Page 77 of Vengeance & Sin

“Nothing.” I say, and the moment I say it, I know I’ve said it too quickly, and if the smile on his face is any indicator, he knows it too.

“You're killing me here, you know.” He tells me as we turn down a hall that I’m shocked I recognize. It only takes a moment before I realize this is the main hall, the large circle foyer opening at the end is a dead giveaway. At least I’ll recognize this, if nothing else.

“I haven’t done anything.” I tell him, but he just shrugs before pulling me in closer to his side without so much as slowing our stride.

“That’s the problem here, Doll. You don’t have to. The scent of you is intoxicating, the way your hair falls to your ass does me in, and when your cheeks turn that beautiful pink color, all I can do is picture all the other ways I can have you flushed and flustered for me.” He whispers in my ear. His low seductive voice helps my brain paint a picture of exactly what he meant. My mouth falls open as I look around to ensure Hazel isn’t waiting for us somewhere in the hallway. Once I see that it’s just the two of us, I smack the back of my hand to his chest, not hard enough to do damage but enough to hopefully get him to knock it off.

“Zander!” I whisper yell at him, making sure to keep my voice low enough that it won’t bounce off the open area around us.

“What? I can’t help that you're so adorable all the damn time.” He says with a wink and a sly smirk. I open my mouth to tell him just how inappropriate this conversation is, but before I can, we’re stepping back into the main office. I swallow my words but give him a stern look, hoping my face gives him a clear look to knock that shit off.

It doesn’t. I know it the moment he laughs.

How is it that I can kill grown men, but Zander has me ready to run and hide with just a few well-placed words?

He’s going to be the death of me.

“Okay, it looks like the kickboxing classes meet twice a week,” Hazel says to us the moment we walk into the office. She’s hidden behind the computer and doesn’t even look up, but I guess nobody else is here, so she’s safe to assume it’s us.

“Good news is that it’s Mondays and Wednesdays and the Monday class meets just thirty minutes after your first-morning class, and you should be out with plenty of time to get to your afternoon class.” She looks up and shoots me a small smile over the monitor that I can’t help but return. “So, did you want me to sign you up?” She asks, and again all I can seem to manage is an over-eager nod.

She ducks back down behind the monitor, and I hear her click away at the keyboard before the printer behind me comes to life. Hazel hops up and grabs the paper off of it before offering it up to me.

“There you go. Your new schedule is all set.” I take the paper and just look at her for a moment. The smile she has on her face completely transforms her appearance.

When we came in, she was timid and shy, her body language screaming that she wanted to shrink into the wall and disappear into the shadows. I might not know a lot about school, but I wondered how someone like that ends up being the head of a welcoming committee. But now she looks the part. She seems warm and welcoming, like someone who could attract friends easily.

“Thank you.” I tell her simply, folding up the paper and stashing it in my pocket before I turn to Zander. I’m not sure if we are done here or if there's more we need to do, but I’m sure he will.

“Thanks again, Haze. Is there anything else you needed Jade for before we head out?” He asks, and I watch as some of her earlier shyness comes back as she looks at him. Huh, maybe the guys make her uncomfortable.

“Um, no, I gave her the books we have for most of her classes, but the two she’s missing, unfortunately, won't be in until Monday morning, along with her laptop.” She tells him before looking back at me with a nervous look on her face. “Would you mind coming here first thing Monday before classes? I can meet you here and make sure you get them.” I’m not sure why something so simple and entirely out of her control has her so on edge, but I find myself wanting nothing more than to ease that away.

“Of course, that’s no big deal.” I tell her, and the instant I say it, I know it helped. Her posture loses some of its nervous tension almost right away.

She opens her mouth as if to say more, but then her phone gives off a loud beep. She pulls it from her pocket and looks at it quickly before letting out a clear huff of frustration.

“I’m sorry to have to do this, but I have to go. I didn’t think this would take so long, and I arranged to be picked up about ten minutes ago.” She holds her phone up for us as if to explain, though I don’t see why she feels the need.

“Oh, no, it’s fine. You helped plenty, and I’ll be here Monday for everything else, so we should be all set anyways.” I tell her before giving her what I hope is a reassuring smile. She returns it before turning back to Zander again; he simply nods at her, which appears to settle it for her.

She moves around the office, shutting things down before meeting us by the door, where she shuts off the lights and locks them before we all head out together.

“I hope you love it here, Jade, and remember, if you need anything, you can always ask me.” She says before her eyes land on Zander again, and she quickly continues, “I mean, I know the guys will help you, but like if you need anything, they can’t help with, or if they’re busy. I didn’t mean to suggest that they can’t handle it.” Her words come out so quickly that I worry she might not be getting enough oxygen.

Zander chuckles low under his breath but still loud enough for me to hear. He reaches out a hand and places it on her shoulder before giving a slight squeeze in reassurance. “Calm down, Hazel, I know what you meant, and I’m happy Jade has the option to come to you as well. Stop freaking out.” He tells her, dropping his hand before we exit the building. His words seem to do the trick as she takes a deep breath and appears calm again.

She locks up the main doors before turning to face us, “Thanks again for your help, Hazel. I really appreciate it.” I tell her, and she smiles. I’m not sure what it is about Hazel, but I like her.

The sound of a car horn pulls all of our attention. I look over my shoulder to see a blue car parked a few spaces from Zander's in the parking lot just a few hundred feet away. I don't know anything about cars, but it looks just as shiny and expensive as I’m sure Zander’s is. That must be her ride. Does everyone around here have money? I take a second to look back at the school, and yeah, dumb question. Of course, they do if they can go here.

She cringes at the sound before rolling her eyes and looking back at me.

“Sorry about that, my brother.” She gestures to the car. “He got stuck picking me up, and he’s probably not happy that I’ve kept him waiting. He’s an ass.” She says the last part more to herself, but we both hear her anyway.

Zander laughs, “You can say that again.” He tells her, and she smiles at him like it’s their own personal joke, and I don’t get it. I look between them, confused for a moment, before Zander notices.

Instead of explaining, he simply puts his hand on my shoulder and directs us toward the parking lot, Hazel following along just a few steps behind us. He releases my shoulder in favor of holding my hand when I don’t put up a fight, and I can’t help but smile about it.