Page 34 of Vengeance & Sin

Without breaking eye contact, I grab her wrist, halting the movement. Her breath catches ever so slightly, and I would have missed it had our chests not been pressed together. So, even though I don’t hear it, I feel it.

“You're playing with fire here, Doll.” I tell her, and her eyes light up.

Fuck me.

She knows exactly what she’s doing. I played right into her hands, and I’m not even mad about it.

“I know.” She says, but her voice isn’t as sure as it was a moment ago, and it’s my turn to search her face.

I don’t get to look for long before she leans into me even more, closing the gap between us as she presses her lips to mine.

Kissing Jade is nothing like I imagined it would be, and yes, I’ve imagined it a few times now.

I expected it to be harsh with bruising pressure and a raging need to push for control. Instead, I’m met with soft lips and unhurried movements as her lips melt into my own.

She’s giving me control here, and with everything I have learned about her, that seems like a big deal. It’s enough that my brain takes a moment to really understand that this is happening.

Before I can pull myself from my thoughts, she pulls back, removing her lips from mine even as she leaves behind the taste of her. My tongue darts out to lick my lips, needing to taste more of her now that she’s moved away.

It’s not until I meet her eyes again that I realize I hadn’t made any move to kiss her back. At first, I didn’t want to push her. I wanted to let her make the first move, be in control, and just follow her lead. But I quickly lost sight of that and instead stood frozen as she explored my unmoving lips.


The confusion I see on her face finally shakes me enough that I take a step back. The moment there is space between us, her face falls, but I barely get a glimpse of it before she turns away from me. She returns to the bed, quickly grabbing her shorts and stepping into them.

What just happened?

She reaches out to grab her shirt, but before she can, I step in front of her, blocking her and making her look at me.

“What’s wrong?”

She looks down at her feet instead of meeting my eyes. I’ve seen her do that a few times now, and each time she’s been in a situation that makes her feel ashamed.

I give her a moment, but she doesn’t look back up and makes no effort to answer me.

I reach out and gently push her chin up, so we’re face to face.

“Jade, please talk to me.” I make sure not to let my frustration bleed into my words. I’m frustrated with the situation and myself, not with her, and I don't want to chance pushing her away further.

Her eyes jump to meet mine and then back down before she sighs deeply.

I open my mouth to ask again, but she starts talking before I do.

“I’m sorry, okay.” Her voice wavers.

Her eyes shoot up to meet mine, and I see uncertainty there for the first time since meeting her.

“I’ve never done this before, and I have no idea what I’m doing.” She says before she pulls back from me, moving around me to reach for her shirt and throwing it on in one swift motion.

I make no move to stop her because, honestly, the more clothes she puts on, the easier my brain can function. The moment she has her shirt on, she turns away from me, but we’re not done with this conversation. I don't understand why she’s apologizing to me, but I need to.

She heads to the door, but I cut her off, easily sliding in front of it, blocking her way out.

Her eyes harden again, and this I can handle. Give me gonna beat your ass Jade any day because I would gladly let her beat me down over seeing the look of uncertainty she just had.

“Stop.” I tell her as I hold my hands up to stop her physically if I have to. Let's hope it doesn’t come to that.

She stops a few steps shy of me but doesn’t say anything. Instead, she folds her arms as if waiting for me to talk.