Page 8 of Demon’s Reign

“She’s going to meet her intended,” Ari explained, twisting the last of my silver hair up and into place with another pin.

“Already? I thought that wasn’t until next month.” He loosened his hold on Cassie, his emerald gaze meeting mine in the mirror. I looked away, my shoulders slumping, and my sister loyally picked up her earlier tirade, filling him in on the details, their hushed voices murmuring around the room.

Ari came around to face me. “It’ll be okay.” Her delicate fingers lifted my chin.

I attempted a smile, but my lip trembled instead, so I bit down on it, looking away. “Either way, it doesn’t really matter, does it?”

“It does to me. And I believe this upstanding young man is the answer to many of our prayers.”

I finally smiled. Ari’s love knew no bounds, yet I still couldn’t relax because she was wrong. Upstanding was the last thing he was. He must be a good actor. Not many could hide their true intentions from Ari, especially when it came to those she loved.

“Let’s see how you look, shall we?” Ari reached out to take my hand, and I slipped off the stool. Red. It dominated everything. The light skirt flowing around my legs to brush the floor, patterned with golden tongues of fire. The matching half-corset that hugged my chest, leaving my stomach and shoulders exposed. The ruby pins she’d woven through my hair sparkled with the chandelier’s golden light while the makeup on my lips looked like blood and my painted eyelids like flame.

I fought back a grimace. It didn’t matter if I hated it; I wasn’t going to hurt Ari after all the hard work she’d put into following my mother’s orders.

“Beautiful as always,” Ari said, resting her hand lightly on my arm, a deep sadness filling her gaze for a second before she blinked and it was gone. Maybe she wasn’t as fooled as she let on.


“Don’t go.” Cassie wrapped her arms around me from behind, staring over my shoulder in the mirror. “Please. You can ditch him and come explore with Alex and me. You didn’t get to see even half of the festival.”

“I wish I could—”

“You can,” she whined, turning me around to face her.

I took a deep breath. “I went last night and look what happened.”

Cassie’s face fell. “I just wish you could be happy.” Her gaze slipped back to Alex. “And be with someone you actually love.”

“It’s okay, Cassie. As long as you’re safe and happy, I’ll be fine. I’ve never been in love like you, and it doesn’t really matter who I end up with anymore. We’ll know each other all of a month, and then I’ll. . .” I didn’t finish, not wanting to upset her more. “You’re wasting time. Go, have fun.”

Cassie sniffed, giving me one last squeeze before taking a step back. “It’s still not fair.”

“At least you won’t have to worry about what he looks like, Leah,” Alex teased, coming to stand beside Cassie and pulling me into a tight hug. “Knowing Lilitha, he’s bound to be beautiful; she has to consider the next generation.” He winked, and I groaned,notwanting to think about that.

“That’s why she wanted you, Alex,” Cassie cut in, her fire returning. “Good thing Ari wouldn’t even hear of it, cause you’re mine.” She squealed when Alex grabbed her around the waist and spun in a circle before pulling her in close for a kiss.

Ourfootstepsechoedoffthe blackwood walls as I shuffled alongside Ariadne with Rocky and Clay on our heels. Trying to keep my mind off what was to come, I focused on the sconces spaced at even intervals. Their golden light sent shadows over the elaborate paintings beside them, depicting mythical creatures with fangs, horns, and wings.

“You look so much like your mother, Mariah,” Ari murmured, watching me. “I was with her as well when she met your father on her wedding day.” Mariah. It wasn’t a name I heard often. The name of myrealmother and Ari’s best friend. “She was only a month older than you are now,” Ari continued.

“That’s the tradition.” I tried to envision the woman who I saw every day, yet knew almost nothing about. “Bonded at seventeen, bear the next heir and complete the Ascension at eighteen.”

“Yes,” Ari said, tight-lipped. “And hopefully a tradition you’ll be able to continue, the empress willing.”She will be. My hands curled into fists.

“Was my mother scared?” I asked, forever wishing I’d gotten to know the woman whose place I would soon be taking.

Ari chuckled, a quiet, pained sound. “Of course. It’s only natural to be so when meeting a stranger who will be an integral part of the rest of your life.”

“I guess it’s a good thing she fell in love with him.” At least that’s what I’d always been told.

Ari’s face fell. “She was a lot like you, Kaleah. She believed in honor and took her role as heir very seriously. Finding love for Cronus wasn’t part of that responsibility, but it helped. Having him, you, and Cassie with her before the Ascension made everything she did worth it, for love.”

Love. I loved Cassie, Ari, the empress, and even Alex, but all in different ways; yet I’d never loved anyone amorously, and even if I wanted to, it was unlikely I’d get that chance. I’d always harbored a secret hope that, even though I would not get to choose him, like my mother had, I could still find love with the man I was to be bonded to.

Needing a distraction, my eyes lingered on a painting depicting a griffin mid-flight in a lightning storm. Such beautiful creatures.I should go visit Arrow.I’d always wanted to ride one, but of course, it wastoo dangerous. I could just imagine Cassie scoffing. A smile pulled at my lips but disappeared in the next second.

“Mariah!” a booming voice called out, shattering the serenity.