Page 5 of Fated Crossing

He squeezes my arm and holds my gaze, sympathy in his own. “Do not be too sad, my dear. You will have your own room and are free to roam wherever you desire within my lands. You are not a prisoner. I am glad you are here. It’s been a long time since a human entered Selen. I forgot how amusingyour emotions are.”I frown,and his eyes twinkle with mischief. “Yes, much like that. Every feeling that crosses your mind crosses your face—you’re an open book.”

Openbook. As if I am some sort of new doll to gawk at. “Well, I will do my best to stay out of the way while I’m here.”

He frowns and shakes his head. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s quite refreshing. You will soon learn we fae are insipid creatures. Our immortal lives dampen our emotions, so watching joy and confusion cross your face in a matter of seconds is enchanting.”

A cool sensation tingles where his hand still lingers on my arm, and when I glance up at him, silver flecks sparkle in his gray eyes. “Never mind the servant. I’ll escort you myself.”

He lifts his arm in offering and I take it, allowing him tolead me out of the room.




are for a drink, Isiah?” my father asks as he brings a glass filled with an amber-colored liquid to his lips.

“Isn’t it a bit early to be in your drink already, Father?”

He glares at me as I walk the span of the table toward my seat. He has always liked his whiskey a little too much; my mother says the same. But unfortunately, she is nowhere to be found this morning, so I have the misfortune of eating breakfast alone with my father.


He scoffs and beckons me forward. “Sit, Isiah. We have much to discuss. This is a drink of celebration.”

Celebration? I survey him. He isn’t wearing his surcoat or crown, so no announcements are scheduled for court. He’s in his usual attire: a black tunic with our family sigil, a blazing sun embroidered in red on the chest, and black trousers. His short dark hair is pushed back, showing his sharp jaw and straight nose. It’s like looking in a mirror, apart from my green eyes. Those I inherited from my mother.

I take my seat and notice his untouched breakfast plate. If I am going to suffer through his drunken ramblings, I’ll at least fill my stomach with delicious food. Grabbing an empty dish, I pile heaping scoops of eggs and bacon from the center of the table. A servant leans over my shoulder and fills a cup with hot tea. The first bite of bacon is bliss as the warm, savory flavor fills my mouth, already easing the unpleasantness of his company.

“We are celebrating because King Grager is hosting a ball for the five kingdoms, and you are going in my stead,” he says gleefully, and I nearly choke on my food.

Niethal Grager rarely shows interest in the other kingdoms. His only concern is within his borders, which he rarely leaves, yet he invited the other kingdoms to Selen for a ball?Something isn’t adding up.

“What is this about, Father? What exactly did the invite say?”

“Always with the questions. Your king says you are to go, so you go!” he shouts, slurring his words. It appears he may have been in his cups earlier than I thought. “If you must know, Niethal wrote about celebrating a newly acquired treasure.” Irritation flashes across his face before he continues. “And regardless of what it turns out to be, you will attend and be on your best behavior. Maybe you’ll make the acquaintance of a lovely princess and do your duty of producing heirs to continue our legacy. You, my son and only child, are the future of Daminae. You ought to show more excitement for this opportunity.”

“Yes, Father, I can hardly wait.” I roll my eyes and take a bite of eggs.

Opportunity, my ass.

He speaks of my reign like it is something I want. The only thing I want is for him to live another millennium so I can continue to avoid it.

He takes another sip of his drink and sighs. “You will realize, Isiah, this kingdom will be yours eventually, whether or not you want it. Having heirs is essential. Your mother understood that and did her duty, as will you.”

A soft feminine laugh sounds from the doorway, and my father and I turn.

“Yes, I didmy duty. But whenever you find the female you wish to marry, Isiah, do so for love, not for continuing the family line,” my mother says as she sweeps into the room. The length of her red gown softly swishes as she crosses the floor in my direction. She leans down, and her long blond hair fans my cheek as she kisses my brow.“Sorry if I’m interrupting something important.”

She turns to my father, and he scowls.

“I was just telling the boy—”

“Ourson, the crown prince of Daminae.” Her smile turns fierce, and he shifts uncomfortably in his chair.

“Ourson, the importance of our legacy. It seems I am the only one concerned with continuing the Thorne line.” He takes another sip from his glass, and my mother’s eyes track the movement.

“Isiah will meet the right person one day, but it won’t be out of obligation to continue our legacy. I would not want that for him, and I hope you wouldn’t either.”