Page 129 of Vengeance & Sin

The booming of the hatch lets me know that the guys have finally caught up with us.

Well, shit. Now I get to worry about them trying to kill me before I can explain that I wasn’t the one who stabbed her.

She shoots a smile my way just before the door flies open, slamming into the wall so hard that I’m sure it won’t ever close properly again. But, judging by the smile on her face, she knows I’m in for shit too.


The wind whips through my hair, blowing it all over the place. I can’t bring myself to care as I push my bike faster down the road.

When Rick called, I knew something was wrong before he even told me. Rick isn’t one to show emotion, and the panic in his voice was clear after just a few words. I expected it to be something about Jade, but I wasn’t expecting her to be missing.

It shouldn’t be possible, or at the very least, it should have been very hard to catch her so off guard that someone could take her.

I want to think she knows what she’s doing, that if she's gone, she has a reason, but that does very little to settle my panic.

Panic that had me jump on my bike without a helmet. Not taking enough time to bother securing my hair to keep it out of my eyes as I drive as fast as my bike will allow back to Hoppers.

As I ride, I clench my jaw in anger and hold the handlebars tight enough that my knuckles turn white and my hands cramp.

I’m angry at so many things I can’t stop to focus on just one.

What the fuck is she thinking?

What the fuck is he thinking?

Did he take her to Hoppers?

Why the fuck couldn’t I have gotten this call two hours ago when I was already at the club?

Most importantly, why the fuck did I choose to live so god damn far away?

The usual twenty-minute drive now feels like it’s taking a lifetime. I need to focus.

As I drive, I think of all the other places he might have taken her if not to Hoppers, but I come up with nothing. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, though. Does that mean he’s for sure at Hoppers, or does that mean nobody will know where they are if not there?


I’m two minutes out, and my thoughts continue to spiral out of control. What if it wasn’t Spencer who took her? Rick seemed pretty confident it was and based on the issues they have had in the past, I can see him deciding to take things into his own hands.

That doesn’t mean I won’t be strangling him for it, but I can see how he would get to this point of desperation for answers.

What if it wasn’t Spencer, though?

The thought brings all kinds of terrible thoughts to mind. Thankfully the view of the building cuts them all short before I lose myself to any of them.

I whip into the parking lot, bypassing the main club and pulling right up to the shed. If I was Spencer, this is where I would take her. Hopefully, I know him well enough to get this right. I could wait for Zander and Rick and see what they think, but the thought of waiting makes my stomach turn. No, I can at least check, and if she’s not here, we can go from there.

I park my bike and hardly get the kickstand up before I run to the shed. I don’t slow down as I pull open the hatch and start down the stairs.

I’m about halfway down the steps when I hear something from down the hall, and I instinctively speed up. It could be anyone, everyone in Vengeance knows about this gem, but nobody is supposed to use it without letting me know. I hope that rule has held for everyone but Spencer tonight.

I make it to the last door on the right and slam it open with much more force than I intended. It slams into the wall, and I can hear the telltale sound of the wood splintering, but I can’t bring myself to care as my eyes search the room.

Four people stand in the room, two of our lower members that I don’t look at long enough to identify, and in front of them stand Jade and Spencer.

Everyone is frozen in place, looking at me to see who just barreled into the room, not that I can blame them. I look at Spencer long enough to give him a look that has him slightly cowering before I dismiss him in favor of looking at Jade.

When our eyes meet, she gives me a huge smile, rushing me to throw her arms around my neck. I gather her up in my arms without a thought as I press her to my chest and breath her in as I convince myself that she’s here and safe.