Page 35 of Demon’s Reign

“He wouldn’t have died, Kaleah—”

“You don’t know that—”

“Actually, I do. It’s why we have trained healers, so you don’t have to foolishly risk your life attempting to use a power you have no idea how to wield!”

Anger rose within me, but I shoved it away. I’d hoped she’d be proud of me for finally not shunning Ryker and for actually succeeding in healing him. I should have known better. “I wasn’t risking my life—”

“Besides our little jaunt to the dungeons, you’ve been in bed the past three days!” The empress slid her fingers under my chin, forcing me to meet her gaze. “Daughter, you must understand my reasoning and hesitation against allowing you to strain yourself in such a way.”

“Because you don’t trust me.”

“No. Because your life will always be more important than anyone else’s.”

I flinched, but searched my mother’s gaze. “Then why did you say I was good for nothing other than to be your heir?”

A frown tugged at her lips. “That wasn’t meant to be an insult, just a fact. It’s what you were born to do, and even if it’s the only thing you’re good for, you are more valuable to me than any earthly possession.”A possession, is that all I am?I tugged away from her grim, hanging my head and she released a heavy sigh. “Unfortunately, that doesn’t change the fact that you are mortal and come with an expiration date. Before the attempt on your father’s life, I was pleased to see you playing nice with your bonded, have you made any headway with him?”

I bit my lip, nausea churning my stomach at the thought of my limited interactions with Ryker. “I-I’m not sure I can do what you require, Mother. I’m scared,” I whispered, baring my soul.

Lilitha clenched her jaw, rubbing her temples. “Kaleah. Subduing a man is not that hard, and there’s nothing to be afraid of. Be grateful that Ryker actually wants you and is compliant. They aren’t all you know.” She scoffed, but her face softened as she touched my arm. “I wouldn’t ask this of you if I didn’t think you couldn’t do it.” Her displeasure bit into me and I closed my eyes, willing myself not to cry.

“If you’re really that nervous, why not ask your sister for some instruction?” she soothed. “She seemed to have no problem conquering that man of hers, and getting pregnant.”

“What?” I gaped, unable to breathe.

A coy smile played at her lips, and she cocked her head. “She hasn’t told you yet? How interesting.”

“Cassie’s…” The words stuck in my throat. Her strange moping behavior from a few days earlier wormed its way into my mind. And she and Alex were always sneaking off to be alone. Was that why? But if she was—why hadn’t she told me? We shared everything. “She told you?”

“Yes. I was made aware of her condition after introducing you both to Daughter’s Brew. After you . . . left in such a hurry, your sister told me she wouldn’t take it because there was no point.”

I stared at my mother, unseeing. Uncomprehending.

“It shouldn’t come as a surprise—she’s been in love with Ariadne’s boy since they were children. It really is a pity she was born with those deformities.” Lilitha sighed. “Without that, she would have been the perfect heir.”

Bile rose in my throat, my insides heaving. “You’re lying,” I cried, finding it to be the only explanation that made any sense. Lilitha’s eyes widened, but I didn’t wait for her excuse and tore down the corridors, my three golems lumbering after me.

Heart pounding against my ribs, panic tightened in my chest, making it hard to breathe. No. I couldn’t believe Lilitha, I wouldn’t. But a tiny voice in the back of my head argued that she had no reason to lie. But why wouldn’t Cassie tell me?

So lost in my torrent of thoughts, I didn’t see him until a dark form peeled from the shadows near the door to my quarters. I jumped back with a squeak and my guards surged around me, Judex stepping between me and—“Ryker?” I peeked around Judex’s side, fighting to calm my racing heart.

My intended stood in the middle of the open hall, wide eyed. A blush burned my cheeks, my mother’s insinuation blaring in my mind, but I did my best to ignore the nagging thoughts and glanced over him, looking for any hint he was still hurt. As usual, his long black hair was pulled back in a braid. His tan skin was clean—free from any blood or healing wounds, and though he looked wary, he didn’t seem to be harboring any residual pain in his expression or stance.Good.

He blinked, and his gaze dropped from Judex to take me in. His handsome face warped into a look of worry and I realized then that my eyes were probably red from the unshed tears I fought to control. He moved his hands in a slow gesture, and I could only assume he was asking if I was okay.

“What are you doing here?” I brushed loose strands of hair from my face, not wanting to answer the question in his eyes. No. I was not okay in any sense of the word. But he didn’t need to know that—no one did.

Shuffling in the pouch attached to his belt, he withdrew a slip of parchment and held it out. I stepped around Judex, and he fell back to my shoulder as I accepted the paper. Reading over the elegant handwriting, I found the note my mother had sent him, requiring his presence in my chambers and a blatant reminder of the agreement in his contract. My breath hitched, her declaration playing on repeat in my mind, and I shuddered.

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I handed the note back. “You know, you didn’t have to come.” I took a deep breath, doing my best to regain my composure. It wouldn’t do for anyone to see me looking like this, much less those I cared about—especially Cassie.

I winced, but with the shock of my mother’s revelation wearing off, I understood that if Cassie hadn’t told me she was pregnant, it was for a reason—although whether that reasoning was sound remained to be seen—and I would wait until she finally did come to me. Yes, it hurt, but I was being selfish thinking that she should have told me first, well, at least second, after Alex.

No matter. I would be strong for her sake, and in the meantime, wait as patiently as I could without revealing what I knew. Squaring my shoulders, I passed by Ryker and opened the door. I’d barely made it through the frame before an excited squeal greeted me, and Cassie came flying across the sitting room where Alex rose from one of the couches.

“You did it! You woke Judex up without turning him into even more of a monster. I knew you could do it.” She reached me, throwing her arms around my neck.

“He’s not a monster.” I relaxed in her arms and returned the hug, pulling her close and holding her a moment longer than usual. She didn’t seem any different—just the same Cassie I’d always known and loved and always would—and yet now that I knew, it was strange to think that with every passing second her body changed and she carried a living, growing child within her. Our lives would never be the same.