Page 74 of Vengeance & Sin

I tune back in after a moment and realize that Rick asked me something while I was completely zoned out.

“What?” I ask.

He looks at me a little bit more intensely for a moment as he takes in my appearance from head to toe, “When was the last time you slept?” He asks.

I wave him off because, honestly, I don’t even know the answer, not if he means more than just a cat nap here and there.

“Doesn’t matter. What did you say?” I ask, trying to turn the topic back to what it was before he decided to put me in the spotlight.

“I wanted to know if you could pull up the cameras in the holding cells and around the station so we can see if there’s anything useful there. Kratos said that the main camera outside his cell was wiped clean, but you might be able to get into that if it wasn’t done well.” He repeats.

I nod because, of course, I can do that, it won’t even be challenging, and he knows it. “Yeah, and what do you want me to do if I find anything? Will we handle this, or does Froggie want the info?”

“Get rid of it.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Zander barks before I can, but it doesn’t matter who said it because that was my thought exactly.

“Kratos said all evidence is to be wiped.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal, and it isn’t, but it’s not normal, either.

I can’t remember a time that I’ve ever disposed of something completely. Froggie is very good about wanting information. Even when he wants to be the only one with a copy, he still has it. Knowledge is power, especially in the life we live, so having information on anyone about anything can always come in handy later down the line. That’s something Kratos taught us very early on.

Zander argues with Rick about it, and I’m happy he was the one who decided to question it because even with this information being enough to draw me into the conversation, I’m still beat. I would much rather watch them hash it out and just give my input as it goes.

Zander points out how strange that is, and again Rick can only offer him a shrug, letting us know that he doesn’t understand it either. Of course, we also all know you don’t get to question the boss, so it’s not like he would have asked Kratos why this is different. None of us would.

As I watch them discuss it, I let my eyes wander to Jade for just a moment. I tell myself it’s just to see how she’s handling all of this because I would love for her to think this is all too much and want to leave. But, when I look over at her, I find she’s no longer paying attention to their conversation. Well, I guess it doesn’t bug her at all, damn it.

She releases Zander's hand and scoops her book back up, laying her head in his lap before cracking it back open and continuing to read as if nothing is happening around her. I watch as Zander plays with her hair absent-mindedly, almost petting her like an animal in his lap. He doesn’t even pause in his conversation. He just does it like it’s second nature to him.

After a few minutes of them going rounds, trying to figure out why this hit is different, they seem to be repeating themselves.

Rick makes a good point. Anyone could have put the hit on Corey. It could have been someone who had a family member in his ring or even someone higher up in the food chain who used his girls for services and didn’t want to be dragged down when he eventually gave them up. And he would have; they always do.

We make sure of it.

From Jade’s new position lying on Zans lap, I can see her face better. It’s once again utterly blank as she reads.

After about ten more minutes, it becomes clear this conversation isn’t going anywhere. Jade isn’t going to magically give me the answers to her past, and the guys can argue all they want about how strange this is and the importance of following orders, but we all know I’m going to do what the boss said.

I stand ready to head out now that it’s clear I’m no longer needed. With my mug still in hand, I make it as far as the door once again before Zander asks a question that I actually want to hear the answer to.

“So what killed him then? You said it was a blood bath, but I don’t think you said exactly what the cause of death was or anything else related to that.”

“His brachial artery was cut in two separate areas.” Rick says.

“Well, that would explain all the blood.” I say more to myself than to them, but Zan nods, having heard me anyways.

“Yes, it would.” Rick agrees.

“Okay, so someone just got stabby, cool. Did they leave any prints or maybe even the weapon we need to worry about?” Zander asks. Even though I’m pretty sure it’s obvious that even if they did, that evidence would have been handled, it’s still worth knowing.

“No, Trent swept the room before reporting to my father and found nothing. Kratos swept it again not long after since Trent called him before forensics arrived, but nobody found anything.”

We’re all quiet as we process that. Clearly, whoever went after him knew what they were doing. So this wasn’t just someone worried they would get outed or mad about what happened to someone they loved, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been a hired hit from either of those groups.

“The cuts were very precise. According to Kratos, he believes the first cut was the one that was farther up his arm, just below his armpit. It was shallower than the second cut, and while it would have killed him eventually, it wasn’t quite enough to kill him quickly.” He explains while pointing out the spot on his arm as he says it like we don’t understand the layout of the human body, but Rick is nothing if not through.

“The second cut was just above the inside of his elbow and was much deeper. Between the two cuts, Kratos thinks he was maybe alive five minutes between them and would have passed out about thirty seconds after the second cut based on blood loss from the two cuts combined.” Once again, he shows us where the cut would have been placed before continuing, and I stand there absorbing it all, my need to leave momentarily put on hold.