Page 38 of Demon’s Reign

Her eyes narrowed for the briefest of seconds before she turned back to us. “I hope you enjoy your lunch. Please forgive me, but I can’t stay. Your mother has requested I join her this afternoon.” Ari gave a slight bow, then disappeared back through the door to our rooms.

Okay? What was that all about? My stomach growled, and I shuffled over to sit next to Cassie on the bench. Alex had already gotten her a platter of cheese, grapes and cured meats, but she was just pushing it around.

“Not hungry?” I asked, stealing a slice of cheese.

“Just not feeling the greatest.” Her eyes flicked to mine, then back down again, and suddenly I wasn’t so hungry either.

When was she going to tell me? If the empress had it her way, I’d be Ascending in only a couple weeks. I didn’t have much time left. I still couldn’t understand why she kept her exciting news to herself. Did she think I’d be mad? Did she think I’d hate her? I would never.Couldnever.

“Is there anything else you’d like me to get you?” Alex piped up from her other side, his brows pulled into a worried line.

Cassie shook her head, sending her gold locks shimmering under the caress of the sun. “Nothing really sounds good right now.” Concern twisted my stomach, but I didn’t allow myself to let it show. “Actually, I think I’m going to go lay down for a bit,” she murmured, her shoulders slumped. She handed the plate back to Alex and the two of them headed inside.

My heart ached watching her go. Ryker strode to my side holding a plate piled high with a little of everything. My mouth watered, and my eyes widened as he held it out to me. I looked from the food to his face, but it was as impassive as ever.

I signedthank you,and gratefully accepted his offering. “Just don’t tell the empress,” I whispered teasingly.

Ryker bowed his head before taking a seat next to the bench beneath the large oak tree with his own plate. I hadn’t missed the slight smile he’d tried to hide. It eased some of the anxiety my sister’s actions had caused, and though I still worried for her, I wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity to gorge myself.

Ryker and I sat in easy silence while we both finished lunch. Setting my plate down on the bench beside me, I stretched my arms over my head and winced as I worked out the knots I’d acquired from training. I peeked a glance at Ryker and found him leaned back against the trunk of the oak, eyes closed. Sunlight seeped through the leaves overhead, dappling his face and giving him a regal etherealness.

Why did he have to be so handsome? It wasn’t fair. Pouting slightly and wanting to even the playing field, I motioned a servant over from where they gathered the remainder of our lunch. Whispering my desire to the younger girl, she gave a quick bow before slipping away toward my room.

Ryker’s eyes opened into slits as I rose from the bench and headed for where he sat cross-legged on the ground. My heart rate increased, and my over full stomach churned as feathers danced inside me.Be brave; play the game.Forcing my lips into a smile, I lowered myself to the grass in front of him. I turned my back to him just as the maid returned carrying my brush. She presented the silver object to me with a bow, and I accepted, then twisted where I sat, holding it out to Ryker.

“Could you brush my hair for me?”

He didn’t move, just sat there staring at the brush in my hand like it was a cobra about to strike. I waggled it up and down.

Why?he signed—another easy gesture I’d learned.

I shrugged. “Because it’s something I enjoy, and you owe me after beating me up earlier.”

He scowled, but after searching my face a moment more, finally took it.

Thank you, I signed and faced away, forcing myself to keep my breath steady, and hating how much I anticipated the feel of his touch.

At first, nothing happened—Ryker didn’t move. Calming my racing heart, I closed my eyes and waited. The caress of the sun warmed my skin while the melody of the birds, hidden throughout the garden grounds, filled the air like music. It was so beautiful and peaceful.

After what felt like ages, the sound of rustling ensued and Ryker shifted closer. There was a slight tug on the band containing my hair as he removed it, freeing my silver locks to cascade down my back. I was honestly surprised when he started working from the bottom of the strands up, carefully teasing out each of the many tangles.

“How do you know to do that?” I asked, not moving as I enjoyed the heady sensation of the brush running through my hair. “Oh wait, you have long hair.”

He paused, then resumed brushing. Was there another reason he was aware of how to care for long hair? Did he have a sister? . . . A lover? Guilt plagued me as I realized it was the first time I’d even thought about the ones he’d left behind. What he’d given up to come here—to come kill me, I corrected, trying to dissolve my guilt.

Ryker continued to brush my hair until there wasn’t a tangle left—quite the feat as we’d been training all morning, and it was an imp’s nest. Finished, he set the brush down, and I tried to ignore the sense of disappointment that he’d stopped. I flinched when he returned his hands to my head, working his fingers through the now smooth strands.

What was he doing?—not that I was about to complain.

Focusing on the feel of his fingers, he parted my hair into sections from the top of my skull down. He was going to braid it? His fingers continued to run along my skull in quick strokes, and I smirked.

“Trying to feel if I have horns or not?”

His hands froze, and I leaned back, meeting his gaze upside down. He cocked his head in question. I laughed and flopped the rest of the way down, resting the back of my head on his crossed ankles. I fought to hide my amusement when he stiffened, his back going rigid. He removed his hands from my hair, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes darted to anywhere but my face. He may have been able to take me down without batting an eye, but it was nice to know I could make him squirm.

“In all the spare time I’ve had, I’ve been reading up on your people. According to some ancient lore I dug up, they used to believe Lilitha was the mother of demons—that she was evil and some sort of monster.” Vivid pictures of dark creatures with red eyes and blood dripping from their fangs and claws had accompanied the text I’d studied and the images resurfaced in my mind. I shuddered and Ryker wrinkled his nose, looking down at me like I’d grown a third eye.

“What? So you don’t believe that?”