Page 42 of Fated Crossing

“Well, I can’t say with how you’re smiling that I will.”

He takes my hand and kisses it before pulling me forward. “Follow me.”




shouldn’t laugh, but I had to think of a way to wash my scent off her, though it pained me to do so. Grace didn’t question when I led her to the courtyard or when I said to splash in the fountain—but a light splashing wouldn’t be enough, so I picked her up and tossed her in. The shock on her face as she flew through the air was almost enough to make me feel bad—almost.

Looking at her now, the only thing I can think about is jumping in the fountain and kissing her, but that would end with me having her again right here, in the middle of the courtyard.

I lean into her lips once more. I can’t help myself. “I should go.” Hovering inches from her face, I meet her gaze and it’s as if the world around ceases to exist. There is only us.

“You should,” she responds, though neither of us moves.

I take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of us lingering on her skin, and stand. “Swim around a bit and wash between your legs. You wouldn’t want to miss there. Actually, I could help you with that.”

Her voice becomes husky as a slight flush spreads across her face. “Again, if you are trying to convince me to go back, you are doing a really,reallyterrible job.”

The heat in her eyes sends a throbbing ache through my cock. Something inside me changed when I was deep inside her. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to find where I ended, and she began. It marked me, and now there’s a place in my mind that is solely hers.

“Soon, Grace. I will have you againverysoon.” The promise in my words hangs in the air between us.

“Fine, be that way.” She splashes, and I jump back, laughing. She is a light in my life I didn’t know was missing until now.

“Wash up, love, and I’ll see you back in the parlor. You have your story straight, right?”

“Yes,” she grumbles. “I lost Ellis, then got lost trying to find my way back. When I came out to the courtyard for fresh air, Iaccidentallyfell backward into the fountain.”

“Believable enough.”

She sticks out her tongue, and I lean toward her, wanting to put it to good use, but stop myself. I need to go. If anyone sees us, this will have been for nothing. “See you soon.”

The image of her sitting in the fountain is stamped in my mind, and it makes me grin as I walk away.

Now to find my brothers.

“You two did what?”

I clamp a hand over Mikal’s mouth and silence him.

We’re in the main foyer, and I’m sure our voices carry down every hallway.

I remove my hand and this time when Mikal speaks, he thankfully remembers to whisper, “That’s why you needed the distraction? You sneakybastard! I hope it was worth it.” He claps me hard on the shoulder.

“Oh, it was. But I need both of your help with one more thing,”

“Does it involve lighting more fires to draw away unwanted attention? Because if so, I will gladly accept,” Mikal murmurs in a hushed, excited tone, and I shake my head.

“Unfortunately, no. First, I need to change out of these clothes and wash some of Grace’s scent off me. After that, you will walk back with me, so the kings will see us together, thus giving me an excuse for my prolonged absence. Grace is taking care of things on her end.”

Could she have made it to the parlor yet? Or perhaps she stopped at her room first to change out of that purple gown. I wouldn’t mind burning it and having her wear the gold dress from the ball again. Or we could stay in her room—

“You still with us, Isiah? You need to focus and think of her later.” Thom’s words come out strained. “It’s a dangerous game you’re playing. Niethal won’t take kindly to you two sneaking around behind his back. He isn’t the type to give up what he believes to be his.”

He says this out of caution, but it grates my nerves, and I snap. “Grace is not a possession to be had!”