Page 52 of Fated Crossing




ear something comfortable. That’s all I was told for you.”

That’s unusual. Delphina usually knows more of what I’m doing for the day. But I’m short a night’s sleep thanks to Isiah, so instead of questioning her more, I grab the first comfortable thing in the armoire—a red short-sleeved blouse and black leggings—and get dressed. It’s a warm morning, so it’ll be nice not to wear a heavy gown. She makes quick work of braiding my hair.

I will probably be training this morning, though I wish I’d taken Isiah’s advice and gotten more sleep. I tried, but all I could think about was last night. A smile creeps up my face at the memory. It will be a long day, but the thought of seeing Isiah gives me something to look forward to.

“Are you ready to go, Grace?”

I nod, and she knocks on the door twice. The lock clicks, and when the door swings open, Ellis stands in the hall waiting for us. Of all Niethal’s guards, he’s the one who likes me the least, and I don’t know why.

Delphina scowls. “I was told Reagan would escort Grace this morning.”

His face reddens, and he bristles. “Yes, well, things change. What difference does it make? Lady Grace will end up where she is meant to be.”

What did I do to make him dislike me so much? At least Reagan seems mildly fond of me.

“It’s fine, Delphina. I’m sure Reagan will find me soon.”

“All right. I’ll see you back here before the meeting at eleven.” She glances at Ellis once more and frowns before leaving.

“Come on, let’s go.” Ellis stomps down the hall, not waiting to see if I follow.


I hurry to catch up. “What are we doing this morning? Training?”

He doesn’t acknowledge I’ve spoken; he just keeps walking in silence. If he doesn’t want to talk, that’s fine. He isn’t great company anyway.

We make our way toward the training room, but I slow when he passes it. “Ellis, where are we going?”

He finally stops and turns to face me with a sneer. “Do youeverstop with the questions? It’s only a little farther.Follow.”

He turns and walks again, but as he does, my eyes latch onto several marks sticking out under the collar of his tunic. They are red and weepy, like fresh cuts.

He goes through a narrow doorway that leads beneath the castle. Unease twists my gut, and I don’t move.

When he turns and sees, he bares his teeth.“Move.”

But I don’t. Instead, I take a step back.

He snarls and stalks toward me. “If you don’t move on your own, I’llfuckingcarry you. Now,move!” He shoves me hard, and I stumble forward towards the doorway.

Now that he’s behind me, he blocks any exit I may have had.

My feet drag along the floor—I don’t want to go down those stairs.

I reach out to Isiah but instantly recoil. His mind brims with beasts covered in darkness; their claws slash, trying to break free of their bindings. And the howls. This is nothing like his normal shadows. These are filled with creatures I have no name for, and Isiah is lost in their darkness. I reach out again, but this time when the howls sound, I swear they call my name.

The cold realization sinks in—Isiah can’t help me.

Heat licks up my palms, ready to lash out, when Ellis grips the back of my neck. “There will be none of that. Put the fire away, or I’ll knock you unconscious.”

A terrible wave of fear sweeps over me; there’s no escape.