Page 2 of Unveiled

Planting herself in front of me, she walked her fingertips up my red tie. She slid it to the side, playing with my buttons. “Are you uncomfortable with his looks?”

Noah was twenty-six and a good-looking man by society’s standards. He was tall, dark, and handsome and I could see why she would ask me that. Though I knew she would ever betray me, it was still certainly not because of his looks. The problem was, I just never liked people I did not know or trust.

“No. It’s not that.” I exhaled in displeasure. “You know I just hate new people.”

Just as she opened her mouth to respond, Tanya waltzed in, cradling Aston in her arms. Isabelle got excited instantaneously, practically skipping to her. She reached her arms out and Tanya promptly handed him over. Isabelle was in heaven. She loved babies, and pretty much anyone with a pulse.

“When are you guys having one of these?” Tanya snickered, nudging me in the side.

Eyes wide, I shook my head. Isabelle was making ridiculous noises, kissing the soft, flawless infant cheeks of our godson. I folded my arms over my chest, rolling my eyes. I glanced down at Tanya who was staring up at me.

“Let us get through our wedding first, please.” Pursing my lips, I shook my head.

“She’s got baby fever.” She chewed her bottom lip, waiting for me to react.

Before I could respond, Isabelle chimed in as she rocked Aston back and forth. “No, I haveprecious godson feverand can’t get enough of him.” Suddenly, she paused and lifted him to her nose before scrunching her face. “I think he just pooped, though.” She tried to pass him over to Tanya.

Flashing her palms at Isabelle, she shook her head. “Um no. You’re the one holding him, so you have to change him.” She chuckled. “Precious godson fever and all.”

Isabelle clutched him to her chest and sighed as she grabbed the diaper bag off the chair. “Babies should come with built-in air fresheners. I’m going to change him in the lobby bathroom.” She speedily sauntered out of the room, grumbling to herself.

The moment Isabelle was out of the room, I saw Tanya in my peripheral vision, staring in my direction. Slowly, I met her gaze. Hands on her hips, she grinned.


“Someone wants to be a daddy.” She snorted.

Ambling around my desk, I sat back in my chair. Meeting her gaze again, I smirked. “Someone already is.”

Tanya wrinkled her nose. “Okay, I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”


She plopped down on one of the chairs in front of my desk. “Sooo, have you got everything ready for her party?”

I shook my head. “Almost.” Opening my laptop, I pulled up an email from the event planner. “Come here and tell me what you think about this.”

Jumping out of her seat, she skipped to my side of the desk. Resting one of her palms on the surface, she smiled. “What’s this?”

“I haven’t even watched this yet, but we should before Isabelle gets back.” I pressed play on the video sent to me.

“What’s this for?” Bending over, she propped on both her elbows, getting a closer look at the screen.

“The jazz band the event planner sent me to check out.”

A relaxing tempo of piano, bass, and snare played. It provided a relaxing atmosphere of classiness and would be perfect for guests at the estate to mingle and converse with one another as they sipped on elegantly designed cocktails. Tanya sighed before pushing away from the desk. My gazed followed her.

“Dude, it’s her birthday, not a gathering of your billionaire associates.”

“Tanya, I am not trying to have people yelling ‘shots’ repeatedly at the top of their lungs while they throw back hundred-dollar cocktails.”

A mocking sneer appeared on her face. She gripped her hips. “One hundred dollars for a drink?” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment before snapping them open. “Why do I keep forgetting you’re an ancient rich man on the inside?”

As I got ready to argue my point, the door swung open. Isabelle sped in with Aston in her arms and the diaper bag hanging off her shoulder. I tried my best to hide my smirk, amused at her worried expression. She treated Aston as if he were made of glass.

“Okay!” She beamed. “It’s done, and it was the worst.”

“Highly doubt that.” Tanya laughed. “He didn’t come back in wearing his back up outfit.”