fucking around.
She sighed. “Valentino, please don’t be mad.”
“Don’t be mad?” Brow creased, my blood boiled as I became infuriated by the second at the sight before me. However, I could not bring myself to utter another word. Before I hurt Noah and lashed out at my sister for her foolish decision, I swallowed hard, suppressing my rage. Instead of going to my office, I lifted my chin, waltzing toward the stairs, but not before growling under my breath as I passed them. As I climbed the staircase, I reran what I saw in my mind, making certain I was not only imagining it.
When I entered my room, I saw the bed was empty. That meant Isabelle must have been in the bathroom. I thought I should check on her since she had not been feeling well. Trying to feign a smile, masking my irritation, I took a deep breath and sauntered through the door. She was leaning forward in the mirror, putting on mascara.
She stuck it back in the container and screwed it closed. Blinking a few times, she arched a brow, spun around, giggling. “Why do you look like that?”
I should have known I could never hide my expression from her. She knew me too well now. Without a word, I rolled my eyes and marched into the closet, picking out some decent clothes for the day. She followed me to the doorway, leaning on the wall, folding her arms tightly around her stomach.
“Baby, what’s wrong? You look like you saw something horrible.”
Yanking a pair of grey slacks off the hanger, I slid them on. “Oh, I most certainly have.” I turned to face her. “Submerging my brain in acid would not get rid of the mental image, either.” I grasped a navy-blue shirt.
She cracked up as she approached me, placing her hands on my chest before I could pull my shirt over my head. “What did you see?”
I took a step backward, slipping a polo over my head. “Noah!” I gritted my teeth as I adjusted the shirt.
“What about him?” She shrugged, clearly not matching my level of alarm.
I took a pair of shoes from the rack and sat on the ottoman in the middle of the closet. Bending over, I put them on one at a time. “Noah and Laura were making out in the foyer.” I stood, sliding my hands into my pockets.
She gasped. “Noah and Laura are—”
“Donot—” I put my hand up, facing my palm toward her. “Just please do not finish that sentence, Isabelle.” I marched over to my watches and grabbed one out of the drawer. “I don’t think you understand.” I clasped it on my wrist and stormed into the bathroom to style my hair. “I know she spent the night.” I gulped. “She hadsex hairand the same clothes on she wore last night.”
She giggled and propped on the counter next to me. “Baby, why are you being so dramatic about this? She’s an adult and so is he.”
I stopped messing with my hair and stared at her. “Your bodyguard is fucking–” I shook off the thought. “I can’t even finish saying it.”