Page 59 of Fated Crossing

“We should get some rest,” I say as I stand from the log. “Two hours now and possibly another closer to Thorne.”

“I can take first watch,” Liam says.

“I’ll guard with him.” Corren stands and walks with Liam toward the perimeter of our small clearing.

I search for a spot that isn’t completely covered in ash but fail miserably. Tugging Grace’s hand, I invite her to the ground, and we lie down. She scoots in close, molding her backside to my front.

My forehead rests against the back of her head.“I’m sorry that happened. But I am most sorry I didn’t hear you when you called, that I wasn’t there to help.”

She pushes warmth back with her words.“You were there with me. Niethal may have ordered Reagan to train me with my magic, but you were the reason I dared to try. I remembered what you said, how magic has always been a part of who I am. And you were right. Once I stopped fighting against it, the magic came easily. So while you may not have been in that room, you were the reason I left it alive.”

I kiss the top of her head and pull her in closer. We say nothing else. We simply fall asleep in each other’s arms.

After only a brief rest, we are up and riding again—the next several hours through the dark woods blend. The gentle rock of the horse all but lulls me to sleep.

I’m exhausted, and Grace appears no more rested.

“Close your eyes for a bit. I promise not to let you fall.”

When she doesn’t respond, I think she may have fallen asleep, but then her words pass into my mind.“Every time my eyes close, I imagine Niethal catching up to us. I won’t sleep well until we are behind castle walls.”

I understand completely. Being out here, away from the walls of Thorne, makes me restless too, no matter how tired I am.

“Dawn isn’t too far off now. The castle should come into view within the next hour.”

Images of Thorne cross the bond, where red-brick homes and small shops line the pristine cobblestone streets. Lanterns hang from posts, and small trees line the roads that lead up the hill to the castle—to my home.

The castle’s black granite walls stand out during the day, but at night they are nearly invisible. And the image I send shows the castle walls sparkling like stars against the night sky as the sun breaks over the horizon. It may not be as grand as Niethal’s castle, but the inside is warm and welcoming, with jewel tones and soft fabrics, thanks to my mother’s touch.

I push the image and all I love about it through the bond, so maybe she’ll fall in love with it too.

“I can’t wait to see it for myself.”She leans back into my chest and closes her eyes.

After a few minutes of riding in silence, her breathing evens out, and I smile, realizing she’s fallen asleep.

Thorne is over the next hill, and the eagerness to be home is overwhelming, especially now that I’m bringing Grace with me. As the sun creeps over the horizon, I nudge her so she can see it just as I showed her. She yawns and stretches her arms wide before straightening to get a better look.

The sun blazes off the castle walls as I remembered, but so do large fires.

I crack the reins and launch into a full gallop. Something’s happened at home, and I need to get there.Now.

My horse thunders along the cobblestone streets. There are no guards in sight as we race past the castle’s perimeter wall and up the hill, and fly through the main gates. Whipping the horse around the fountain in the courtyard’s center, I halt and jump down, drawing my sword.

Grace looks at me with a harried, wild expression as each of my friends dismounts and draws their blades.

I turn to Mikal. “Take Grace and get to safety. You know where to go.” My next exhale comes out shaky, readiness flooding my system. I brush the bond, afraid any spoken words will only cause her more panic.“Go with Mikal and be safe. I will meet you soon.”

Anxiety rolls through her, along with hesitation at leaving.

Mikal climbs onto my horse in front of Grace and, without waiting another moment, cracks the reins and rides back down the road. She looks over her shoulder wide-eyed, but I can’t do anything more than get her to safety. I won’t put her at risk for whatever lies inside.

With swords drawn, Liam, Corren, Thom, and I silently march into the castle—into my home.


