Page 51 of Unveiled

He nodded. “Noted.”

We marched down the long cemented passageway. Noah surveyed our surroundings as we got closer to where William and Joseph had her locked up.

“This place is really eerie.”

“That’s the point.” I rolled my shoulders back, stretching as we came to a stop in front of her.

Her face was already covered in a significant amount of blood. She sniffled as she cried, cowering on the floor beneath us. Her gaze sluggishly lifted.

“Which one of you did she piss off already?” The corner of my lips twisted up.

Joseph shrugged. “She actually tried to run from us, but she tripped and fell into the wall over there.” He nodded behind her.

William was attaching a silencer to his gun. His brow furrowed as he finished and held it out. “Please use this. This bitch has not stopped screaming and crying, and I have a fucking headache.”

“HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU PREY ON AN INNOCENT WOMAN?!” She shrieked as she sobbed toward the floor.

“Whoa.” I jerked my head back, rapidly blinking my eyes.

“See what I mean?” William nudged the gun toward me again. “Please, just do it.”

I took the weapon and gave it to Noah to hold for me. Squatting down, I placed my fingertip under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet mine. She fought hard, but I pressed my finger harder into her, focusing her attention.

“I would love to know how the actual fuck you think you’re innocent in this?”

She balled her mouth up, then spit toward me. Bloody saliva splattered my face. I closed my eyes, disgusted. Joseph reached down, tapping my shoulder with a wet towel. I wiped my face and dropped it on the floor next to me. My gazed narrowed on hers.

“All women are innocent.”

“Oh, I see.” I stood and paced back and forth in front of her. “Stand her up.”

William and Joseph each grabbed her arms and yanked her to her feet, then stepped away to keep from getting caught in the crossfire. Shifting her weight back and forth, she recoiled, bracing herself for my next move.

“So, you mean to tell me that women should be able to do whatever the fuck they want and never have to pay for their mistakes?” I stopped in front of her, crossing my arms. “Women should never have consequences for their actions, especially when they fuck with people’s lives? All over jealousy.”

Her hands were not bound yet. She rubbed her wrists. I cocked my head as she prepared to make the biggest mistake of her life. Silently, I dared her. I knew it was coming because she was delusional. That instant, she drew her fist back and brought it across my face as hard as she could. I allowed it because it would give me reason to retaliate without guilt.

“You can’t hit me no matter what I do!” She shouted as she tried to hit me again. “I’m a WOMAN!”

Lifting my hand, I caught her wrist in the air, gritting my teeth. “I don’t know what world you come from, but when a woman hits me or fucks with my fiancée—” I walked her backwards and shoved her fist against the hard brick wall behind her, crushing her hand. Leaning close, I growled. “—I will fucking torment them until they beg for death. You’ve provoked the wrong man.”


Lindsay’s body became limp as she attempted to crumble to the floor, but I held her firm against the hard surface. She dropped her head, then squirmed, trying to get out of my hold, causing my temper to manifest. I forced her wrists harder against the wall. She cried out as she met my gaze.

Tilting my head, I leaned even closer to her. “You would love me to kiss you right now, wouldn’t you?”

Pushing away, I drove my fist deep into her stomach, causing her to fall to the floor on her hands and knees. Pacing back and forth, I stared down as she bowed before me. Hugging herself, she rocked back and forth.

“The fact you ever thought you were special baffles me.” I muttered. “You knew the rules. You were a transaction. Nothing more. I used you as a toy. You were never anything more than to me than a secret fuck.” A dark laugh resonated in my throat. “And to be completely blunt, you weren’t all that great.”

She spit on the floor, then rocked back on her knees, peering up into my eyes. I came to a stop in front of her and bent over, cupping her cheek in my palm. Sneering at her blood-smeared face, I laughed again. She tried to lean into my touch.What the fuck?I ripped my hand away, realizing physical contact with me was exactly what she wanted. She had no idea that I was only planning my next move.

I drew my hand back and brought it across her face, causing her to fall backwards onto the hard, cold cement floor.

“Asshole!” She wailed.

“Oh, come on. That wasn’t even that hard. Stand her up.” I cracked my knuckles. “Be glad I don’t have a knife, or I would slowly cut you open and let you bleed to death.”