Page 39 of Fated Crossing

I drop my hand. “No. I just remembered something amusing Delphina told me earlier. Nothing important, my apologies,” I say with my head down, watching him through my lashes.

Niethal squints but doesn’t push the issue further. “Well, prince, if you had troubles out west, they have not reached my ears. So please, enlighten me. What adventures did you and your companions have?”

Isiah glances at the other kings before looking at Niethal again, as if suggesting they have an audience. Apparently, Niethal doesn’t care, so Isiah says, “We reached the far west of your lands and took a walk in the woods to stretch our legs. Once we entered, though, we discovered we were not alone.” He settles back in his chair and clasps his chin, tapping his lips with a finger. “Have you seen the creatures in there? Did you know about them, the Ossano?”

The other kings’ and ladies’ conversations quiet.

Niethal takes his time lifting his glass of wine, taking a long drink before responding. “Yes, I know they are there. They have been for nearly twenty-five years now. They mostly keep to themselves, so why bother them?” He shrugs and takes another sip.

“What are the Ossano?” King Briar asks.

Niethal blows out a noisy breath. “I believe the Ossano were something else once. Everything that grows in the West Woods seems to be affected by proximity to where Anaeris once stood, to the blood magic surrounding it. The trees grow denser, more twisted and bent. The Ossano are one of those…mutations.They’re intelligent, from what I have gathered. Many of the soldiers who have studied them either don’t make it out alive or, if they do, they tell tales of how the Ossano would hunt in a pack and pick them off one by one.” He speaks casually, as if having mutated beasts roam his lands is normal.

“Why did you not share this information with the rest of us?” King Tullid asks incredulously. “Some new creatures lurk in the woods, and you keep it to yourself?”

Niethal slams his fist on the table, his nostrils flaring. “I did not tell you because they are on my lands, and what happens on my lands is none of your concern.”

A heavy silence hangs over the room. I’ve never seen his temper come out in front of the other kings, and it would seem they haven’t either. King Tullid’s mouth hangs agape while King Briar and Holford glance at each other and frown.

Niethal closes his eyes and exhales loudly before continuing, this time in a soothing voice, “My apologies to you all. It has been a long day. I did not mean to lash out.” He speaks with enough remorse that everyone visibly relaxes—all except for Isiah, who is still studying him. “The Ossano keep to the area of the West Woods. I have had no reports of them outside of there. If I ever do, I will let you all know at once.”

And just like that, he’s the charming king once more.

I need more than Niethal’s explanation, so I ask Isiah through the bond,“The Ossano, is that what happened to your shoulder? How do you know what they are?”

Isiah takes a bite of food before answering,“Before our ride, we stopped at the library to find maps of Selen. The librarian was the one who pointed us toward the West Woods, so once we returned, I stopped back in to see why.”He takes a long sip of his wine, looking uninterested in the surrounding conversation, and continues,“He wasn’t forthcoming with his reasons but told me about the creatures we encountered. He said they were once the guards who protected Gabriel and Alessandra Anaeris, but the blood magic used to seal the city altered them. Now, whether that is truth or legend, I can’t say, but the librarian is ancient so it could be true. To answer your other question, I’m fine. The wounds healed quick enough, though it left these marks. Liam believes they’ll fade.”

“Who’s Liam? One of your guards?”

“Please don’t let him hear you say that. I’ll never hear the end of it. Officially, those who came with me are my guards, but they’re also my friends. I can introduce you, though I warn you, you may wish I hadn’t. They are… well, I’ll let you form your own opinions.”A wave of fondness accompanies his words, telling me just how important they are to him.

“I would like that.”

Dinner moves by uneventfully after that. There’s no more talk of the Ossano, Anaeris, or relics. They bring courses out. The kings and ladies chatter about their kingdoms, politics, and nobles I don’t know, but I listen anyway, cataloging everything for later.

After dessert, Niethal lifts his glass. “May I offer a toast to the future of our kingdoms and the woman who will make it all possible?” He looks directly at me. “To my lovely Grace.” He raises his glass, and the table echoes his sentiment.

Avoiding their eyes, I lift my glass and pretend to sip. The wine smells delicious, but the warning from Delphina rings in my head. When I peer around the table, King Holford stares at me. I smile, but he quickly averts his gaze.

“If you would join me in the parlor for drinks, we can further discuss our business there.” Niethal stands, and the kings and ladies follow suit.

He offers me his hand, but I stay seated. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Niethal frowns at me, but before he questions why, I continue, “I’d like to freshen up in the washroom before joining everyone.”

He reluctantly nods. “Very well. Ellis will escort you when you are ready.” He walks toward the other kings but stops briefly, looking back with a slight frown before leaving.

Once everyone is gone, I leave and find Ellis waiting at the door for me, a scowl on his face.


“I’d like to freshen up. Can you show me to the nearest washroom?”

He doesn’t respond before marching down the hall opposite where the others went. We head up a short staircase before stopping in front of what must be the washroom.

Inside, a fainting couch sits in the small entry, and along the far wall are two small washbasins with mirrors. I lean heavily on the first washbasin, and stare at my reflection. The woman gazing back looks like me but no longer feels like me. Gold mixes with the blue and green of my eyes, swirling and pulsing as if lit from within. Who I am now, who I’m becoming, is not bad, just… different.

What troubles me now is Niethal. He plans to use me to bring down the borders. I knew this, and like afool, I let him kiss me. What’s worse is I kissed him back. The memory of his lips on mine creates a pit in my stomach, which infuriates me.

My shoulders straighten, and I stand taller in the mirror. I am no longer that lonely girl from Trimton. She burned away on the dais. It only took me this long to realize. I am far more than that now. What was it he called me?Firebird. Whatever attraction is between us isn’t enough to make me a willing puppet.