Page 75 of Fated Crossing

“All right, I’ll do what I can. It’s time for us to go, Grace.” He takes a couple of steps down the hallway, giving us the illusion of privacy.

So I brush the bond instead.

“This is only the beginning of our story. We would not be bound like this if we weren’t meant to be together. I promise you now, Grace, I will always be there for you.”

She leans forward and closes her eyes.“I will hold you to that promise, of now and always.”

My lips meet hers and linger, committing to memory their feel on mine. When we pull away, our gazes meet with a shared sadness between them.

“Come, Grace. There will be plenty of time for this reunion if we are successful. You’ll see him again soon.”

She steps away from the bars, holding my gaze for a moment longer before turning.

I watch as she walks down the corridor toward Reagan, away from me.

“So just like that, we are trusting him,” Mikal says bitterly from his cell. “The male who captured Grace in the first place, who likely helped sack the castle.”

I tip my head back and gaze skyward, or where the sky would be if I weren’t locked in thisfuckingcell. “What choice do we have? We’re stuck here until he lets us out. Better to work with Reagan than take our chances on our own. You know these cells as well as I do, Mikal. We won’t get out of here without his help.”

A moment of silence passes before he groans. “Fine, but I amnotrunning plans by him.”

“That’s fine by me. I already have plans for you and the others once your gates are unlocked. I’ll be with Grace, but you, Corren, Liam, and Thom are to flee the castle and wait at the border of Daminae. Grace and I will either use a crossing to meet you or come on foot once the borders are down.”

“All right, I can get behind that. Where do we go once we’re all together?”

“The human lands seem like the best choice. Niethal isn’t as familiar with them, and there will be fewer eyes to report our whereabouts. The other kingdoms are out of the question since they’ve declared for his cause. Daminae is the last holdout.”

The sound of Mikal’s pacing steps echoes off the stone walls. “I can’t wait to get out of here. If I never see the inside of a cell again, I’ll be overjoyed.” His steps stop. “Do you think Grace will be ready soon? They have been practicing for a few days now. She must have made progress.”

I let out a long exhale. “She said Niethal is confident she has it down. So it could be any day now.”

It’s been three days since Grace visited, and every minute since has dragged. I wish she would visit again but drawing Niethal’s attention is a bad idea.

We lapse into silence, and with nothing else to do, I lie on the cot and rest my eyes.

Time passes, and I imagine hearing footsteps bouncing off the corridor walls. It could be a cat, for all I know. Everything down here echoes terribly. But when I hearhisvoice, I shoot off the cot.

“How the mighty have fallen,KingIsiah,” Niethal drawls from the other side of the bars.

“What do you want?” Each word comes out clipped, with an edge sharp enough to stab him.

“I came to visit the new king of Daminae and see where he stands.” His eyes dart around the tiny cell, and his nose wrinkles before looking at me. “Or, rather, rots. Grace has so courteously extended our bargain to include your safety, much to my disappointment. But I am a male of my word and always follow through on my bargains.” He grins, and I clench my teeth so hard I’m afraid they’ll shatter.

“I’m here to extend a peace offering, Isiah. Agree to help conquer the human realm, and I will allow you to rule on your family throne. The answer should be simple.”

It is simple. Only my answer is not one he wants. I stay silent.

He wants nothing more than power over those around him. His weight shifts between his feet, the only sign of his impatience. Still, I keep quiet, and his lips press together into a white slash. “You would do well to think quickly. In one day, Grace will open Anaeris and drop the borders surrounding our kingdoms. Esmarae will unite under fae rule, and you either stand with us or not at all. Choose wisely. I would hate to give Grace bad news on our wedding night.”

I lunge at the bars, wanting to wipe the smug smile off his face.

Fucking prick.

He snickers as he turns to leave. “One more day, Isiah. You know what you should do, even if it chafes your honor. We do not need to be enemies as your father and I were. We can reestablish Esmarae in our image.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You mean inyourimage? Tell me, Niethal, what happens once the borders are down and you open Anaeris? The other kings can’t honestly believe you will allow them to rule as they do now. After what you did to my father, I’d think they would know better.”

Niethal faces me and sneers. “The other kings would do well to follow orders and see the lesson your father was. Do not act as if you understand everything.” He stalks toward my cell and grabs the bars, leaning his face closer. “Did you know your father’s spies found the Ossano long before you, and that he knew they were connected to Anaeris? For every year I watched and waited for the magic heir, for Grace, to emerge, so did your father.”