“This one, perhaps, My Lady?” The maid pulled out a dress that was silver, rather than black.
“I said black.” Eloise scowled at the maid, who nodded.
“Yes, My Lady… but, surely you don’t want to appear in mourning at the Royal Dance. What will others think?”
“I don’t care what they think. They can think whatever they like. I am in mourning.”
She had decided to take every opportunity to display her resistance to her father’s and Lord Crawford’s plans. She could not refuse to attend the Royal Dance, but she could make her displeasure clear. What she wore was up to her, and if she chose to wear a black dress then so be it.
“Very well, My Lady. This one, then?” the maid asked, as she took out a black mourning dress with a veil.
Eloise nodded.
“That will do very well, thank you.”
She knew it would look ridiculous. No one ever wore black to a ball. To be in mourning was to retreat from the world. A woman would never attend a ball whilst in mourning. But Eloise did not care what others thought of her. They would see she was not happy, and Lord Crawford would be embarrassed. That was enough.
“I’ll help you, My Lady,” the maid said, and soon Eloise was dressed.
She wore no jewelry, and she powdered her face so it was white, which stood in stark contrast to the black dress, her reflection in the mirror showing a woman who had lost all hope in the future.
“I’m ready,” she announced, and the maid nodded.
“Yes, My Lady.”
Lord Crawford was waiting downstairs for Eloise, dressed in a red frock coat and breeches, with a yellow cravat at the neck. But when he saw Eloise, his face grew angry, and he pointed at her and shook his head.
“No, Eloise. I won’t have it. Get back upstairs and change,” he growled.
At this commotion, Eloise’s father emerged from his study, and he, too, looked aghast at Eloise, dressed all in black with her face powdered white.
“Foolish girl, Eloise. What are you doing? Get changed. Put a different dress on this instant,” he exclaimed, but Eloise shook her head.
“I’m wearing this. I rather like it. It expresses my mood, don’t you think?” She descended the stairs to the hallway.
Lord Crawford stepped forward and grabbed her arm forcefully. His eyes were blazing and his lip trembling.
“No, Eloise. You won’t disobey me,” he snarled.
“You’re to tell me what to wear, are you? Am I to be subject to such humiliation as to no longer choose my own dresses? What color would you suggest? Are you mindful of current fashions?” she asked in a sarcastic tone.
He brought his face close to hers, his voice lowering to a menacing whisper.
“Don’t try me, Eloise. You won’t win.”
“Then make me change. Put whatever dress you like on me. Can you do it?” she challenged.
“Eloise, this is foolish. Go upstairs and change at once,” her father commanded.
But Eloise stood her ground. The time for the ball was fast approaching. There would be no time to change. They could not force her, and reluctantly, Lord Crawford admitted defeat.
“Get in the carriage,” he snapped, as they filed out of the door.
The carriage driver looked surprised at the sight of Eloise dressed in black. But such was Lord Crawford’s anger he merely nodded to them and helped Eloise up into the compartment. Her father was joining them. This was supposed to be their debut, the moment where Eloise and Lord Crawford were presented as betrothed. But Eloise knew she would only embarrass them both, and for that, she was glad.
Outside the Mansion House, rows of carriages waited to unload their occupants. Flaming torches had been lit at intervals along the colonnades, and liveried footmen stood stiffly to attention as the guests in their finery filed past. The Royal Dance was always a highlight of the Season, a grand encore at which the great and the good were presented to the King and the Royal Family. Everyone wanted to be seen there, and it was a chance for the very latest fashions and ostentatious wealth to be displayed.