Page 10 of Demon’s Reign

“That’s wonderful.” But another thought nagged at me. “If several of Lilitha’s daughters are here, why wasn’t Cassie invited?”

“She was,” Ari’s voice drifted from directly behind me. “But only if she were to conceal her marks.” My shoulders slumped, and Ari’s face fell. No wonder Cassie had wanted to leave with Alex. It was a distraction.

“Kaleah.” The empress beckoned me, and I gave Tarra’s hands a quick squeeze, saying my goodbye. Several others parted out of my way, and I moved to my mother’s side, my eyes glued to the statue-like man.

My mother glided to the young man’s side, a smirk playing about her lips. The empress clapped, and the hum of voices quieted. “Thank you all for gathering here this evening to celebrate this special moment in the future empress’ life. I would like to formally introduce all of you to Ryker. He’s from the outlying province of Lehava and is here to bring honor and fortune to his family as the princess’ intended.”

A murmur of welcome echoed around the room, and the young man bowed, keeping his eyes downcast and half hidden behind his messy bangs. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one wanting to hide tonight.

Ari nudged me and I tripped forward a couple of steps.

“I-I’m pleased to meet you.” I dipped my head, silently urging him to look up. I needed to confirm the truth for myself.

He remained silent. What was he waiting for?

“Come, child. Don’t you want a better look?” Lilitha crooned while light laughter reverberated about us.

My cheeks lit on fire. How could she say something like that with him standing rightthere? Yet Lilitha’s expression remained neutral, and Ryker didn’t react in the least, just continued to stand beside the empress, his head down.

Ari gave me another encouraging nudge. Behind her, Marshal looked on, his lips pulled into an amused grin. Knotting my fingers together, I closed the distance between us. In a quick predatory movement, Ryker lifted his gaze and our eyes finally met.

A strangled noise escaped my throat. I couldn’t breathe. Theywerehis eyes—my would-be assassin’s. The same ones I’d looked into last night and seen my death reflected in. Deep gold surrounded by black, yet they lacked one thing. Hate. It wasn’t there. There was distance and a deep resolve, but no menace or hate.

Heisa good actor.

He smiled—a small, hesitant gesture. Alex was right. With his tan skin, high cheekbones and full lips, hewasbeautiful, in an exotic, fascinating way. But that didn’t change the fact that he wanted me dead.

Fighting to breathe, I stumbled away.


I ignored my mother’s sharp voice. I needed to be anywhere butthere. I shot across the crowded room and barreled out the door. I’d thought I could do it. I thought I could face my fears and win. I’d thought wrong.

Tearing down the halls, I ignored Rocky and Clay lumbering after me, almost surprised that no one else followed or tried to stop me. How could I have been such an idiot? I’d been ninety-nine percent sure who I was going to see, but the second I’d confirmed it, it was like he’d already plunged the poison tipped dagger into my heart.

Why did it even matter? I started ripping the pins out of my hair in an attempt to appease the ache throbbing in my head. My death had been set the moment I’d been born. My impending journey to the Great Beyonds was nothing new to me, so why was I taking this so hard? I couldn’t figure it out, but I couldn’t stop shaking either.

Entering my room, the runed chandelier slowly brightened as I stalked across the empty parlor into our bedroom and threw the handful of pins on the vanity. I stripped off my ridiculous apparel, trading it for a pair of shorts and a simple cotton half-top.Much better.

Restless and feeling trapped, I let myself out the back door, entering the secluded and walled-in garden—my personal sanctuary. Taking a deep breath of the fragrant, earthy, fall air, I hushed my scared and frantic thoughts. With my mind blank, I ran. Pushing myself faster, the warm night air tore at my tresses, whipping silver strands across my face and brushing along my exposed skin in comforting strokes.

Muscle’s straining, my long legs flew, covering the familiar and well-worn path with ease. My heart beat, rapid and strong. I upped my pace. Weaving through the ornamental trees and shrubbery, I fell into a fevered rhythm, sweat beading on my forehead. The moon cast a warm glow on the earth, lighting my way, yet I didn’t need it to know where I was going. I lost track of time, continuing to run laps around the garden as my breath started coming in ragged gasps. Passing my two guards standing on either side of the back door, I completed another circuit.One more round.

Clenching my teeth against the burn in my lungs and the ache in my legs, I kept running.

I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t want to think. Yet my trembling body screamed its exhaustion, nearing its limit. So focused on the path beneath me and keeping one foot moving in front of the other, I didn’t see the obstacle standing in my path before it was too late. I ran full force into it.

The form grunted and strong hands latched onto my upper arms, steadying us both.

What in the seven sins?Who had my golems let in? I struggled for breath while trying to choke out an apology, but my words turned into a scream when I lifted my gaze and came face to face with Ryker.

“You!” I ripped out of his grasp, my fears returning a thousandfold. This was it—the end. Somehow he’d gotten me alone, and he’d come to finish what he’d failed to accomplish last night. I was going to die.

Ryker watched me, the moonlight casting menacing shadows across his features. I froze, shaking so hard my teeth chattered. He moved toward me, continuing to stare, his strange eyes boring into me like a predator watching its prey. He stopped so close I could feel his breath on my skin. I didn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. A heartbeat later, Rocky and Clay appeared on either side of my enemy. Neither drew their weapon, but then again, their bare hands were weapons enough.

Probably less than a minute passed, yet it felt like eternity. Unable to bear his scrutiny any longer, I broke the silence. “Why are you here? What do you want?”

He didn’t move, and his silent criticism danced on my nerves.