Duncan was only able to consider his mother's earlier words as he made his way through the stone corridors, the single flames of the candles flickering in the cold of the night.

Admittedly, he had been surprised. Duncan was aware of his mother's feelings—she was opposed to Elaine staying in the castle. And, it seemed, as Duncan observed the servants' reactions, his mother's feelings were reflected in them. Out of loyalty, no doubt. He had no idea she would take it upon herself to express gratitude to Elaine after her demeanor in his study on the same day the council made their decision. Perhaps that was why he had reacted so harshly toward her.

“Really, Mother? Ye mean after such a warm welcome she has received from ye?”

By her expression, her shame had been genuine, but it was the sorrow that followed afterward that moved him the most.

“Ye ken, when ye lost yer wife and child, I lost a daughter and grandson, Duncan. Their loss pained us all. I’m nae taking away from yer sorrow. I cannae imagine what it has been like for ye. I’ve only ever wanted ye and yer brother tae be happy.”

His mother loved him dearly, he knew that. She had also been rather fond of Cora and absolutely adored Eoin. She had lost much at their deaths and perhaps, in his own self-pity, he had not acknowledged that as much as he ought. Perhaps it was something he could address in the coming days. But that aside, he realized that her visiting Elaine had pleased him. It was bizarre, of course, for it was not like they would ever be related. But it satisfied him that the two women he felt strongly for could at least converse in a civil manner.

As he reached Elaine’s bedchamber, he halted in the corridor outside of her door. In the coming days, he had to find a way to tell her that he must be married within a month. Broaching the subject nearly terrified him, for he had no idea how to begin.How dae ye tell the woman yer in love with, that she can never be anything more than yer mistress? And ironically, ye cannae marry her because ye’re in love with her.

Elaine was no fool; she had proven that on many occasions. Duncan knew she would understand on a logical level. Yet what about her feelings?How am I supposed tae protect those?

Whatever way he said it, he knew he was going to hurt her. That was the very last thing he wanted, yet, there was no way it could be avoided. He was no fool either. And it was clear she had deep affection for him. He could not know if she felt love for him as he did her, but their relationship had gone well past anything a mistress alone ought to offer.

Perhaps she could remain in the castle after he was married.

Dinnae be a fool!

She could not. He could never do that to her. It would be cruel for her to watch him with another woman,his wife no less.She'd have to leave, and having to tell her that would break his heart. Perhaps it would be better to tell her sooner rather than later.

Ye ken ye willnae.

No, he wouldn’t. He would leave it until the last possible moment. For not only did he fear her reaction, but he also wanted to enjoy every single moment he had left with her. He had no choice but to send her away for good. Such knowledge hanging over them, however, would ruin the tender moments they spent together. And if he was to give her up, he wanted what they had to last as long as it could.

It was well past midnight, but he entered her chamber anyway. It was selfish, but he pushed aside the guilt of waking her. He needed her right now. He needed to feel her flesh next to his, her lips against his skin, the warmth and comfort her body had given him over these last days. Walking across the room, he watched her sleeping soundly for a long moment—her breast rising and falling with her breath, the soft exhale escaping from those tender lips. She truly was beautiful.

Whatever happened in the next month, he knew deep down, he would never find anyone like her again. A unique woman on many accounts, she was a gem he had discovered, hidden away in a land full of insignificance. His eyes were drawn to the portraits that were pinned on the board above her head. There was a picture of her with a girl and another man, and beside it, a picture of himself, sleeping soundly. He could not deny it, she had captured his likeness very well, though he was not surprised. He had seen several of her works of art already.

Yet, there seemed something different about his portrait. Duncan could not put his finger on it. But deep in his gut, an emotional response caused a tightening sensation in his stomach and his heart seemed to expand. Taking a deep breath in, he heaved a sigh of adoration for her. But he was not there to look at pictures. After the evening he had endured, he needed her.

* * *

In her dream, Elaine felt as though she were floating, though somehow, not quite floating, for there were hands pressed against her body. She was not floating at all but being carried. To where, she did not know, for all around her was a soft mist, covering something just beyond that she could not see, no matter how hard she tried.

Hardly able to open her eyes, she felt roused from her dream and in her drowsy state, struggled to focus. When she could see clearly, she realized that she had not been dreaming at all as Duncan leaned over her and looked at her with his gentle gaze. Looking around, she realized she was no longer in her own bed, but in his.

“I wish I could say that I am sorry tae wake ye,” he said in a low voice. “But I am nae. I missed ye so very much this evening.”

Elaine took a moment to understand what he meant, but clarity came soon afterward, and the more she left her sleepy state behind, the more she remembered what she still had to do. Telling Finn that Duncan would likely not need her that night, she had imagined she would not see him again until the following morning. Yet, there she was, laying in his bed, with him gazing at her with obvious desire.

“Did ye like my gift?” he said, sitting himself down on the side of the bed.

“I did,” she whispered, pushing herself upright. “It was beautiful, Duncan. Nae one has ever done anything like that for me before.”

“Well,” he smiled, leaning over and stroking the hair from her face, “I cannae ken why. Ye deserve the best o’ everything.”

There was something different about him tonight, but she could not comprehend what. Having hardly spoken to her over the previous nights they had spent together, he seemed more open, but at the same time, a little sad. It made her wonder what the feast had been all about, and if there was something that had occurred at the gathering that saddened him.

“Are ye all right?” Elaine asked.

Duncan smiled tenderly. “I am now.”

Without another word, he took her in his arms. He lifted her as if she weighed nothing and placed her on his knee. She straddled him with one leg on either side of his hips. He moved slowly down her back, running his strong hands along her shoulders, until he reached the roundness of her buttocks and squeezed them with his firm grip. Elaine looked down at him from her perch and gently stroked the hair that had fallen across his brow, as it often did.

After watching her intently for a second, he nuzzled his lips into her neck making her lean her head back and gasp, for his soft breath and nibbling lips, sent sensations of pleasure through her. She felt the familiar heat bloom deep between her legs. Her nipples peaked to hard buds, brushing against the roughness of his coat. Elaine rocked back and forth, and in doing so, felt his throbbing manhood growing, pressing against the tender parts of her. A wetness dripped from her sweet opening as Duncan writhed beneath her, their passion entwining and enveloping them both in a whirlwind of desire.