Page 131 of Vengeance & Sin

He hesitates for a moment before answering as if trying to find the right words. “Okay, yes, I did do that, but-.”

I don’t let him finish, slamming him back against the wall again as my anger gets the best of me. He cringes but pushes on, holding up his hands as if to calm me, but it does nothing. “That’s all I did, though! I know it looks like I did more, but I didn’t.” He gasps out in a rushed, pleading voice.

I narrow my eyes at him as I watch him before letting him go. His legs give, and he slides down the wall until he’s seated on the floor in a heap.

I look down at him for a moment, but he doesn’t so much as look back at me, his eyes fixed on someone else in the room.

I don’t even need to look to know that it’s Jade, but I do anyway.

As if she can feel my eyes on her, she lifts her head to meet my gaze, her smile still in place, and that simple smile settles some of my rage.

She’s a fucking sight to see.

Jade is beautiful. She always has been, but these last few weeks, she has found pieces of herself that make her happy, taking it to a new level.

But right now, standing here covered in blood.

I would burn cities for her, though I know she could do that all on her own.

I only wish it wasn’t her blood.

I take two huge steps until I stand in front of her again. She looks at me through her lashes as she bats them at me. She can try and act innocent all she wants, but we both know that's a load of shit.

I grab her jaw in my hand, forcing her head back to look up at me. I try to be gentle, but when she tries to resist, I can't stop the growl resistance pulls from somewhere deep inside of me as I use force to make her look up. Her smile lets me know she’s more than okay with the rough treatment.

Jesus Christ, this girl will be the death of us all.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” I ask her, pushing down the desire I feel for her in favor of getting answers.

Desire can wait.

“I have no idea what you mean.” She tells me, her voice sugar-sweet.

I hear someone chuckle from further in the room, and I snap my head in attention to them.


I look around the room a bit more and discover that Ant’s also here. It makes sense, considering they are the boys' usual pick when they need lower ranks, but I still don’t like it.

Jamerson has a shit-eating grin on his face, while Ant looks uncomfortable and won’t meet my eyes. Apparently, Ant is the only one with some sense.

“Something funny to you?” I ask, my hold still firmly on Jade’s jaw but my full attention now on Jamerson.

His smile falters a bit before he seems to realize he’s gained my attention. Nobody likes to be the center of my focus if they can help; nobody but Jade, but I think she likes the rush of danger. He quickly shakes his head before muttering a “no sir” and looking at the ground.

I watch him for a moment longer before I turn my attention back to Jade.

“Jade.” I say her name with force, letting her know I’m not messing around, but it doesn’t do a fucking lick of good.

“Kratos.” She says back, mocking my tone in a way that would get anyone else an early grave. Instead, I have to bite back a smile. Not at her snark, though that’s also entertaining. It’s the use of my name and the way it rolls off her tongue that gets me.

I huff before I drop my hand from her jaw and rub a hand down my face in frustration.

“Just tell me.” I say, my earlier anger replaced with exhaustion at this whole damn situation. She must hear it too because she decides to take pity on me.

“Fine, if you must know, I was curious, okay?” She shrugs as if it’s no big deal when it is. It’s a huge deal, but I don’t want to fight with her. Not after thinking she was gone, not with her leg still dripping blood all over the place, and definitely not while we have an audience.

“Is that a crime?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest in irritation.