Page 6 of Demon’s Reign

“The assassin was caught last night, Kaleah, you have nothing to worry about.”

I stared at the man, taking in his sunken features. His eyes were a light brown, but nowhere near the same bright gold I’d seen. “That’s not him.”

Lilitha frowned, looking at the mirror before she dropped her power and the image faded. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I whispered, raking my hands through my grimy hair. I would never forget those eyes. “I’m positive that the man I saw from the training room is the—”

“Kaleah,” Ari spoke up, coming to stand on my other side. “You’ve never met an Outlander before, and I’m sure you simply mistook Ryker for the assassin. As you know, we only choose from those who volunteer to be your intended, and this young man freely offered himself. This process has been in the works for a long while, and there is no way he could have been the assassin. Last night, he was undergoing a cleansing ritual in the temple.”

Hmm, exactly the type of alibi an assassin would have.

“There is no need to worry, Kaleah. I have thoroughly vetted him myself, and though he may not be as. . . refined as some of your other options, your mother and I felt that he presented a fortuitous opportunity to mend the rift between our two peoples.”

I flinched at Ari’s use of the wordrefined. I didn’t care if he wasn’t of noble birth. What I did care about was that this was most likely part of some elaborate scheme of the Outlanders to see me dead.

“Why now?” I whispered, struggling to come to terms with the decision my mother had made.

“That’s the other thing I wished to discuss with you,” the empress said, motioning for Ari and I to follow her into the adjoining sitting room. The empress’ familiar scent of lavender and rose wafted through the room. Elaborate tapestries decorated the walls, and several silk-pillow covered couches lined the room.

Cain—the empress’ giant white cobra—sprawled across the furthest couch. His black eyes rested on me, following me like prey. I shuddered.

“Come, sit.” The empress lowered herself onto the couch next to her pet, patting the space beside her. I did as she asked, while Ari took a seat on the couch facing us, her face pinched with worry.

Lilitha’s brow furrowed, causing small creases in the makeup. “We have decided to move up the time of your Ascension.” The room blurred around me, and I struggled to find breath. What? Unable to comprehend her words, I barely caught what she said next. “The Ascension will be performed in one month when you turn seventeen.”

One month. . . one month! The words echoed in my head in rhythm with my heartbeat. A second before, I’d had a whole year left, but. . . one month.

And it wasn’t only about me. My sister’s face flashed across my mind, her vibrant smile and carefree attitude. I couldn’t leave her, not yet. I slumped sideways onto the arm of the couch, shaking. I knew that everything my mother asked of me was for the greater good, but this? “Why?”

The empress rested her hand on my knee, giving it a sympathetic pat. “Child, this is your birthright. Are you having second thoughts? You’ve always been so willing, even excited, to offer yourself as my heir.”

I gulped and looked away. “Nothing’s changed, Mother. Iamhonored to give my life for my people, but so soon? I’m not ready.” I hung my head, swallowing past the lump in my throat.

The empress' cool fingers coiled under my chin, gently pulling my gaze back up to meet hers. “Kaleah, dearest one. I would not ask this of you if I did not think it was for the best. You are no longer safe, even within these walls and under the watch of the golems. If anything were to happen to you. . .” Her lips thinned, worry tightening the lines in her face. It disappeared in an instant, but it was enough to soften my resolve as the basic outline of a desperate plan began to take form in my mind.

“Maybe it doesn’t have to be this way. Please, let me train.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Train for what?”

I glanced between her and Ari, both watching me with confusion. “To fight. To protect myself.” To protect my sister.

“That’s what the golems are for—”

“But they’re not perfect.” I pointed to my cheek where the knife had grazed me, thinking of how utterly useless they were when it came to Cassie. “If I were more skilled, between that and my guards, I’d be that much safer.”

The empress drew back, her eyes narrowing as she considered me for a moment more. “There are still no guarantees. No matter how diligent you are, or how strong you become, something or someone could still make it through your defenses.”

“I can live with that—”

“But I can not, Kaleah. Only I can keep you perfectly safe, and onlyafteryou Ascend and my spirit possess your body. Your life is not your own child, understand that now, if nothing else.”

I bit down on my lip to keep it from trembling and focused on the pain. How could I make her understand? “Please. Just let me try. Give me this month to prove to you that I can keep myself safe. Prove that I’m strong enough to live this last year of my life. If I fail or fall short, then I-I will give myself to you and Ascend without another complaint.”

The empress considered me for a long moment. “You’re positive this is what you want?”

I nodded. What other choice did I have?

“Very well, but it comes with conditions.”