Page 56 of Fated Crossing

There is still so much I don’t know about the crossings, and I can’t trust what Niethal told me to be true. I glance over my shoulder at Isiah. “Explain the crossings to me so I understand what I’m about to walk into this time.”

He frowns a little before beginning. “Crossings are points in the border magic where we can create portals to another border. Think of it as opening a doorway to another room, except the other room is far away. Crossings can access the human realm as well, though only the kings can open them.”

I knew Niethal lied, but hearing it spelled out hurts all over again. “So Niethal could have called one at any point.”

Isiah puts his hand on my chin and turns my face toward his. “I won’t lie to you, Grace, ever. I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and out of his reach. If that means returning to the human realm, I’ll have my father open a crossing for you. And if you’ll allow it, I’ll go with you.”

His words soothe the old ache.

“What if I want to sail across the sea somewhere new, to a place where no one knows who I am? Would you leave your kingdom? You’re next in line to be king—the sole heir. Would you leave that behind to go with me?”

He leans down and kisses me, backing only inches away before responding, “I would follow you anywhere. To the edges of this world and beyond. I have no desire to be the king of Daminae if you are not with me.”

I rest my forehead against his cheek. As long as he’s with me, I can do this.

The blond male gallops next to us. “We should be able to cross here, Isiah.”

The male stops his horse, dismounts, and steps into the open field. He reaches a hand skyward, and the air shimmers against his touch. It’s like water after you’ve thrown a stone in, rippling out from the point of contact.

Isiah and I dismount, and he hands our horse’s reins to one of his friends before pushing his hand into the invisible barrier. Dark shadows flow over his fingers, and he whispers words in a language I don’t understand, but I sense the pulse of magic. The air around his hand crystallizes and falls away, opening a large black hole. It’s as if the darkness of the void swallows the sunshine.

The first of his friends leads a horse into the opening and disappears. Nothing else happens, and I frown. I thoughtitwould spark or flash—something dramatic. I’m not sure why I expected it to bemore.

The other three males disappear into the crossing, leaving only Isiah and me.

“Ready?” He holds out his hand, and I grab it without hesitation.

A twinge of unease stirs in my chest at the idea of using a crossing again, but I’ve followed Isiah this far. I will follow him through the rest.

We walk into the crossing together.




race’s grip on my hand is firm, but she doesn’t hesitate as we enter the crossing. It takes only a breath before we’re on the other side. She sways as we come through.

“You get used to it.”

She looks up at me and blinks a few times. “It was better than the first time. I suppose knowing you’re walking through a magical portal makes a difference.”

The fact Niethal tried to trap her reminds me I need to kill him along with Ellis.

At least her fae heritage has helped her heal quickly. The bruise on her cheek has already faded to a purplish green.

We need to keep moving in case Niethal risks crossing without informing my father first.

“Saddle up. I want to be at the castle by dawn.”

We’ll have to ride through the night, but I’ll rest much easier once we are out of the woods. They’re too much like the forests in Selen—Niethal and his men would have no problem tracking us.

I help Grace into the saddle and climb up behind her. The pace is much slower this time; too many roots and debris litter the ground for the horses to go faster than a walk.

Mikal and Liam lead, while Corren and Thom bring up the rear, leaving Grace and me in the middle. I’d prefer more privacy, but I’ll take what I can get.

I reach around Grace, taking the reins in one hand and resting the other on her hip. Her spine straightens before relaxing back into me. Every place our bodies touch sets my nerve endings on fire. My lips brush the shell of her ear as I whisper, “Lean back any closer, and you’ll find how much I enjoy riding with you.”