Page 77 of Fated Crossing

He frowns but says nothing else before stepping aside, allowing me to exit.

I spin around before we leave. “Goodbye, Delphina. I hope to see you again someday.”

She smiles prettily, her dark curly hair bouncing as she strides over to embrace me. “We’ll see each other again soon.”

In the main courtyard, the kings and their guards have gathered, having made the trip to witness the ritual. A covered wagon waits just inside the gate with a lock on the back door, and my heart lurches at the sight. Reagan touches my arm. “Yes, he’s in there, but don’t go over. You don’t want to draw any more attention than is necessary.”

All I want is to burn away the wagon and chains surrounding Isiah, but Reagan is right. Instead, I brush the bond.“Are you all right?”

“Never better. Let’s get this over with so we can take the relics and destroy them.”

I wish I had half the confidence in my ability as he does.

“You can and will do this. Remember who you are and what you’re capable of.”

His words bolster me. I send warmth across the bond and grin as coolness feathers across my mind, sending tingles shooting along my spine.

Reagan leads me to a saddled horse, and I stop. “Reagan… I never learned to ride.”

“That is why you are coming with me.” Niethal approaches, grinning. He reaches a hand toward me, but I make no move to take it.

“I would rather walk.”

He huffs and takes my hand anyway, guiding me toward the front of the gathering. “We won’t be riding, my dear. You and I will fade to the border, and from there, I’ll open a crossing to your beloved human realm, near where Anaeris once stood. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.”

I dig my heels into the ground. “You’re going to fade both of us?” My pulse races at the thought. Using the crossings was one thing, but fading… “Can you even do that?”

He smirks. “Guess we will find out.” He tugs on my hand again, and I sigh. Running away would serve no purpose but to be childish, so reluctantly, I follow.

As we pass King Holford, Niethal says to him, “Open the crossing where I told you. We will meet you in the human realm.” He turns to the others, pulling his shoulders back and lifting his chin. “Today, we reclaim what is rightfully ours and free ourselves from the borders the once king and queen locked us behind. Once Anaeris is open, we will take back everything!”

Everyone in the courtyard cheers atop their horses before galloping past us through the main gate toward the city below. The wagon carrying Isiah bumps along the cobblestone, and I push warmth across the bond as it winds down the hill.

What the people will think, seeing the kings in one place—all buttheirking.

Niethal squeezes my hand. “You will need to hold on to me when we fade.”

I glare at him. “This isn’t enough?” I shake our joined hands, and he laughs.

“As much as I enjoy this, you need to be much closer. I would hate for you to fall inside the fade. Who knows where you might end up?”

Icy fingers trail along my neck. “That’s a possibility?”

My fear must amuse him because he grins as he wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me firmly against his chest. “Only if you let go. So I suggest you hold on tight.” I grip his waist, but being this close, having his body pressed to mine, reminds me of the kiss we shared. Of how easily I softened into his embrace, into his trap. He leans down, his breath fanning my cheek as he whispers, “I’ve often imagined what I’d do once you were in my armsagain. Though this is a slightly different scenario, we could make it work.”

I sneer and shift away slightly, and he chuckles before darkness drifts in and swallows us.

Wind whips my hair around my head, and my stomach heaves as the ground beneath my feet disappears. My eyes might be open, but I can’t be sure. This darkness is absolute. But these shadows are nothing like Isiah’s. No life, no control—only cold nothingness. As if this is the void between our world and whatever space we travel through.

Solid ground forms beneath my feet again, and the black disappears as if it never were. I all but leap out of Niethal’s embrace, putting as much distance between us as possible. Niethal only grins before waving a hand in the air, searching for the border.

As he does, I take in the countryside, flower fields, and smells. It reminds me of Selen, with woods surrounding vast open pastures. Most of the fields are planted with crops, but a few are filled with wildflowers. I can almost imagine myself walking through them, allowing the petals to caress my palms as I pass, their sweet perfume filling my nose.

I close my eyes and let my imagination play.

Sweat beads on my forehead as the air hangs heavy with the scent of flowers. Laughter rings in my ears from both myself and the four boys with me.Boys? The realization sinks in of what this is. It’s a memory—and not my own, but Isiah’s. His thoughts flow through me, and there’s a warmth associated with them. We play a game, keeping out of each other’s reach by dodging and rolling away. The boys are familiar now: Thom, Mikal, Liam, and Corren. They’re so young—no older than twelve, if I had to guess.

The kings’ procession must not be far off because Isiah notices me in his memories and smiles through the bond.“This is the Daminae I wanted you to know. Not the ugliness of politics and war.”