The waiter sets down a plate of mac and cheese in front of Charlotte, and I didn’t think it was possible, but her smile gets even bigger when she sees the food.
They set down a plate in front of me as well, and I realize I didn’t even order. Zander catches my eye from his seat a few tables over and winks at me.
The plate is piled high with more lasagna than I could ever hope to eat. The moment the waiter sets it down, they turn to leave. The smell of the food hits me, and my own smile pulls to my face, Charlotte and I share a look, and without saying another word, we both dig into our food.
The flavor explodes on my tongue, and I can’t even make myself care about the sounds that I know I’m probably making right now. This is easily one of the best things I have ever had in my life.
After a few bites, I look back up at Zander. I know he ordered this for me. The other day we made pasta, and I loved it. He commented about having me try lasagna sometime, but we hadn’t had the chance to ask Roderick about it, and it wasn’t something that Zander knew how to make. But, he told me he was sure I would love it and damn, was he right.
Our eyes connect across the small space as soon as I look at him, and I realize that he must have been watching me. There's heat in his eyes, and I feel my cheeks heat to match them. Apparently, my sounds were louder than I realized. I’m going to have to learn how to eat without making so much noise unless I want Zander to keep looking at me like I’m his meal.
On second thought, maybe I should be louder.
At the thought, I can feel my smile grow into something more flirty. Then, as if he could read my mind, he shakes his head at me with a smile of his own before turning back to his own plate.
Before I can do the same, my eyes catch someone else watching me. Now that Zander has turned his attention back to his food, I can see Spencer where he sits at the end of the table farthest from us. His gaze has the opposite effect of Zanders. While Zander’s eyes on me made me feel happy and light, Spencers makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he watches me like he was waiting for me to lash out or make a mistake. I roll my eyes at him, but he doesn't react, and I don’t look away.
I hold his gaze, and after a minute, I notice something. While his face screams annoyance and distrust, his eyes don’t really match that. Just like Zander’s, his pupils are wider than usual. He might not like me, but clearly, he can’t control how he reacts to me.
I give him the same flirty smile I gave Zander and watch his eyes widen before he quickly looks away.
I turn back to Charlotte, who is too happy inhaling her mac and cheese to have noticed our exchange, and shove a bit of my own meal in my mouth to stop from breaking into a fit of laughter at Spencer’s reaction.
Serves him right.
* * *
After we finish eatingas much of our food as possible, Charlotte quickly launches right back into telling me everything. She’s apparently also starting school this Monday and is so excited. She loved school in her life before the ring, and this school isa thousand times better, her words, not mine.
We sit for a few hours, and while I don’t get to do much of my own talking, I’m happy to listen to her rants and stories.
Eventually, Mrs. Thompson walks over to our table to let Charlotte know they are about to head out for the night. She gives me a polite smile but doesn’t say anything to me before she heads back to her seat.
Charlotte is quiet for the first time all night, and her smile isn’t as bright. It instantly puts me on edge because I’m not sure what happened to cause her mood to dim, but I don’t like it.
“What’s wrong, Charlotte?” I ask her after a moment of her being silent.
Maybe she doesn’t want to go back? I don’t understand why she wouldn’t after she’s spent the night telling me nothing but good things about her new home and life, but if that’s the case, I won’t make her. I just need her to tell me.
It takes her a moment, but I don’t push her as I wait for her to tell me.
“I miss you, Jade.” She finally says, her voice low and sad. “I know the Thompsons are great, but..” she trails off as a tear slips down her cheek.
“Hey now, none of that.” I tell her as I turn in my chair and open my arms for her. She doesn’t hesitate, jumping up from her seat to run around the table and into my arms. She buries her face in the crook of my neck and takes a few deep breaths while I rub her back.
“I’m not going anywhere, kiddo. I’ll be here as long as you need me, okay?” I tell her, and I feel her nod against my shoulder before she pulls back to look at me.
“You promise?” She asks, and for the first time since I walked in the door tonight, I see the scared little girl that she used to be.
I hate it. I never want her to be that girl again.
“I promise.” I tell her simply before I wrap her back in my arms and gently rock her like I used to.
I feel her body relax against me, and I know the moment she falls asleep, but I can’t make myself move before I have to. So instead, I sit and rock her, content to be whatever she needs me to be.
A few minutes later, Mrs. Thompson returns to the table, stopping a few steps away from me.
“Charlotte, honey, we have to get going now.” She says in a sweet voice, and I find myself only liking her more with how gentle she is with her.