Page 104 of Vengeance & Sin

“Come on, let's go before we're late.” She says over her shoulder as she heads toward the door. I’m quick to follow her if it means getting out of this office.

We make it out and into the hallway. Hazel moves around the school like she was born and raised here. She hardly even has to look to know which turn to take, pointing out things to me as we go. Zander walked the ground with me and showed me my classes, but it’s clear to me Hazel not only knows the school but she also loves it.

I doubt I will retain a single thing she tells me, but I find myself nodding and smiling anyway. Her happiness is contagious.

“Haze, wait up.” Trent calls from behind us down the hall from where we just came. We both stop to look back at him. I have zero issues with Trent, but the moment I turn to look at him, I see that Leo’s with him, and I feel my smile all but melt away. I’m not sure what it is about him, but something is just off. Who's that happy after running into someone? I know I met him like fifteen minutes ago, but he’s been happy the whole time, and it’s kind of freaking me out.

We wait as they walk up, and I try to convince myself that I’m just overreacting.

“I’m showing Leo to class, and I figured we could all walk together.” He says as they reach us.

Hazel rolls her eyes, “Yeah, so happy to do your job now that seeing Jade is part of that, huh?” She asks him, every word dripping with sarcasm, and I can’t fight the laugh that escapes me at her dramatics. I don’t know what it is about them, but their sibling fighting is entertaining. I used to dream of having a sibling when I was young and alone, but I never pictured it like this. I wonder if all siblings are like they are.

He shoots her a look that clearly tells her to shut up, but she ignores him, and it only makes me laugh more. I cover my mouth, hoping they won’t notice, but they both look over at me and smile before Hazel grabs my arm, and we continue down the hall, leaving Trent and Leo behind.

“Let’s go before my brother decides to throw himself at you. The last thing you need in your life is more alpha assholes.” She says in a loud voice that lets me know she was talking to Trent as much as she was to me.

“What the fuck does that even mean?” I ask her as I follow after her, laughing.

It’s not until we round the corner that she drops my arm, and I realize that I didn't even mind her touching me. Usually, with strangers, it takes a few to warm up to them. Even with Clair, it took a few days and a lot of control to hide my reaction. I hadn’t even noticed with Hazel.


“It means you already have the Vengeance guys; you don’t need Trent. He doesn’t deserve someone as awesome as you anyways.” She tells me with a smile, and I’m not sure if she’s serious or just joking, but I’m still laughing because I don’t have any of the Vengeance guys.

Is that really what they call them?

What a lame name.

I suck in a few deep breaths before I can talk and actually be understood.

“First of all, I don’t have any of the Vengeance guys. Why you thought that is beyond me.” She gives me a look that screams she doesn’t believe me, but I keep going.

“Second, I was referring to whatever it was you called Trent.” I clarify because I have no idea what she even said to repeat it.

We continue down the hall, but I can feel Trent and Leo not far behind us. Before Hazel can answer me, Trent is jogging up next to me.

“She’s just mad that she’s not as cool as I am, is all.” He says as he shoots her a shit-eating grin.

She rolls her eyes at him and stops walking. “As if I’m more than happy to be nothing like you.” She tells him before she turns to look at me. “Alpha assholes are like the guys that think they are top shit, who like to run things and be in charge.” She gestures to her brother, who stands next to me still. “Like Trent, for example. He thinks because he’s a cop, that he’s so great. Spoiler alert, he’s not.” She fake whispers the last part to me.

I still don’t understand, but I nod anyway.

“No. The alpha assholes at this school would be the guys you happen to be running around with all over the place.” Trent says to me, and I look back to Hazel to see what she says about it.

She nods. “Well, yes. They are alpha assholes, but that doesn’t mean you're not.” She waves her hands around, making it look like she's trying to clear the air. “Besides, they worked hard for that title and are proud of it. I was warning her of you because you try to pretend you're not one, and I didn’t want her to be blindsided while you try to charm her.” She cocks an eyebrow at him as if she’s daring him to disagree. I’m unsure which part she expects him to disagree with, though. The alpha part or the charming me part.

I really hope it’s the latter because my brain is already overwhelmed with just the guys and what I feel around the three of them. I can’t imagine adding another guy to my plate.

And Kratos, my brain supplies without permission.


Yeah, I don’t need to have anyone else making this more complicated than it already is.

Trent smiles at her but doesn’t comment on what she said one way or the other. “Anyways, like I was saying. I’m showing Leo to class, and since it’s a class the three of us have together, I figured we could all walk together.”

“Yeah yeah, come on, Romeo, before we're all late.” Hazel answers for me before once again grabbing my arm and herding us down the hall and out one of the doors. We end up on a path between the main building and a few smaller ones. There are picnic tables and trees all over the place. A few students linger around with books or talking with people around them.