Page 48 of Unveiled

I did exactly as I was told and stood next to Noah.

He furrowed his brow at me, muttering. “You okay?”

Only responding with a small head bob, I drew my arms into my body and leaned on the wall sideways.

Joseph stood just inside the entrance, guarding the door in case she decided to run. William was standing next to her in the middle of the room, but he took a step back as Valentino approached with murderous rage locked on his target.

Lindsay refused to look him in the eyes and trembled harder as he got closer to her. He came to a stop and pressed his hands into his pockets as he watched her suffer in silence for a minute. Finally, he put a finger under her chin and lifted, forcing her gaze to his. “Let’s talk.”


Lindsay recoiled at my touch. She shuddered at my words. Amused that she was not so talkative now, I stepped over to my liquor cabinet and poured myself a glass of whiskey before perching on the front of my desk. Taking a sip, I studied her. She was no longer the confident woman I hired. She was now playing the victim.Does she think I was buying that act?After all, I bought the last one, so it was a fair question. I peered down at my glass as I swirled the liquid around before taking another swallow.

My mind focused on what could have happened to Isabelle if Noah had not done what he did. I gripped my glass tightly and my knuckles turned white as everyone in the room quietly waited for me to speak. I deeply inhaled, then gulped the rest of my alcohol before placing my glass next to me on the desk.

“Whatever it is,” she cried, “I didn’t—”

“Ah-ah.” I wagged my finger at her. “You know who I am, so you know very well the rules in my home for sluts like you. You do not speak unless I fucking tell you to speak.”

My gaze flickered to Isabelle, who was watching with broad eyes. She had never seen how I interacted with other females this way. It was true that the rules were much different with the women I brought home from the masquerade ball. They were not the same arrangement, therefore I did not treat them the same.

Returning my focus on Lindsay, I glared into her eyes as I held out my arm out. She flinched. Joseph stepped over, placing the file in my hand. She relaxed a bit. I opened it to a photo of her at the event, then took it from the stack. I closed the folder, tossing it onto my desk. The page dangled between my fingertips as I crossed my arms and looked into her fearful eyes, disgusted with her.

“You may continue.” I grinned, staring at her every movement.

“I don’t know what rules you’re talking about,” she arched a brow, “or why the media is all over the place. I’m so confused.” She brought her hands to her forehead and pressed on her temples, massaging them in a circle. “I have done the best job I can with clearing names and fixing everything.”

“I see.” I knew she was lying. I was holding the proof in my hand.

“I’m sorry I looked panicked. I thought I was in trouble.” She crossed her arms and stared directly into my eyes with a glimmer of hope. “I think someone is sabotaging you.”

Noah snorted. “Oh, I have no doubt aboutthat.”

My neck snapped toward him, and I chewed the inside of my cheek, daring him to involve himself. He was new and had much to learn, but he was going to have to understand when to respect me and take a step back from my dealings. I had a feeling it would be hard to break him of that. His personality was the opposite of Joseph.

Lindsay whipped around to face him and placed her hands on her hips. “Who the hell is doing this?” She threw her arms out to the side, waiting for him to respond.

I lifted my hand, signaling for him not to speak. He rolled his tongue over his bottom lip and slid his hands into his pockets. Isabelle’s mouth was in a tight ball, rage intensifying in her as her daggers pierced Lindsay. She was ready to defend her home and her man, and a part of me was very turned on by her expression.

Since London, my sweet fiancée had turned into someone who knew the world was not her friend. She was still the Isabelle I met and loved but was smarter when it came to trusting anyone. Inside her heart, she knew Noah was a good guy, and I wanted to believe that, too.

Lindsay brought her gaze to mine. “Sir, I—”

“Shut up!”

If nothing else, the way she saidsirthis time confirmed everything and I would have known instantly she was one of my former girls with no evidence. I held out the photo, facing up. Her eyes lowered onto it and her mouth fell agape. I heaved it toward her. She took it in her hands, still overcome with disbelief. She crumpled it up, holding it against her chest, speechless and staring.

“Sir, huh?” I kept my cool…for now.

Her eyes strained their way to meet my gaze. Tears poured from her eyes, soaking the paper she was cradling. “I fucking love you!” She shouted, then turned to Isabelle, tossing the photo on the floor. “He was supposed to be my husband, not yours, you useless bitch!”

My fists clenched as I looked over at Isabelle, who appeared as if she were about to lunge forward. Noah read my mind and grabbed her arm just in time, putting her behind him. Isabelle settled down but kept her eyes locked on her target.

“Lindsay!” I shouted. “Look at me!”

She spun back around, anger and hurt in her eyes. Crossing her arms she sniffled a shaky breath. “You’re supposed to be with me. That’s the way it’s always meant to be.”

“I don’t understand.” I shook my head. My knuckles turned white. “Why the fuck are you here?” My fingers were now cramped from my grip. I wiggled them, then shoved my hands in my pockets. “You knew the rules, and they never changed for you or the others before or after you.”