Page 76 of Vengeance & Sin

“You seem to need a lot of proof, yet you don’t seem to be getting very far with it. Tell me, how’s your search into my past going? Did you discover all the deep dark secrets that will make Zander drop me and Mr. boss man put me out?” Her tone is teasing and heavy with sarcasm. It makes me want to scream at her all over again, but instead, I shake my head at her like she’s some small child who doesn’t know any better.

“Oh, don’t worry about that, I’ll find everything I need soon enough, and when I do, you won’t be able to run fast enough or far enough to escape Froggie's wrath.” She throws her head back and laughs, like an actual genuine laugh, not just those little giggles she usually gives Zander. The pure look of joy transforms her features, making her look less mean and younger. I have to grit my teeth against the anger it makes me feel that she would dare laugh at any threat I give—especially one involving the man who runs this city, who allowed her to keep breathing.

After she finally gets herself back under control, she wipes her eyes to clear the tears that gathered as she laughed.

“I’ll be waiting.” Is all she says before she winks at me and once again turns away from me to head out.

This time I let her go, my brain fried between my anger and lack of sleep as I just watch her walk away.

She stops in the door's archway and looks back at me before digging around in her pocket. I can’t see what she pulls out, but it’s something small that easily sits in the palm of her hand.

“Oh, and next time you want to bug a room that Kratos wants cleared to speak to me, either do a better job at hiding it or just don’t.” Without warning, she tosses the object to me, and on instinct, I catch it. “Next time, I’ll give it to him instead of you.”

I look down at my hand to find one of my custom-made mics in my hand. It’s been smashed to bits.

She had to have smashed it after talking to Kratos because I was able to hear their whole conversation without issue, but if she found it and didn’t say shit, she must have known it was there the entire time.

Why let me listen?

I look up to ask her, but she’s gone.

That's fine. I don’t need her to tell me anyways because I’m pretty sure I can guess the answer now that I really think about it.

Because she can, that's why. This was a power play, and I’ll be damned if I let her win.

Fuck. I need some coffee to get to the bottom of this she-demon before she pulls apart everything we have worked so hard for because the longer she’s here, the more apparent it becomes to me. She could undo it all, and it wouldn’t even be fucking hard for her to do it.

The college campus is enormous, I thought the Spade house was a lot, but there is no way I’ll be able to navigate this place after just one day of walking around it. Zander assures me he’ll help me get to all of my classes, but after comparing our schedules, we have exactly one class together all week, so I’m not so sure about that.

Zander somehow remembers not only his schedule but the guys' as well, and it seems I have at least one class with each of them over the week. I also have a free day on Wednesday but seeing as I can’t drive, and Kratos wants me to be at least near the guys; Zander has been going over the open extracurricular courses I can take to fill my day until one of them is free. None of the options sound bad exactly: art, dance, robotics, astronomy, and even photography all have their own appeal, mostly because I’ve never had a chance to explore anything like them before.

We’d spent almost an hour just going through all the choices and what they were, and I still wasn’t any closer to deciding. It wasn’t until the head of the welcoming committee stepped in that we finally got somewhere. She offered the option of sports and physical classes, and while sports didn’t sound like they were for me, Kickboxing got my attention.

Hazel has spent all morning with us. From the moment we walked in, she was there. She had my schedule and a small smile, but aside from that, she mostly stood back and tried to seem invisible, so I didn’t attempt to draw her into a conversation. She hadn’t said anything to me after greeting me and welcoming me to Northwestern University, but she was clearly listening because she knew when to step in.

“Kickboxing usually has four or five open slots each semester as many people go with sports or something less hands-on. If you want, we can head back to the office, and I can check the system to be sure?” She seems unsure but also genuine in her attempt to help, and I can hardly keep my excitement contained as I nod at her, almost a little over eagerly.

I feel a bit silly being so excited about something so simple, but she smiles at my reaction, and I can see some of the tension leave her shoulders for the first time since I saw her this morning, so it’s fine.

“Thanks, Haze, that would be great.” Zander tells her as he takes in my enthusiastic reaction with a small smile playing on his lips. For the first time since we stepped into the school, I realize that he seems to know her, and while that's not surprising with the guy's reputation, it looks as though he knows her well enough to have a nickname for her.

I try to keep my questions to myself, but after Hazel gives us a nod and turns back toward the office, it must be clear on my face for Zander. He chuckles before he slings his arm over my shoulder, guiding us the same way that Hazel just went.

“What’s with the face, Doll?” He asks me as we walk. Thankfully Zander seems to know where we need to go because even after spending the better part of the morning in this building, I can’t tell one hall from another.

Ugh, Monday is going to be a nightmare.

“I have no idea what you mean.” I tell him as I continue to look around, trying to find markers that might help me, before realizing it’s a lost cause and turning my attention back to him.

He gives me a look that screams he doesn’t believe me, but I don’t take the bait, instead just shrugging as if I have no idea what he means.

After a minute, he gives in. “Well, whatever the reason,” He gives me a pointed look, and I raise my brow at his response before he laughs and continues, “or non-reason, there's nothing to worry about, I assure you. We grew up with Hazel, and she’s like a little sister to us more than anything else.”

As soon as he says it, I can see that. He may have had a nickname for her, but he was busy looking at me when he said it. None of his typical flirting nature was directed at her like he does with me when he calls me Doll.

Just thinking about his stupid nickname for me has heat rising to my cheeks, and I duck my head, hoping he doesn’t catch it. When he first called me Doll, I thought it was just a term of endearment that he might use. But during the time I’ve spent with the guys, I’ve seen him around a few girls, and he hasn’t called anyone else that, or any other nickname for that matter.

“What are you thinking about that has your cheeks so pink, Doll?” Ugh! Of course, he would not only notice but, again, with the nickname. Damn him.