Page 1 of Demon’s Reign


Deadly Encounter

Goldenhate-filledeyesstaredfrom a sea of smiling faces. They reflected the light from countless hanging lanterns strung across the night sky. Cold and calculating, they reminded me of the empress’ pet snake—of a predator.

I blinked, and they were gone, but the unease remained.

Shoving down my trepidation, I took a deep breath. The scent of spices—cinnamon, cloves and ginger—filled my lungs, reminding me of the celebration I was there for and lifting my spirits. I stood just outside the palace’s massive iron gates, the capital’s streets beyond a kaleidoscope of people, dressed in colorful, festive attire. The hum of their voices filled the night air.

The warm harvest wind played with my silver-blonde hair, throwing the loose strands into my face while whipping the silk-skirt around my thighs. I tugged at my matching black half-top, emblazoned with golden suns, and my nerves sang with excitement. Though my guards encircled me, separating me from the crowd, not even their distant, stoic presence could dampen my mood. No, I planned to enjoy the evening to the absolute fullest.

“Kaleah!” a familiar voice called above the clamor, and I spun. A ways off, a young man struggled through the swarm of people, waving his arms. I returned the gesture to the man I considered my brother.

“Alex—” the breath left my lungs as someone rammed into me from behind, their arms tightening around my shoulders.

“About time you got here,” Cassie teased, and I turned in my sister's embrace, fighting the panic that had momentarily grasped me.

“Sorry.” I forced my heart to calm, but couldn’t shake the feeling of still being watched. “It’s difficult to move fast with guards shadowing my every step.” I gestured to the two armored clay golems—their white eyes glowing beneath the visor of their black helmets—and the few guards positioned in a loose formation encircling me, keeping the curious crowd at bay.

Cassie sighed, the silver silk mask covering the lower half of her face and neck concealing the frown reflected in her blue eyes. I fought the urge to rip off the mask our mother insisted she wear in public to conceal her ‘deformities’—a large birthmark that covered her right cheek and ran down the side of her neck. I barely noticed it anymore, and growing up, I had been envious of what the empress deemed my sister’s curse. Yes, because of that pink discoloration on her face, her right to the throne was forfeit and she was forced to hide behind masks in public, but it had also won her the right to freedom. Freedom I would never have.

“Is all this really necessary?” Cassie asked, eyeing the guards.

I smirked. “No, just Mother showing off really.”

“Right? I mean, look at everyone.” She gestured to the surrounding throng. “The only thing you’re in danger of is being loved to death.” I nodded, my skin prickling with unease. How strange to be loved by so many, yet to always feel alone. I readjusted my clothes again, and Cassie swatted my hands away with a laugh. “Stop preening. You look lovely.”

“Easy for you to say. You actually get to wear decent clothing.”

Her blue eyes crinkled, and she ran her hands over the midnight blue dress that hugged her slim figure. Silver stars brushed it in a rich design, the moon’s many stages embroidered from her shoulder in a diagonal pattern across her chest to her hip. Although short sleeved and split along the leg, the dress covered her well from her neck to her knees.

“It’s not like you wear much more on a normal day, Kaleah.”

“Not by choice. Besides, today’s anything but a ‘normal day’.” I wrapped my arms around my exposed midriff where a single gold chain with a sun medallion rested. No, normally I didn’t mind wearing the revealing outfits the empress had fashioned for me, butnormally, hidden away in the palace, there was no one to see but the servants, my sister and of course Lilitha—they were for her enjoyment after all.

“Lilitha does love to show off your body, doesn’t she?” Cassie scoffed.

“You meanherbody.”

A dark look crossed my sister’s face as her gaze narrowed.

“Are you excited Alex gets to accompany us tonight?” It was a stupid question, but like I hoped, it removed my sister’s mind from her troubled thoughts.

“Of course! Why do you think I got all dressed up?” She tossed her long, golden hair over her shoulder with a laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh with her. Cassie may have been my twin, but she was also my opposite. It would have been far more fitting to have swapped garments. With her golden hair and fawn complexion, she was much closer to the vibrant sun, whereas my silver hair and pale skin aligned more with the moon.

“Hey, Leah.” Alex finally made it through the jostling crowd to our side, offering me a slight bow that I scowled at.

“Where’s my hug?”

He straightened, brushing dark auburn hair from his face, and winked. “I’m on official guard duty tonight.”

I took in his black leather tunic—the royal insignia of a sun, moon, and stars entwined on the chest—and the sword belted at his side with appreciation. “Good, I’m glad someone is assigned to watch after my sister.”

“I don’t need looking after,” Cassie said, crossing her arms and making me smile. “But no matter, let’s enjoy this night! The Harvest Festival might last a week, but I doubt the empress will let you come enjoy the festivities again.” She slid one arm around mine and the other through Alex’s, pulling us forward.

“One night is more than I expected,” I admitted, unable to pry my gaze from the bright displays surrounding us. The cobbled street leading deeper into the city of Celeste was packed on both sides, people dressed in every hue. Bright flags and banners with celestial bodies embroidered on them flapped in the wind. Thousands of hand crafted paper lanterns shaped like dragons, griffins, unicorns and other unique forms lit the night sky, basking everything in a warm glow. They hung from the elaborate shops and homes we passed and were strung back-and-forth on strings of runed lights overhead.

Children’s laughs and squeals rose above the chatter and drums. They darted through the street, chasing one another with sparkling sticks before disappearing once again into the throng. My heart swelled. During this harvest season, with so much abundance and prosperity, they had much to celebrate. All thanks to the blessing of Empress Lilitha.