Page 96 of Vengeance & Sin

Jade’s a quick study. She watches Kratos shoot twice before she tries and does a fuck ton better than any of us did the first time. Although, I half expected her to hit a bullseye on her first try, she didn’t, but she was damn close. It took Zander almost three full sessions before he could do that.

He gives Kratos a look of horror when he shares that bit of information with Jade.

By the end of her first magazine, she does, in fact, hit the bullseye and does that ridiculous happy jump shit she did with Rick after she made the egg.

It’s not cute.

Okay, it might be, but who fucking cares.

“Well, I guess she doesn’t need as much training as I thought she might, which is good. It gives us more time to work on other things.” Kratos tells us after she’s fired off a whole mag right into the bullseye with less than thirty minutes of holding a gun for the first time.

“Someone can work with her once weekly here or at the actual range. I want to see how she does with other calibers and work on caring for and disabling the most common guns. We can take turns or whoever is available is fine, but she needs to know how to handle a gun completely before Christmas.” His unspoken, just in case, lingers in the air unsaid, but we all nod in understanding.

Jade might be a badass, but if she does end up back on the inside, this could be the difference between life and death, and she deserves to have every advantage.

“Want to try out throwing those pretty new blades, Doll?” Zander asks Jade after Kratos heads out for the night.

I’m helping Rick put the guns away and clean the two they used, and I can’t help but listen more intensely at the mention of her blades.

“I would love to, but I don’t have them.” She tells him.

He lets out a huff of frustration. “What?” Zander cries in outrage. “Why wouldn’t you have them? Who leaves the house without knives?” He asks, and while his question seems strange to most, I know he’s completely serious.

I walk past them to put the last of the guns up and catch her, giving him a shrug.

“I fit them to my boots, so no boots, no knives.” She tells him as she gestures to the sneakers she’s wearing while she smiles at his over-the-top reaction.

“But,” She says as she moves past him, “I will show you my throwing skills with your knife.” She flips his knife open and throws it down the range into the wooden target thats set up just for those types of weapons. She hits the target, a perfect bullseye, without even trying.

Zander’s mouth falls open before he looks down and then back at her.

“How did you do that?” He asks as he looks between her, the target, and his holster.

Jade chuckles as she watches him, “Sorry, can’t give away all my secrets.” She says with a wink before she walks to the door.

“Bullshit!” He yells after her without any bite, but she keeps going as if he didn’t say anything. “That’s the second time you’ve jacked my knife, Jade!”

She stops at the door and gives him a teasing smile before she puts her finger to her chin and taps it like she’s thinking.

Zander watches her with a crazed look in his eye, but there's a smile on his face that lets me know he’s not actually mad. No, if anything, I would say he’s probably enjoying this far too much.

“Only the second? I guess I’ll have to step my game up.” She says as she pushes on the door to go.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Zander yells before he takes off after her.

She lets out a little squeak of surprise at how quickly he moves before she disappears out the door. Before it swings shut, both their laughs echo down the hall back to us.

Rick shakes his head at them but doesn’t say anything, and for once, I don’t either. I have my suspicions, but until I know more, I’ll keep them to myself, as hard as that may be.

When we get to the lot, Zander’s bike is gone, and I don’t miss the fact that there’s only one helmet on Kratos’s bike now.

It’s our last weekend before the new semester starts, and while we don't have anything to do as far as Vengeance is concerned, it doesn’t mean we aren’t without things to do in general.

Spencer has been looking into Jade with an intensity that's quickly becoming more of an obsession, and when he’s not looking into her, he’s looking into Sin just like the rest of us; sometimes, it’s a combination of the two. While I don’t think it’s healthy, having him busy looking into her seems to keep him away from her. With how close they have come to almost strangling one another lately, I can’t make myself step in to stop him.

Zander has today and tomorrow completely booked down at the shop. He took most of the last two weeks off to stay with Jade, and because of that, he got behind. Since Kratos wants business as usual, he needs to get caught up before the start of the semester when we add even more shit to the pile.

Which leaves me with Jade duty this weekend.