Page 55 of A Duke to Save Her


Jackson was taken aback. It was precisely why he had come, but he did not think it was so obvious as to be discerned immediately by Eloise’s sister.

“I… yes, that’s why we’ve come,” Jackson replied, glancing at Delphine.

“And you’re her betrothed, are you? This is a gesture of love? Find the sister? is that why you’ve come?” Alice asked, but Jackson shook his head.

It was why he had come, but it was not the entire reason. He wanted Alice to understand, this was not some futile gesture to endear Eloise to him. She was in terrible danger, and there was a chance Alice could help.

“No… I mean, yes. I am her betrothed, but… it’s very complicated,” he stammered, and Alice raised her eyebrows.

“I’m sure you can explain it.” She folded her arms.

Jackson took a deep breath. He had come here to help Eloise. That was his sole motivation. Had he left it to Arthur Dobson, then things might have turned out very differently. Eloise was in danger. The woman he loved most in the world was in danger, and Jackson would do anything to help her.

“I can,” he said, and now the story unfolded.

He told Alice and James about his first meeting with Eloise at the Mayfair Ball and of their deception in the face of their personal troubles. Alice listened, nodding, as Jackson explained how her sister had told him everything about her search, and how it seemed their father had stood in the way at every turn.

“I wouldn’t have expected anything less,” Alice muttered.

“But why? Why did he send you away? Is it because…” Jackson began, but Alice interrupted him.

“Because I was illegitimate, and growing up, my looks weren’t those of my family. My mother was a maid whom my father took a liking to. I was the result. My mother was sent away, and whilst I always saw Eloise’s mother as my own, and she treated me as such, my father wouldn’t allow me to stay. I knew the scandal it would cause if the truth was discovered, and I didn’t want that for myself, or for him, I suppose,” she replied.

“And so he sent you to Wingate Towers,” Jackson stated, and Alice smiled.

“To dear Reverend Drake. I’ve lived a happy life. Not the life I expected, but a happy one, nonetheless.” She glanced at James and slipped her hand into his.

“But why now? Why come here now and disturb our peace?” James asked.

There was a defensive tone in his voice, and Jackson could understand his fears. He wanted to protect his wife, just as Jackson wanted to protect Eloise.

“Because Eloise is to be married. Not to me, but to Lord Crawford,” he answered, and he told the tale of the discovery of the ruse and how Eloise had tried to run away.

He admitted to them his love for Eloise, that it was no longer a ploy, but very real. He told them how he believed Alice could help by returning home to expose her father and ensure Lord Crawford would want nothing to do with Eloise and break off the marriage. At this, Alice looked doubtful, glancing nervously at James, who shook his head.

“You can’t expect that of her, Your Grace. You are proposing a dreadful thing,” he exclaimed.

Jackson was about to retort, but Delphine interrupted him, shaking her head as she protested to the farmer and his wife.

“Oh, My Lady, I know I shouldn’t call you that, but you’ve not seen the look on your dear sister’s face. She’s terrified of Lord Crawford. The day he snatched her from the inn… it broke my heart. I’ve never seen such terror in a person’s eyes before. My poor, dear, mistress, and she’s searched for you every day since you went missing. I’ve seen the anguish on her face. She misses you terribly, and still, she clings to hope of your return. Won’t you do this for her?” Delphine beseeched.

Alice thought for a moment. She shook her head and pulled out a handkerchief to dab at the tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I couldn’t allow myself to be found. My father forbade it. He sent me away to the orphanage and had me change my name. I told James everything, of course. But I’ve never wanted to go back. I knew Eloise must’ve been searching for me, but I had to put those thoughts aside. It’s not that I didn’t want to see her. I wanted desperately to do so, but… I couldn’t,” Alice sniffled, and James put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek.

“There, there, Charlotte, it’s all right. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,” he whispered.

Jackson felt torn. He wanted desperately to persuade Alice to help her sister, but he could not force her to do so. This was Alice’s choice. Would she return to expose her father for his cruelty or would she leave her sister to a fate for which she was in no way responsible? It was a cruel choice, and one which Jackson knew only she could make.

“But I want to help her. I’ve missed her terribly. I think about her every day, but I never imagined for a moment such a cruel fate would be hers. She should be happily married to a man like you,” she murmured, and Jackson blushed.

That was what he wanted, too. Eloise did not deserve this cruel fate at the hands of Lord Crawford. They had been so close to marriage, even as Eloise had vowed she could never be entirely happy so long as Alice remained missing.

“She wants to see you,” he said.

“Very well. If I can help, I will.” She nodded, and Jackson breathed a deep sigh of relief.