Page 119 of Vengeance & Sin

“I wanted to talk to you about Jade.” He says without looking away, and I feel the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Is something wrong?

I open my mouth to ask, but the worry must be clear on my face. Before I can say anything, he holds up his hand to stop me.

“Nothings wrong. It’s not like that. She’s fine.” He says in a reassuring voice, and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding before I nod.

“Okay, well, then what is it? You're kinda freaking me out.” I tell him with a forced chuckle. I try for a joking tone, but it falls flat.

“I know you, and her have gotten close these last few weeks.” He says, bracing his hands on the counter before him as he leans into it. I nod because we have, but anyone with eyes can see that.

“I just wanted to know if you have a plan for that?” He asks, and I just kind of look at him because I have no idea what that even means, plans for what?

When he doesn’t elaborate, I feel the need to ask him just that. He’s looking at me like I’m fucking dumb, and I mean, maybe I am because even now, after running the question back over in my mind a few times, I still have no idea what he means.

“I’m not sure what that even means, Rick.” I tell him, and he hangs his head, looking down at the counter.

“Fuck. I really didn’t want to have to spell it out for you, Zander.” His voice is tense and low as if he’s talking more to himself than to me. He’s looking down at the counter, but with his height, I can still see most of his face as he closes his eyes and gives his head a slight shake.

Just like earlier, his cheeks have the slightest hint of red, and for whatever reason, that small thing makes something click.

I slap the countertop hard enough that my hand stings, but I ignore it as Rick’s head pops up, and he looks at me in shock at the sudden sound.

“You fucking like her, don't you!” I yell, pointing an accusing finger at him as a grin splits my face.

God, I fucking knew it!

The look of shock on his face is priceless and only gets better as it morphs into one of embarrassment. I’ve known Rick a long time, and he wasn’t always so cold and standoffish. No, this was a part of his personality that he adapted to lead better, and while it works well, it's still nice to see he's capable of showing emotions. Though I’m sure at this moment, he wishes he wasn’t.

He pushes back off the counter before taking a few steps away just to retrace those same steps back the other way without answering me. Not that I need him to. With how he reacted, it’s pretty obvious, but I still kind of want to hear him admit it, to hear that I’m right.

He paces back and forth for a few minutes, and at first, I thought he was trying to collect his thoughts, but now I’m wondering if he’s forgotten I’m even here.

“Rick?” I call his name to get his attention. It works. He stops abruptly before turning back to face me, his face once again all business, not a hint of his earlier embarrassment.

Damn, I wish I had snapped a picture.

“I don’t intend to get in the way.” He says now that he seems to have thought through whatever he was trying to figure out. “I just wasn’t sure what was happening between the two of you, so I wanted to bring it up.” He nods as if that settles everything, but it only confuses me.

I throw up my hands as he turns back to the sink as if this conversation is over. “Woah, hold on, back up, and explain what the fuck is going on because I feel like I’m missing something here.”

He huffs a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in a way he often does when he’s stressed out.

Well, join the club, my guy, because you're not the only one.

“I may or may not have realized that having Jade around isn’t the worst thing in the world.” He drops his hand from his face to look up at me, and I can’t stop myself from screwing up my face at him in disbelief.

Was that his way of telling me he has a crush on Jade?

Fuck, I hope not because if so, he’s terrible at this. Which wouldn’t be crazy, I guess, considering I don’t think he’s ever had more than a girl he will go back to for a quick fuck. Rick isn’t one for relationships.

Okay, I guess it makes sense when I think about it like that. What doesn’t make sense is the idea that I might have just found something that Rick is bad at.

He ignores my look and continues talking. “I was unsure of what you and Jade were to one another. I know that the rumor around the school is that she’s dating within our group, and I wasn’t sure if that was true or not.” He pauses for a moment as if thinking about what he just said. “Well, the rumor is that she’s with all of us, but that's insane, so I figured it was more likely you two who were together if anything.” He waves his hand as if clearing it of the very idea.

I open my mouth to comment on that, but I don’t get a word out before he pushes on again.

“Regardless, I just wanted to know for the sake of the mission. I don’t intend to make anything more complicated for her or us.” He says very matter of fact.